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 1980 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Sou'wester" May 4, 1980 - No. 4 

By Swan: The Swans went down to Leeton by a mere 9 points last Sunday but pleased the supporters with a great finish after not making full use of a strong wind in the third term. They outscored Leeton in the final quarter to be at one stage within 2 points of a win. Better luck today.
Best players were Robbie Owen, John Seidel, Peter McGrath and Darrell Collins.
Second 18 had their first loss but look forward to a win this week. The better players were Allan Hicken, David Taylor, Maurice Wood and Randall Strongman.
The Under 19's are still desperately in need of more players.

Notes No. 5 >>>

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