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 1987 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" May 17, 1987 - No. 6 

As the sun slowly set over the Ex-Servicemen's Oval and the dust settled many a thirsty supporters and players found their way into the Pavilion to ponder over the day's football which resulted in three hard earned (as always) wins against Coolamon. The only bad aspect of the day was Darrell Collins who sustained an ankle injury.
But we didn't get out of it that easy, as Coolamon take their socialising as serious as they take their footy!
Better players were Robbie 'BP' Owen and Andrew Romo*!x#
The Seconds recorded their first win for the year with a thrilling one-point win. With Mark 'Clark Kent' Sutton being best player while newcomer and Pete Royal's co-driver Andy O'Dea also putting in a fine effort. It was also good to see young 'Bruno' Ceccato return to the fold.
The Under 19's also had a good win with the young ones getting better every game and being a true credit to Ted 'The Ed' Havelock's untiring work.
This week we battle with the Redlegs, so let's make our shortest trip of the year worth warming the car up for.

Notes No. 8 >>>

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