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BDFA Round 1 - Saturday May 24, 1930
Griffith bye
BDFA Round 2 -  Saturday May 31, 1930 at Griffith
Griffith vs Barellan

BDFA Round 3 - Saturday June 14, 1930 at Griffith
Griffith vs Kamarah

BDFA Round 4 -  Saturday June 21, 1930 at Yenda Oval
Yenda vs Griffith

BDFA Round 5 -  Saturday June 28, 1930
Griffith bye
Griffith will strain every effort on Saturday when they meet the strong Barellan eighteen on the Barellan ground. The best team possible has now been roped in and a very exciting contest should eventuate. Umpire Hollow, of Melbourne, will control the game.
Cars will leave from side of the Rural Bank, Griffith, and players are requested to assemble at 1 p.m.
The following team has been selected to represent Griffith:- F. Polkinghorne (capt.), J. Connell, Yates (2), W. Wade, J. Daines, F. Ford, M. Howe, W. Cameron, Fitzmead, K. Pierce, W. McNamara, D. Foley, J. Whelan, J. Collis, H. Lockhart, J. McCarthy, C. Kurtz, 19th man, A. Linde. Emergencies, C. Cameron, E. Dempsey, P. Coggan.
(The Area News - Thursday July 3, 1930).

BDFA Round 6 - Saturday July 5, 1930 at Barellan Sportsground
Barellan 8.10 (58) def. Griffith 6.7 (43)
Kamarah def. Yenda..

BDFA Round 7 - Saturday July 12, 1930 at Griffith Rugby Oval
Griffith .......1.2 .. 3.7 .. 3.8 .. 7.9 (51)
Binya ........ 3.1 .. 3.2 .. 6.6 .. 6.7 (43)
Goals: Griffith: J Connell (2), P McDonald (2), K Pierce, J Whelan, M Howe
Umpire: Cahill (Goolgowi)
Match report: Local supporters were delighted at the improvement in the Griffith team in the match against Binya on Saturday last. Prior to Saturday the club had been very unfortunate this season, but the return of Ken Pierce, Jack Connell and Frank Polkinghorne appears to have supplied the necessary stiffening, and judging by the display against Binya there seem no reason why the locals team should not finish well in the final round.
Griffith, though playing against the wind, took the initiative in the opening quarters and in the first  few minutes a neat pass from Mick Howe placed Pierce in a fair shooting position. The wind was very hard to gauge, however, and Pierce's shot just missing the big sticks, went through for a minor point only.
A second attack by Griffith was successfully repulsed by the visiting backs, and the play passed  quickly down field to Griffith's goal, where a behind was quickly followed by two goals to the visitors. After some desultory about the centre, Griffith got away forward again and Pierce, from a quick snap, scored his second minor point from a difficult angle. From the kick off Griffith secured again, and a long pass forward gave Connell an opportunity to pick up smartly and snap first goal for the locals. From the bounce Binya pressed the local backs hard for a few minutes, and just on the bell a smart snap shot recorded the visitor's third goal for the quarter. Scores were:- Griffith, 1 goal 2 behinds (8 points); Binya, 3 goals 1 behinds (19 points).
The second quarter, with the wind in their favour, should have been Griffith's great opportunity, but unluckily shooting, combined with splendid defence by Binya, deprived the locals of their expected advantage. The game was in Griffith's half throughout practically the whole of the quarter, Binya succeeding in getting forward only on two or three occasions, but the visiting backs were a formidable obstacle to Griffith's success. Two behinds to the locals were followed with a goal by Connell, almost a repetition of his first. Then Joe Whelan punted another sixer through, but it was the last for the term. Pierce, who seemed to be having a spell of hard luck scored another minor from a long punt. The Binya scored their only point for the quarter. Play  continued along the wing to Griffith's end where, just before the bell, the forwards rushed through another point. Scores were:- Griffith 3 goals 7 behinds (25 pts.); Binya, 3 goals 2 behinds (20 pts.).
The third quarter tested the mettle of the Griffith back line, for Binya appeared determined not to lose their opportunity with the wind in their favour. Time and again they pressed forward, and though Wattie McNamara, Frank Polkinghorne, Art. Campbell and other backs put up a splendid defence, Binya succeeded in adding three goals and some minors to their score. The term was practically a repetition of the second, with Binya constantly attacking and the locals defending hard. Griffith forward's did get away on a number of occasions, but without success, excepting a minor to Pierce. When the bell rang scores were:- Griffith, 3 goals 8 behinds (26 pts.); Binya, 6 goals 6 behinds (42 pts.).
The final term commenced with a nasty shower of rain and for some minutes the game resembled soccer, for no one seemed capable of picking up the greasy ball. To cap this misfortune for Griffith, when the shower ended the breeze dropped altogether and local supporters began to feel doubtful of picking up Binya's margin. To their pleasant surprise, however, Griffith resumed with great dash. A behind to Jim Collis was quickly followed with a major to 'Plugger' McDonald. Howe was next, followed by McDonald with his second. From the bounce Binya rallied, and for some minutes looked like equalising, but could only manage to score a minor point. From the kick off the ball passed rapidly downfield to Pierce, who, from a long penalty shot, at last broke down his streak of bad luck and scored a fine goal.
Final scores were:- Griffith, 7 goals 9 behinds (51 pts.) Binya, 6 goals 7 behinds (43 pts.).
The match was in charge of Umpire Cahill, who kept the play always well under control and gave a fine exhibition of umpiring. At times the difficult new rule seemed to bother him, but otherwise, his handling kept the game fast, open and clean.
Goal-kickers for Griffith were Connell (2), McDonald (2), Pierce, Whelan and Howe.
Team for next Saturday (Griffith vs Kamarah, at Kamarah) — Polkinghorne, Pierce, Connell, Yates, Yates, Wade, Howe, Cameron, McCarthy, McNamara, Foley, Daines, Campbell, Collis, Lockhart, Ford, Whelan, Linde, Kurtz. Emergencies: Dempsey, Cameron, McDonald, Coggan.
Players are requested to be at Rural Bank corner at 12.45 at latest.
(The Area News - Thursday July 17, 1930).
BDFA Round 8 - Saturday July 19, 1930 at Kamarah
Kamarah def. Griffith 

Bob James, the well-known burly Rugby forward now spends his Saturday afternoons playing with Griffith in the Barellan Australian Rules Competition. He is the star attraction at Griffith to-morrow, when that side meet Yenda in the last game of the first round. This match is creating considerable excitement on the other end of the Area.
Barellan and Kamarah are the leading teams and are certainties for the semi-finals. Griffith, Yenda and Binya are even in points. Barellan will play the much improved Binya side. If Binya beat Barellan, then Binya along with the winner of the Griffith-Yenda match will be the other pair to play in the semis. If Binya lose, then they will play the losers of the Griffith match to see who will fill fourth place. With Bob James and Bob Stevenson back in their team, Griffith should about defeat the nippy Yenda team.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Friday July 25, 1930)

Griffith and Yenda did not meet on Saturday last, the match being postponed until Saturday next, on account of the rain. Mr W. Taylor, of Leeton, is to umpire this important fixture.
(The Area News - Tuesday July 29 , 1930).

BDFA Round 9 - Saturday August 2, 1930 at Griffith Rugby Oval
Griffith ...... 0.2 .. 4.8 .. 4.9 .. 7.13 (55)
Yenda ..... 4.5 .. 4.5 .. 7.8 .. 7.9 (51)
Umpire: W. Taylor (Leeton)
Match report: Despite the rain and cyclonic wind on Saturday last the above teams met on the Griffith Rugby Oval. It was one of the hardest games played in these parts, and the scores (above) at the end of each quarter are a fair indication of the evenness of the play. All players worked hard, and the localites were quite pleased with their new recruits from Rugby ranks Bob James and Bob Stevenson. James, although this was only his second game, played exceptionally well and kicked a goal and a point. While, Stevenson along with Roffe, of Yenda were reported for fighting. The teams will have to meet again to decide who will be fourth team to play in the semi-final. The other teams are Kamarah, Barellan and Binya. Griffith and Yenda will meet on Saturday next on a neutral ground, Barellan.

BDFA Round 10 - August 9, 1930 at Binya
Binya def. Griffith
Match report: Griffith forfeited to Binya on Saturday, and it will now be necessary for Griffith and Yenda to meet to decide who will take fourth  place in the Barellan and District Competition. The match will take place at Griffith on Saturday afternoon. The winning team in this match will play Barellan in the second semi-final at Barellan on Saturday, August 23. The first semi-final — Binya v Kamarah — will take place at Barellan on Saturday next.

BDFA 4th place play-off - Saturday August 16, 1930 at Griffith Rugby Oval
Griffith ...... 4.4 .. 8.7 .. 8.13 .. 8.14 (62)
Yenda ...... 2.2 .. 2.4 .. 2.6 .. 4.7 (31)
Goals: Griffith: J Connell 3, Collis 2, F Ford, M Howe, R James
Umpire: Hollow
Match report: For the first time this season, Griffith had a fine day on Saturday in their match against Yenda, and as a result, spectators were treated to a fine game of the code by both teams, but by the locals in particular.
The match was on charge of Umpire Hollow, and from the outset the pace was very fast, the ball passing back and forward rapidly. Griffith kicking to the eastern goal, were first to score with a minor, but Yenda were quite holding their own and in the first few minutes some fine passing gave Harry Roffe possession in a nice scoring position and the leather passed through for six. The bounce gave Griffith possession, and the ball, passing rapidly down the wing, came to Collis, who snapped it up smartly and scored the first goal to Griffith. Again the locals attacked, 'Nugget' Connell in particular being promient, but Jack Browne, as back, was marking splendidly and saved the visitors repeatedly, but the locals were insistant so that a fine mark presently gave Collis possession and enabled him to punt through his second sixer. This time Yenda got away from the centre, and a succession of smart passes from Ken Reid, to Jack Fox, to Roffe, gave a Yenda forward a mark in good shooting position. A nice clean kick raised Yenda's second goal. Frank Ford was next to score for Griffith with a minor; then Connell followed with a smartly snapped sixer, to be followed by Collis, from a mark with another minor.The game continued to be very fast, with Griffith constantly attacking, but Yenda, though unlucky, were getting their full share of the play. In the last few minutes they again got control and kept up a barrage at the town goal, but was only able to get through a couple of minors. When the bell rang the scores were:- Griffith — 4 goals 4 behinds (28 pts.); Yenda — 2 goals 2 behinds (14 pts.).
The first few minutes of the second term were very fast and even, neither side being able to score. The pace seemed really too hot to last. Connell for Griffith, seemed to be everywhere, and Bob James was playing a hard game as follower, while in the centre, for Yenda, the Roffe Brothers, were constantly in the thick of things. Griffith were first to break the spell, Collis, who was giving his best exhibition of the season, snapped one up very smartly, but missed the big sticks. James was next, with a long snap punt, to raise the flags. Then Yenda got away downfield, but were only able to score a behind. The kick-off gave Griffith possession , and after some desultory centre play a series of lively passes gave Howe a mark right in front. Mick made no mistake, and put the first sixer of the quarter to his credit. Yenda were next to score with a minor, but from this point  Griffith appeared to become irresistible, and the rest of the term they quite outclasses the visitors.  James, who showed marked improvement, was next to score a minor, followed a little later, from a tricky ground kick, with his first sixer. Then Connell, from a penalty in front raised both flags — his second goal a minute later, from almost the same position, punted through his third. The round ended with the scores:- Griffith — 8 goals 7 behinds (55 points); Yenda — 2 goals 1 behind (13 points).
The third term quickly showed that the pace earlier in the game had been much too hot to last. Both teams continued to play in a lively manner, and the game never lost interest, but the scoring rate became much more even, the locals feeling assured with their big lead. Third quarter scores were:- Griffith — 8 goals 13 (61 points); Yenda — 2 goals 6 behinds (18 points).
Yenda had the best of the last quarter and surprised spectators  by their rally after so much strenuous play earlier in the game. They were first to score, with a minor, and were unlucky with several shots, keeping the local backs constantly active. Art. Campbell, Harold Lockhart and Wattie McNamara, however, the Griffith back line were very tough nuts to crack, and though they had a busy afternoon they continued to bear the brunt of the quarter for Griffith. Still, Yenda were pressing so incessantly that it was inevitable they should get through and before the term ended Jack Browne from a fine mark, scored the visitors third goal, to be followed on the bell by another from Hams. Mick Howe notch the locals only score for the quarter, a minor. Final scores scores were:- Griffith  — 8 goals 14 behinds (62 points); Yenda — 4 goals 7 behinds (31 points).
Reviewing the game generally it would be difficult to fault any of the local team. All combined to give a really fine exhibition of the code. Jack Connell, however, and Jim Collis, both shone out. Connell as rover was always in the thick of the play and appears to be really at his best while Collis particularly in the first half, played a splendid forward game. Bob James and Ted Yates played a hard game in the ruck. Yates, always a hard worker, had a bad fall in the last quarter, but the injury, unfortunately, though painful, was not serious.
Goal-kickers for Griffith were:- Connell (3), Collis (2), Ford, Howe and James.
(The Area News - Thursday August 21, 1930)

BDFA First Semi Final - Saturday August 16, 1930 at Barellan Sportsground
Kamarah 3.9 (27) def. Binya 6.9 (45)
BDFA Second Semi Final - Saturday August 23, 1930 at Barellan Sportsground
Barellan 13.8 (86) def. Griffith 5.14 (44)  
Umpire: W. Taylor (Leeton).

BDFA Final - Saturday August 30, 1930
Binya def. Barellan
Match report: Binya defeated Barellan on Saturday afternoon in the final of the Barellan District Football League's Competition for the Angelo Cup. Mr. Buddy Saunders, of Leeton was umpire.

BDFA Grand Final - Saturday September 6, 1930 at Barellan Sportsground
Kamarah .... 4.5 .. 6.7 .. 10.10 .. 12.14 (86)
Binya ......... 1.3 .. 4.5 .. 7.9 .. 10.11 (71)
Match report: The Barellan Competition came to an end on Saturday afternoon last,  when, before a large attendance, the gate takings being £40, Kamarah, minor premiers defeated Binya, winners of the final, in the grand final.

Wal. Cameron, Art. Campbell, Ernie Campbell, Jim Collis, Les E. Collis, Phillip Coggan, Jack Connell, Jack Daines, Ed Dempsey, Fitzmead, Richard Foley,  Frank Ford, Mick Howe, Bob James, Archie Lind, Harold Lockhart, Clarrie Kurtz, J. McCarthy, William "Plugger" McDonald, Wattie McNamara, Ken Pierce, Frank Polkinghorne, Bob Stevenson, William "Pouncer" Wade, Joe Whelan, Len Yates, Ted Yates

Debuts: Jim Collis, Les E. Collis, Fitzmead, Richard Foley,  Harold Lockhart, J. McCarthy, Wattie McNamara, Ken Pierce, Joe Whelan 
Final Games: Wal. Cameron, Fitzmead, Richard Foley, Clarrie Kurtz, Harold Lockhart, Frank Polkinghorne, Len Yates, Ted Yates.

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