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 1973 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" August 19, 1973 - No.17 

By Swan:  Last week's danger game against Leeton was not as dangerous as everyone first thought.

The game was held the most interest was that of the Seconds - Leeton provided the toughest competition so far this season.

Bruce Forbes began the week well - he won the Co-op Shirt Award on the Sunday and was successful with his appeal on the Monday - I am sure all South West clubs and supporters are relieved to hear the news.

Other to play well were Terry (Blasphemer) Bennett, Kevin (Krippy) Kirkpatrick, Ralph (Tandom) Todd and Norm (Acky) Anderson.

The Seconds ran out eventual winners after a few traumatic moments in the first three quarters. Better players were John (Snugger) Schmetzer, John (Hollipop) Higgins, Denis (Teaser) Tyndall and Tony (Rocket) Roberts.

The Thirds were beaten by a strong Leeton side. They could not finish off the fight back in the last quarter, but still played good football. Best players were Laurie (Clopper) Candusso, Ian (Wondrous) Wood and Denis (Snozzle) Schmetzer.

All committee members a meeting on Monday 20th - usual time and place.​

Notes No. 18 >>>

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