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 1962 SEASON 
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GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" June 17, 1962 - No. 9

By Neil Griggs: Last Sunday's game was a beauty, and will go on record as one of the best in Griffith for a long time, with Coolamon contributing as much as Griffith to make it such a pleasing spectacle, both, of course, assisted by umpire Ridley.

John Cramp, in a new roll at full back, was the toast of the town after the game, as he turned in a dazzling display to be our best player.

Allan Hudson, fresh from his Golden Gloves title win in Sydney on Friday, again turned in his usual sound effort, highlighted by some spirited play in the stirring last quarter.

Good lively displays by rovers Bill Tyndall and Les Collis kept Coolamon rovers, from whom a lot was expected, out of the game, and their performance was a big factor in our win.

Another to do a grand job was Jim Fielder who, given the job of minding Ian Gillett after half time, kept the "Heap" very busy and nullified much of the drive he had been giving Coolamon.

Jack Kloot hit top form in the 2nds' game to be our best player with a solid, brainy exhibition.

Doug Koehler also revealed good form, while others to do well were Ian Buck (7 goals) and Denny Dreyer.   

Notes No. 10 ...

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