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 1982 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" April 11, 1982 - No. 3 

By Swan: The Swans started the day with a great win for the Under XIV's. From many good players an extra vote to Tim Johanson, Andrew Smith, Brian Smith and Drew Hicks.

The Second XVIII ended on a thrilling note when the score board was incorrect and many supporters thought the Swans were beaten by two points but on checking the officials scores found them in front by eight points. Good players were Trevor Harrison, Ritchie Turner and Mark Tyndall.

The First XVIII could not match the speed and general play of the Barellan side. Beaten in most positions they had good efforts from Ian Wade, Glenn Harrison, Grant Luhrs and Peter McGrath.

Notes No. 4 >>>

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