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SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" May 1, 1966 - No. 3
After two wins at Whitton last Sunday makes it five in a row for new Club president, John Lane.
Hope he is not wondering how long this sort of thing has been going on for, undoubtedly, there will be some rocky patches ahead, which could put a different tilt to the borsolino.
A good game at Whitton, and the young Tigers should do well later on. Their very solid defence made our forwards really concentrate, with the result that for once goals led the points.
Another beauty from Bob Little, and "Cassius" Sexton, we also saw a better Angie Maloni while Kevin Kirkpatrick and Frank Conlan also did well.
The seconds won 76 to 3, but the game was tougher than these scores indicate, Whitton failing near goal. Ray Smith, John Kirkwood, Mick Bridges and Fearless Fred Gambell were our tops.
It was Black Saturday for the schoolboys, Narrandera winning all three games. With attendances getting bigger each day, schoolboy officials, however, are quite happy.