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 1987 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" June 7, 1987 - No. 9 

I'd like to tell you a story of a local footy team .... all the players young, fit and keen. They took on the undefeated competition leaders and had them beat, or so it seems ... but the opposition had to comeback there was no doubting, and when the final siren went it was all over bar the shouting! Yes, if it was a fishing tale, it would have been the one that got away.
Darrell 'Pin' Collins played superbly, as did Andrew 'TJ' Smith, Robbie Owen and Mal Williams.
The 2nd Graders, well, if everyone had tried as hard as Shane 'Bat' Best then the side might have done better. Gary Waters is like a good wine getting better with age (hang onto 16 as long as you can). Speaking of youngsters, young Francis Morgan took an unbelievable screamer worthy of a couple lines in the Record.
The Under 19's paid the penalty for wasting too long to get started and went down, although outscoring the opposition in the second half. Danny Files won best player. Others to play good games were Wayne 'Spanner' Spencer, Roger Biron and Wayne 'Groove' Tyndall. But the best performance of the day was Greg Dreyer trying to emulate Mike Tyson. 
Thanks goes to Peter Lonergan who played eight quarters of football straight, helping out to make up the numbers for the Second Grade side. 

 Notes No. 10 >>

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