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GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" August 1, 1971 - No. 16
By Swan: The Ardlethan hurdle was a stiff one and the going at times was a little bumpy and rugged, but we managed to get over all the obstacles successfully.
The Seconds had a scare but a goal in the last minute gave them a one-point win, which with Ganmain and Coolamon defeated, should nearly assure them a place in the finals.
Due to promotions, unavailability and injuries this Seconds team was struggling for players so a couple of retired veterans, members of the 200 club, Bill Tyndall and Bill Biron, came "off the grass" to help out.
Neither set the fans raving but Bill Tyndall managed one goal while big Bill got in the way of two defenders to shepherd the winning goal through. Both have now definitely retired!
Award winners last Sunday: Firsts (Co-op Stores Toby Lee award) Darryl Collis; Seconds (Bob Carroll's award) Glenn Harrison; Thirds (sox award) Neville Brand.
Tigerland has seen the downfall of most teams this year, but we have good form on the board and are hoping there will be no roast Swans on the Tiger menu tonight.