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 1978 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Sou'Wester" September 17, 1978 - No. 20 

By Swan:  What a pathetic waste of a football season with our after half time collapse by our Seniors in last Sunday's semi against Leeton.  We simple fail to understand nor accept Senior players who cannot discipline their action on the field of play to the point their team mates then have to carry the penalty for their errors.

A number of our contract players last Sunday failed miserably when most needed and with these people sopping up the bulk of the supporters' money that is raised to run a football club, we regard their actions as deplorable.

Our capitulation to Leeton after half time can only be blamed on these players and a lot of Griffith people are unhappy about this aspect.

Today we expect a different result from the Reserve grade. Coach Kevin Kirkpatrick has them well tuned and disciplined and all are in the side because they want to do their best for the club. We believe the better team should be the rightful winner and we have shown ourselves to be amongst the best all season. (Scribe - Griffith Club president, Jack Luhrs)

Notes No. 22 >>>

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