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SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" August 15, 1965 - No. 16
With Ariah Park-Mirrool no longer breathing down our necks (thanks Ardlethan), we may now be able to play more attractive football from now on.
We defeated Whitton by 25 minutes of good football (the last quarter), and 75 minutes of ragged, hesitant play. But it was worth four points, and they are what counts.
Don Best was in really top form and the award to "Matey" of Ron Dalla's Whitmont shirt was a very popular decision.
Called into the team when Cliff Hawkins withdrew, Denny Dreyer played very well, being especially lively in the first half.
After hitting the lead in the last quarter, our Seconds became over anxious and allowed Whitton to win with two late goals. It was, however, quite a good effort, with Fred Gambell winning his second successive trophy.
Out 3rds won their game well, with some fast, brought football, with Gary Owen, John Crump and Reg Higgins amongst the best players.
Our Ball last Friday was most enjoyable, but some of the players lacked the recuperative powers of the President and Treasurer (two stayers) and were still somewhat seedy on Sunday.