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 1983 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" June 5, 1983 - No. 8 

In what only can be described as abysmal weather, the Griffith side managed two wins from three games of football that were played. The day started off with a very close game in the Under 19's. The Swans, after leading for most of the day went down to the Stars by just two points. Once again, they showed some inexperience, but as shown their enthusiasm was there, which should stand them in good stead for the rest of the season. Best players were Paul McLeod, Anthony Blackshaw and Andrew Romagnolo.

The Seconds put up a great effort, Ian Wade has got the boys firing and if they continue on in this vein then they could find themselves perched in the four. The Swans had many good players, Garry Owen, Greg "Bondi Tram" Payne, Ben "Doon" Hall being among them.

Once again, the Firsts proved that they have what it takes to be a top side when they convincingly defeated Ardlethan in a rugged encounter. There was plenty of beef being used and it was great to see everyone in their fighting for each other. Bob Greenwood has got everyone committed which only can be good for the Club. Best for the Swannies were Greg Hill, Darrell Collins, Mark Buchanan and Paul Sparks.

It was great to see many people at the "Aussie" night on Friday. I'm sure everyone will agree it was a great night and thanks must go to the two bands and also the organisers of the night. Up the Swans!

 Notes No. 9 >>>

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