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GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" May 12, 1963 - No. 5
By Neil Griggs: Thanks, Turvey, for two really good games on Sunday. We hope we can provide as much entertainment for your spectators when we visit Wagga and we hope too there is some more of that two goals start about that day.
It was a real team effort that gained us the win and it was hard to sort out the best players but the selectors made a well merited and popular decision when they awarded Ron Dalla's shirt to Fred Mundy.
Len Sexton also contributed a lot to our win but seldom has "Secco" kicked so badly and it looks as if he will have to see Col (Longabardi),about a new pair of footie boots.
Sid Robins pleased with some noticeable improvement last Sunday and has only to maintain the same rate of progress to be a regular in the first grade.
The second 18 game against Turvey was a thriller and we may have been unlucky losing three good players during the game. Junior Bob Woolnough was a popular winner of the shirt award.
Our keen third 18 players were disappointed at not getting a game against Turvey Park but, with a bit of luck, we will be able to arrange a game or two for them in the next four or five weeks.