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SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" September 3, 1967 - No. 20
Well, it was not our day last Sunday with one win and two near misses. Despite the bleak, windy conditions, it was a day of grand football with three really good games and three exciting finishes well worthy of much better support.
Players, officials and supporters of several clubs were conspicuous by their absence and it is support such as this that has put the League where it is today.
Unable to adapt to the conditions, Griffith lost the advantage of the wind in the first quarter and this tardy start possibly made the difference between defeat and victory. Ganmain, however, on the day were the better team.
Sid Robins won the trophy donated by generous supporter, Col Longobardi, for our best player, while other to do well were Bill Biron, Geoff Martin and Brian Fitzpatrick.
Our Seconds went down gallantly. Had they won, we may have won a premiership at long last - even if it was a Second XV111 one. Top players were John Mitchell, Don Best, Les Hodson and Ray Smith.
Our Thirds scrambled home for our only win, achieved mainly through the efforts of John Candusso, Wayne Robins and Geoff Reed.