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 1995 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" July 16, 1995 - No. 14 

I don't know if we were beaten by Ganmain-GGM or beaten by ourselves but to be up by 35 points at half time and to lose by 11 mean's something. Is it a lack of desire to win or lack of fitness, only time will tell.
The Under 18's met defeat by a quicker Ganmain-GGM. With some players back and more endeavour on the training track hopefully things will improve for the side next week against Turvey Park. Best players were Kevin Collins $20, Glen Vaccari $15, Stuart Davies $10, Adam Sara & Gavin Simpkin also played well.
The 2nds blew an opportunity to bury Ganmain-GGM last week and might have lost the opportunity to decide if we play in the finals or not. To fight back to a commanding situation at three quarter time and let it slip was very disappointing from those who really want to play in the finals. It's now up to the side to get the most out of the season. Best players and incentive award winners were Scott Collis $30, Jason Vaccari $20, and Steve Cochrane $10 with the players' player award to Andrew McCashney and the Mug to Ricky Burdett.
For the Firsts it's back to the planning stage so that we can produce the goods for four quarters not two. Best players and incentive award winners were Matt Olney $100, (in his first senior game and also won the players' player award), Tony Butcher $50, Greg Collins $30 and Danny Files $20.
The Netball side went down with the best player being Sue Flagg.
Let's get back on the winning ledger against Turvey!

Notes No. 15 >>>

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