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 1973 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" May 27, 1973 - No. 6 

By Swan: Three wins in three grades in the last competition round with entertaining, constructive football by all three sides.

It was good to see the Seniors improve on their performance of a week earlier, however, the occasional lapse is still creeping into our game, and this could create trouble for us against stronger sides.

Best players were Ralph (Tonky) Todd, Ian (Wippy) Wade, George (Donk Dunc) Duncan, Wayne (Chum-Sum-Plum) Robins and Kevin (Kooky-Kirky-Kooky's) Kirkpatrick kicking lessons are going well and will continue on Friday.

The Griffith Co-op Shirt Award was won by Grant (Hairy) Luhrs.

The Seconds produced some scintillating football to continue their unbeaten run. Roy (Ripper) Agresta won the towel with good support coming from Bob Spears, Tony (Tiny) Agresta, Ivan (Nun) Nancarrow and Ian (Hammy) Hamilton.

The Thirds won in fine style against a young and keen Ardlethan. If they continue this style of football, they will test Narrandera next round. Best players were Donald (Killer) Coleman, Ian (Woody Woodpecker) Wood, Glen (Dally) McNally, Alan (Bish Bash) Best and Lawrie (Can) Candusso.

Notes No. 7 >>>

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