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GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" August 6, 1972 - No. 17
By Swan: The return trip home seemed shorter after our successful visit to Gissing Oval last Sunday.
The Firsts and Thirds had reasonable easy wins but the Seconds had to battle all the way before they eventually won by eight points.
Quite a few of our players, Firsts and Seconds, travelled to Wagga on Saturday and that they did the right thing on their overnight stay was shown by the way they played. It was good to see Ron Russell back in action again after his enforced spell and he showed what an asset to the team he will be in the tough games ahead.
Trophy winners for our three games against Turvey Park were Firsts (Griffith Co-op Society) Sid Robins; Seconds (Bob Carroll's Menswear) Neville "Mopsy" Hall; Thirds (Socks award) Peter Read.
Our Annual Ball on Friday was a real "swingin" affair and a good time was had by all - just how good and how effective are the recuperative powers of youth will be shown by the performance of our team against Ardlethan today.
Our recent TV competition was won by Mrs. Moira Warburton, who was able to send the portable up to to her father (J.J "Digger" Carroll).