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GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" May 19, 1963 - No. 6
By Neil Griggs: Two big wins and both teams moving up into the four made it a really good day for us last Sunday.
The "Stars" surprised and worried us a little up till half time, but they couldn't keep up the pace, and the doubts faded as the game progressed.
Although they play an entirely different game, coaches Fred Mundy and Len Sexton were the stars. Len roved to Fred and they combined brilliantly.
A few positional changes in the last quarter against Ardlethan saw Gordon Browne roving and there was quite a cheer when Gordon proved he didn't kick the ball out of bounds by scoring a goal.
Fullback Bob Tyndall and flanker Allan Smith were our best defenders last Sunday, especially in the first half when their mates were fumbling and handling badly.
Still a teenager, Malcolm Brauman continues to improve as full forward.
The 2nd 18 played well for their 79-point win, and pleased their keen captain, Jim Fielder, who was on the boundary with a leg injury.
Former Leeton star, John Walsh, had the best game of the season with the seconds, but on his showing it looks like being his only game with that team. He will be a big asset to the senior team.