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 1966 SEASON 
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 SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" June 5, 1966 - No. 7 

After three tough games in a row, the Griffith players appreciated the slight easing up in training occasioned by the comp break last Sunday, and should be fit and fresh for today's visit to Coolamon.

Last week, if fat, was party week - the 1st XV111 one night disposed of a couple of niners (donations for recent wins); the seconds had a barbecue and niner, and the thirds a Pie Night and lolly water.

A great day at Yerong Creek was only spoilt by the loss of the main game, but the SWDFL certainly had plenty chances, and the Farrer League were worthy winners.

The Yerong Creek ground was in wonderful condition and an eye-opener to most SWDFL visitors. Our six reps - Kevin Kirkpatrick, Bob Little, Malcolm Russell, Len Sexton, John Foley and Bob Munnerley - all figured prominently in their games and despite Danny's Dirge it is very doubtful if any "available" members of the temporary top team could have filled their places as well.

For the information of the Narrandera "Natterer" (no offence intended), a stretcher was rejected by Narrandera trainers at Griffith.

Notes No. 8 >>>

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