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 1984 SEASON 
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  GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" April 22, 1984 - No. 3 

The Swannies got off to a bad start when their Under 19's had no answer to the more consistent Leeton Redlegs, given the opportunity with more players at training coach Lennie Threlfall will improve on this. Best players were Anthony Blackshaw and Paul Romagnolo.

A disappointed Roy Agresta couldn't believe what had happened, after leading all day the Second XV111 went down by 6 points. No-one tried harder than Roy himself with great help from Rob Sjollema, Garry Owen and Trevor Harrison to stem the tide.

What a change of fortune for the First XVIII when in the first 10 minutes Leeton looked set for a big win but the Swannies had other ideas and with each player doing his bit turned the tables. With a finish that would raise the blood pressure of any true Griffith-fan, held that winning 4 points. Best players out of a good team effort were Wayne Bottcher, Robbie Owen, Gerard Toscan, Scott Barber and Glen MacLeod.

I hope all supporters took notice of the honour board of past presidents, secretary, treasurer since 1947 and positions finished on ladder, a tremendous amount of work went into this and our grateful thanks to Bill Biron who did most of the work. Thanks Bill. 

Notes No. 4 >>>'

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