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 1970 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" July 26, 1970 - No. 15 

By Swan: Another cold windy day made conditions difficult last Sunday but, although none of our team's revealed its best football, three wins made it a successful visit to Ganmain.

The First 18 game was generally a scramble with a few hectic incidents, with Bob Prenzel the chief victim, in the second quarter to warm the players up a little.

A good strong last quarter gained us a win and just about put paid to the Maroon's final four hopes.

Despite the fact that he is past his 200 games mark with the club, Bill Tyndall is playing as well as ever and was possibly our best player, although Darryl Collis and John Higgins were strong challengers.

With one carload of late arrivals, the Seconds had to co-opt three players from the Thirds to make up its XVIII and special mention goes to Ian Hamilton, who, saddling up again, rated as one of the Seconds best.

Other to come under notice were Noel Brown, Ian Wade and Neville "Mopsey" Hall. Steven Bicego and "Johnno" Johnson were well to the fore in the easy win by our Thirds.

Notes No. 16 >>>

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