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 1961 SEASON 
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SWANS CLUB NOTES: The Aussie Ruler May 7, 1961 - No 5.

Griffith and Turvey Park certainly gave the large crowd last Sunday full value for their three bobs worth, with a game that was hard throughout.

Ardlethan next week and, with no Rugby opposition, another bumper crowd - we hope.

An elbow ran into Griffith rover, Bill Tyndall's eye on Sunday and caused a split eyebrow, but the injury didn't require any needlework at the hospital, and Bill will be fit next Sunday.

The Second XVIII had their first ever win over Turvey Park and are now top of the world. Veteran Jack Kloot, dropped from the Firsts, played a big part in the win with five goals.

Promising 15-year-old junior, Malcolm Brauman promoted to 20th with Jim Fielder reported unfit, had his first taste of senior football when Bill Tyndall went off with a few minutes to go. Malcolm ran on and immediately collected the ball for his first kick.

The hot day and the big crowd had those sterling ladies in the kiosk flat out all day, but they were well satisfied for the work when they had to display a "sold out" sign at 5 o'clock.

What a beauty Kevin Rowston would be if his kicking equalled his marking. Kevin took some fantastic marks on Sunday, but the ball seemed to shy away from the tall timbers whenever he kicked for goal.

Don Best was the rock on which many Turvey hopes perished last Sunday. He was rarely beaten to rate as Griffith's best (no pun intended) player of the day.

 Notes No. 6 >>>

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