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 1981 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Sou'wester" June 28, 1981 - No.10 

By Swan: Disaster struck again - not in the loss of a game but more injuries.
It looks as though we have lost Drew Luhrs for the remainder of the season, also Paul Baldi and Tony Dillon with, we hope, lesser injuries. Joe Catanzariti is out of the Seconds and so it goes on.
On a brighter note - it is great to see the return of so many supporters - familiar and new faces Les and Rosemary Borland with our major sponsors, Andy and Maureen Baldi.
Special thanks again to Baldi and Fletcher and to the many sponsors whose names you will see on the boys' tracksuit each - you are what keeps the club going.
Great to see Dorothy and Bob Carroll (it's too cold for skiing). Watch for your name next week.

Notes No. 11 >>> 

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