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 1991 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" April 21, 1991 - No. 2 

Three wins from three attempts is a good way to start the season for the Griffith club, but one win doesn't make a season and players, on last week's form, will have to get to the grindstone if the club is to make an impact this year.

The Seniors had a big win against Narrandera and it was good to see the new addition to the club Chris Conlan sit up and be noticed, while Ricky Burdett, Peter Casey, Jamie Reid and Jamie Bennett picked up the encouragement awards sponsored this week by Ian Wade. The two oldest players on the paddock in Victor Hugo and Les Parish had the most to say in the match with seven goals each and it looks like 'Salty' is going to sit back this year and let the young blokes do the work up the ground.

A nice gesture from the Narrandera club, which presented Chris Conlan with a mug for the night for being the best player on the ground for the opposition.

In the Reserves, three new players to the club picked up the $10 each in Mal Irvin, Colin Cassidy and David Irvin. Coach Alan Parr couldn't fit all the players in the side last week, but it is to be hoped that they don't drop their bundle, and fight for a position in the side.

Terry Bennett was a few players short for the Thirds, but as always, T.B. raised the numbers and the boys had a good win against Narrandera. Best players on the day were Tony Butcher, Jason Vaccari, Edward Knight and Brent Hathaway.

We welcome East Wagga-Kooringal to the Ex-Servicemen's Oval today and hope that both sides can get through injury free.  

Notes No. 3 >>>

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