(By "Rover")
Reports are coming in the Griffith Aussie Rules Club of new players for this season, so the chances of obtaining a good reserve grade team are daily growing brighter.
However, the question of the formation of such a competition has not yet come before the Association, with the result that no programme can be mapped out with any certainty until that has been done.
Some idea of the extent of the competition can be gauged, however, from a casual study of the other teams.
Narrandera, devoted solely to Australian Rules football, should be able to field a second eighteen without any trouble whatsoever, and a classy team at that.
In previous years there has been some sought of competition between reserves teams in the Leeton area, and a large number of players of the game in the district. Whether the Leeton teams will in the event of a more extensive Association competition, amalgamate to form one team or remain separate as at present, remains to be seen. Nevertheless, some good football may be expected from that quarter in either event.
The possibility of Whitton and Darlington Point fielding two teams does not seem likely, as both are rather sparsely populated districts and the task of raising over thirty-six should be no small one.
With regard to the local problem, there is no reason why the organisation of an excellent reserve team should be difficult. Some years ago, spirited enthusiasm existed among players in a local competition including Hanwood, Warburn and Griffith, and many more of these players must still be in the district.
Hence, with new and existing players, and those champions of the previous competitions, there should be ample scope for the building up of thirty-six class footballers.
The absence of a coach for the seniors of last year was keenly felt, so that a proposal for the enlistment of a non-playing coach was carried by a motion at the annual meeting some time ago. With two teams operating the coach's problem will be a big one, and he will need the willing co-operation of all players.
It is with regret that the resignation of the newly elected treasurer, Mr. Doug Roach, is announced. It is hoped that he enjoys many a Melbourne League match during his sojourn there.
(The Area News - Tuesday March 7, 1939)
(By "Rover")
Australian Rules football clubs between Junee and Griffith have been requested to hold their annual meeting before March 15 next, when they are invited to send delegates to a meeting to be held at the Star Hotel, Narrandera, at 10.13 a.m.
The meeting has been called by the South Western District Football League and the business set down: - To consider re-forming the S.W.D.F.L Line competition for Sunday football this season.
Last week brought news from the South Western District Football League of a scheme afoot to form one large association combining all teams from Griffith to Junee. To further investigate possibilities in this direction a meeting of all club delegates has been called for to-morrow morning at Narrandera.
If this association is formed, a number of problems will follow its amalgamation.
Last year Griffith players paid their own travelling fares to all matches away from home. Their spur was "love of the game" - of such was built a premiership team. However, increased expenditure in the larger competition would be too much to expect players to pay, so that some new financial arrangement would have to be made. Move over, individual clubs may not be in the position to pay their players expenses until the completion of at least one home match, hence the matter appears to be an association one and not a club concern. Travelling time is another problem.
Looking some years into the future, one can see this large association stretching from Junee to Griffith, while around it has grown numerous small competitions consisting of teams which found it inconvenient to join the main. "The old order changeth" the big teams may collapse, and times will turn back to the days of small local competition that flourished around Griffith some years ago.
Yet the formation of such an association has much to recommend it. The standard of play should rise considerably, enthusiasm maybe expected to run high, and much public interest should be created. The question of finance should be readily settled if a good public following is obtained.
Football trains running from here to Junee will connect with a considerable amount of rail traffic on the main Inter-State line, so that a good passenger list will be probable.
The team that runs out premiers of such an association may indeed pride itself of being first-class exponents of Australian National Football.
The club extends greetings to Syd. Stevenson, late of Albury Rovers, who expects to be in Griffith for some considerable time; it is anticipated that he will do a lot for the game here.
Arthur Holt is said to be a probable player for this season. Coming from a footballing family he is not likely to drop the game for some years.
At the next meeting of the Club, to be held tonight, one of the duties necessary will be the election of a new treasurer to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Doug Roach, so that all players and officials are invited to roll up. (The Area News - Tuesday March 14, 1939)
(By "Rover")
The Australian Rules Football code is facing a most important development in connection with the proposed South-Western District Competition, and there are many factors to be considered in making a decision upon this question.
Re-formation of the South-Western District Line Competition has received no impetus up to date, in fact nothing can be done until the Leeton District Football Association holds its annual meeting on April 5. It is expected that important decisions will be reached on that night and the fate of the local association will be settled.
From information gleaned at the meeting of South-Western delegates at Narrandera last Wednesday the attitude of the reformers apparently is to disrupt enough of the L.D.F.A. to form a good South-Western Competition and leave the remainder for the crows to pick.
For the past three years the South-Western Competition has been in abeyance and the clubs concerned have attached themselves to other associations. Ganmain is with the Wagga Competition, on condition that it does not withdraw to join any other existing associations except the South-West, thus denying Ganmain an opening in the L.D.F.A. Junee is in the same Association, but due to financial ties with Wagga cannot withdraw to another competition at the present time. Thus, the suggested new South Western zone will carry with it these financial troubles. On the other hand, there is the L.D.F.A.'s sound financial position.
If, however, the L.D.F.A. remained and included the South Western teams Association finance would be sound, but of course Junee and Ganmain could not join.
The Griffith Club would prefer to see the L.D.F.A. flourish on the lines of previous years and would be disappointed to see any of its erstwhile association opponents fall by the wayside due to ambitious projects further east.
Leeton plans a large knock-out competition for its Jubilee Celebrations next month. Teams from surrounding and neighbouring associations will be invited to complete. Such an early start should give Australian Rules a big boost in the Riverina and augers well for a successful season.
Organised training will be starting shortly, and it is hoped to put the local boys on their toes by arranging a few scratch matches with nearby teams. Nothing has been done yet to form a reserve team, but the scheme will be taken in hand after the Association meeting on April 5.
(The Area News - Tuesday March 21, 1939)
(By "Rover")
The Australian Rules players are getting a flying start for the football season by commencing training to-night at the Showground. Such an early start makes the organisation of scratch matches imperative. Otherwise, there will be eight consecutive nights of training over a period of four weeks without the stimulus created by some competition.
Hence it is hoped that matches can be arranged with Darlington Point, Binya and Merriwagga on the few Sundays that are yet available before the season opens.
Invitations have already been sent out to Merriwagga and Binya, but nothing yet been heard concerning their intentions.
Early scratch matches offer more to the teams than mere stimulus, however, for it is here that football sense can be developed more extensively than in a mid-week work out. Training alone gives insufficient experience to the players who may require several games to acquire good form. The selectors task of choosing a team from observations made during practice may well prove difficult as the characteristics, which include temperament and the will to win are not always displayed on the training ground, but necessarily appear in the heat of contest.
There is still a problem of the players who live large distances from Griffith and cannot come to practice. Some of the team's best players come from the outlying areas, and they probably do more training than those in town. However, they may find it inconvenient to attend scratch matches and also give time to the succeeding competition games.
In this case, the selectors sole opportunity to pick the complete team is during the progress of the competition so it is there in the actual field of battle that the final team is chosen.
For the good of all teams concerned it is desirable that some matches be arranged as curtain-raisers to the current season's programme.
At the club meeting to be held this evening after training, one of the vital questions to be discussed will concern insurance of players, and another problem, of course, is the proposed formation of the South Western District Competition.
A cordial invitation is extended to all players, newcomers and old hands to attend at the Showground to-night at 7.30 or earlier and start a successful season with a good roll up. (The Area News - Tuesday March 28, 1939)
(By "Rover")
Australian Rules Clubs of the Area will play a competition on the lines identical with that of last year and will not join the suggested competition extending to Junee.
At the annual meeting of the L.D.F.A. on Wednesday, April 5 it was decided not to join the South Western Competition but to continue last year's association and allow teams along the South West Line to join if they so desired.
This is greatly favoured by the Griffith Club which looks forward to meeting its opponents of last year and renewing old acquaintances.
Training has been in progress for the past fortnight, during which time, Coach Charlie Baker has concentrated the practice on passing, ground play and kicking.
No doubt it is his intention to develop the team in every direction, in order to employ any desired set of tactics at will against opposition. Up to date, the players have received an amount of practice in long kicking and long passing and they are steadily becoming proficient.
The long grass on the showground hampers kicking to some extent, but that should be easily remedied and of course training at night under electric lighting offers conditions foreign to daylight play. However, the artificial lighting develops the habit of making smart decisions using quick judgement and watching the ball - one of the golden rules.
George Redding has struck good form quite early in the year, marking well in the pack and following up with a good regular drop kick.
Ed. Forrestal is in good condition and is showing some good patches of ground play.
Stan Green is still capable of turning on the proverbial "tray bit" and is rapidly building up muscle. He is concentrating on high marking and long kicking at present which with some match experience should make him a good rover.
The team's high marker, Fred Savage is training consistently and further developing his long drop kick. Like all big men he has trouble in scooping the ball off the ground, but Coach Charlie Baker is seeing to that part of the game and Fred revels in "putting 'em back".
Amongst the newcomers Roy Graham, Arthur Holt and Cec Little offer possibilities and good things are expected from others who have not yet started training.
The first match this season is to be played on Sunday next against Darlington Point for the Cup donated by Mr. Jim. Theodore. The match should prove an interesting guide to the form of the players and earn a stimulus to both teams.
(The Area News - Friday April 14, 1939)
Theodore Cup - Sunday April 16, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ...................... 1.2 .. 2.4 .. 2.7 .. 5.11 (41)
Darlington Point .... 0.4 .. 0.4 .. 1.6 .. 3.8 (26)
Best players: Griffith: Fred Savage, Hector Robinson, George Wade, Syd Stevenson, Cec Little, George Redding, Jim Parker, Roy Besley
Darlington Point: Chas Tucker, W Tucker, Kelly, Roy Kennedy
Umpire: Laurie Green. Gate: £2/5/-
Match report: Griffith Aussie Rules Club has started the 1939 season well, and the results of the first game of the year justify the optimism of the local Club members as to the prospects this year. On Sunday Darlington Point were the visitors in an interesting match against Griffith. The keenness of the visitors was spectacularly displayed in the gallant manner in which they over-rode the difficulty of a flooded Mirrool Creek to test their prowess against Griffith. Many of the Darlington Point's older players have left, and the Club is to be congratulated on collecting a team of such enthusiasts. Player such as Tucker, Kelly and Kennedy are still with them and contributed generously to the bright patches on Sunday's match. Griffith was handicapped by the absence of the Hutchins brothers, Jack Gladman, John Smith and Eddie Forrestal but was able to replace them with new players, some of whom displayed outstanding capabilities. Apart from retaining the Cup donated by Mr. Jim Theodore, of the Garden of Roses Cafe, Griffith, the local club received proof of the capabilities of two of its new players. Syd Stevenson and Cecil Little and should certainly be able to find positions for them in the team this year.
(By "Rover")
Griffith Club applied and has been accepted into the South Western District Football League's Sunday competition, which starts on May 14. The competition will include seven teams: Coolamon, Ganmain, Matong, Grong Grong, Narrandera, Leeton and Griffith.
Perhaps the standard of football might not be up to that of last year, but the Leeton District Football Association will certainly run a competition this year. Darlington Point are definitely in. There is every prospect of teams from Leeton, Narrandera and CorbieHill -Yanco may also decide to affiliate.
Although Griffith did not play a major match last Sunday some very valuable training was indulged in at the Showground.
Several recruits from the Merriwagga League showed great promise and should be an asset to the local team.
Outstanding amongst them were Col Higgins who displayed a good turn of speed and fairly good ball technique. His younger brother, Hillary should prove a fair player with a little more training. George Williams who started with the team last year has enrolled again and hopes to help in bringing football honours once more to Griffith.
Arthur Inman is still undecided about playing this year, but it would not be surprising to see him strip again.
With such a history of hard training behind it, the Griffith team should give a good account of itself in the Glen Kinchie Cup at Leeton on Sunday, May 7.
Griffith is planning more match experience in the game arranged with Darlinton Point on Sunday next. Although The Point were defeated last match it is anticipated that Griffith will strike some keen opposition on the opponent's home ground.
The all-important question of the moment - the reformation of the South Western District line competition has been revived by the withdrawal of Leeton and Narrandera from the L.D.F.A.
To maintain the keenest possible public interest in the game it has been (Griffith) decided to enter the senior team in the S.W.D.F.L. and the proposed reserve team in the L.D.F.A.
Having taken this progressive step towards the advancement of local Australian Rules football, it is felt that greatly increased public support and higher standard of play will justify the move.
Now that the formation of the reserve grade team has been definitely arranged it is hoped that any other intending player will join in the near future and put in some training before the competition opens.
The Area News - Friday April 28, 1939
(By "Full Forward")
In the absence of "Rover" whose notes are read with keen interest by Aussie Rules players each week, I have been asked to step into the breach and keep the flag flying until "Rover" returns from holidays which even football critics must have sometimes.
On Sunday the locals played a return match with Darlington Point, visiting the Point for the match. The Griffith side won by a small margin, and it is proposed to comment on this in Friday's issue.
Fellow club men regret the accident to our energetic Secretary Jim Flattley, who is away at present nursing an injured hand. Jim is more than a "book" secretary. He turns out to practice and sets an example. He is unlucky in being the first man injured this season, as he broke a finger at practice.
If all club members had Jim's energy, we would not be simply expecting to be premier team of the Area, we would be certain. Griffith Club has the material, all it wants is the will to win, and I believe that we have it this year.
Players are offered a much wider field this season by the South Western competition and they will have an opportunity of travelling much further afield, as well as entertaining new teams at Griffith, which is what the public want.
The Area News - Tuesday May 2, 1939
Glen Kinchie Cup - Sunday May 7, 1939 at Leeton Showground
Leeton ..... 0.2 .. 0.4 .. 1.7 .. 1.8 (14)
Griffith ..... 2.2 .. 4.4 .. 7.5 .. 8.8 (56)
Best players: Leeton: Vic Woolnough, Cliff Brown, Ritchie Younger
Griffith: Syd Stevenson, George Wade, WH Thompson, Bruce Dawes, Eddie Forrestal
Match report: On Sunday the Griffith Australian Rules football team journeyed to Leeton and were successful in downing their old rivals for the Glen Kinchie Cup. The Griffith lads played good football, and if this is continued should go far in the South West competition in which they will meet better teams than last year. Griffith was handicapped by the absence of several prominent players but replaced them with new players some showed excellent form, especially Pat Cummins, Stan West and Roy Graham.
The South Western District Competition to which local Australian Rules followers look forward so keenly this year will commence on Sunday, but Griffith will not have its first match of the competition until Sunday week, having drawn the first-round bye. Nevertheless, with a view to sizing up prospective opponents, Griffith players and followers will be keenly interested in the results of the first series. Great things are expected in the competition this season, as the South-West competition embraces seven of the best teams along the line, Coolamon, Ganmain, Matong, Grong Grong, Narrandera, Leeton and Griffith.
Last season Ganmain was the "gun" team in the southern districts and, besides winning two knock-out competitions, annexed the premiership of the Wagga League. It will be interesting to see how it will perform in the rejuvenated South-Western District competition which has been in recess for several (two) seasons. In all probability Griffith, which won the premiership of the Leeton District League last year, Leeton and Narrandera will be Ganmain's most serious rivals, although Grong Grong, Matong and Coolamon are reported to have excellent prospects. Leeton, it is also reported, will be stronger than it has been for several years, and Narrandera is likely to be a more formidable combination than it was last year, especially if the club carries out its intention to engage a coach. Secretary Jack Smith of Matong, is very confident of the South-West competition, and expects that enthusiasts will see football of a standard little below that of the pre-depression days.
SWDFL Round 1 - Sunday May 14, 1939
Griffith bye
Other matches - Grong Grong 13.10 (88) def Matong 6.12 (48), Leeton 9.8 (62) def Coolamon 6.12 (48), Narrandera 12.18 (90) def Ganmain 5.4 (34)
Report: Much interest was taken in the opening matches of the revived South Western District Football Competition on Sunday, with the result that large crowds witnessed the three games. The special train ran from Coolamon to Leeton, and was very well patronised, especially from Ganmain.
SWDFL Round 2 - Sunday May 21, 1939 at Matong Sportsground
Matong ..... 2.4 .. 3.6 .. 4.9 .. 4.14 (42)
Griffith ...... 1.2 .. 6.5 .. 9.8 .. 10.8 (68)
Goals: Griffith: Syd Stevenson 2, Arthur Inman 2, Hector Robinson, WH Thompson, A. McNeil, Reg Hutchins, George Wade, Bruce Dawes
Matong: John Doherty 2, Clem Ceely, Bob Reilly
Other matches - Coolamon 11.15 (81) def Narrandera 8.11 (59), Ganmain 16.11 (107) def Leeton by 9.8 (62), Grong Grong bye
Match report: Griffith staged a spectacular entry into the South Western football competition on Sunday with a glorious win over Matong - glorious, because it was hard won against a team that made victory a task of strenuous and non-relaxing activity, keeping the pace hard and fast throughout every minute of the game. Matong was a team that any eighteen could be proud of defeating. They instilled plenty of the old South West hard play into the game and provided Griffith with a taste of the football that they will need to develop for future and further successes. The Griffith Club offers its sincere thanks to Mr. Frank Stafford who unselfishly devoted the most part of the day to mowing the long grass on the playing arena and making it to entertain Ganmain next Sunday.
SWDFL Round 3 - Sunday May 28, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ......... 5.7 (37)
Ganmain .... 13.10 (88)
Gate: £18/18/3
Other matches - Grong Grong 6.5 (41) def by Coolamon11.3 (69), Leeton 8.6 (54) def by Matong 9.8 (62), Narrandera bye
Match report: Ganmain showed its class when it defeated the Griffith Australian Rules team in the South-Western Competition match at the Griffith Showground on Sunday, finishing with 51 points margins. The visitors were a shade too classy for the local players, who were, however, battling on well at the end. This was Griffith's first defeat since midway through last season, and defeat has to come to every team in its turn. Visitors were attracted to the game and with the local supporters, a good crowd was mustered, the gate amounting to some £18, which is one of the best gates that the local Australian Rules Club has drawn for a long time.
SWDFL Round 4 - Sunday June 4, 1939 at Narrandera Sportsground
Narrandera .... 2.1 .. 5.4 .. 9.12 .. 15.21 (111)
Griffith ............ 2.2 .. 4.6 .. 7.11 .. 11.17 (83)
Best players: Narrandera: Audley Hunt, Stan Day, Les Perry
Griffith: Fred Savage, WH Thompson, George Wade
Other matches - Coolamon 10.8 (68) def Matong 8.4 (52), Grong Grong 5.9 (39) def by Leeton 7.23 (65), Ganmain bye
Match report: Griffith Aussie Rules team, which went through the latter half of last season and the commencement of this season without a defeat, suffered its consecutive defeat on Sunday, playing in the South Western competition, but there were mitigating circumstances. Griffith were visitors in this match against Narrandera. Due to the rainy conditions and bad roads, many of the Griffith players could not get into town. The team travelled without Jim Parker, Jack Gladman and Bob Hutchins, and was able to send only seventeen men on the field. However, those seventeen put up a grand fight, although they were beaten, they confirmed the impression gained in previous matches that Griffith has the material but lack the capacity for using it to the best advantage.
SWDFL Round 5 - Sunday June 11, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ............... 1.2 .. 5.2 .. 8.6 .. 11.9 (75)
Grong Grong .... 1.1 .. 2.2 .. 2.4 .. 3.6 (24)
Goals: Griffith: Hector Robinson 3, George Wade 3, Syd Stevenson 3, Jim Parker, W.H. Thompson.
Gate: £11/12/-.
Other matches - Ganmain 11.13 (79) def Coolamon 7.5 (47), Leeton 10.19 (79) def Narrandera 6.5 (41), Matong bye
Match report: Anticipations in last Friday's "Area News", that Grong Grong would be offered up as the sacrifice by Griffith Australian Rules team which was out to wipe off two consecutive defeats were realised on Sunday, when Grong Grong came to Griffith in the South Western competition match and was defeated by 75 to 25. It was not that Grong Grong played bad football, but that Griffith team played above itself, and was on its mettle to demonstrate that the last two defeats cannot be ignored. There was a good gate, and it saw a good game, with Grong Grong putting up a gallant battle but unable to pace it with the inspired Griffith players. Favoured by a day of warm sunshine, Griffith drew many visitors. Unfortunately, the cycle racing had to be abandoned due to the track being in a bad state of repair as a result of the recent rains and inability to run a grader over the course. One of the marked features in Griffith's play was the great improvement in kicking, which has at last become accurate. Arrangements for a playing coach are well at hand, applications having been called to close on Saturday next. If the matter is carried through swiftly the team should have enough coaching to be some importance in fate of the second round.
Ganmain Knockout - Monday June 12, 1939
First Round: Mangoplah 39 d Mirrool 25, Matong 23 d Faithful 19, Ariah Park 34 d Leeton 29, Ganmain d Ganmain Reserves.
Second Round: Ganmain 20 d Matong 14, Ariah Park 29 d Mangoplah 21
Final: Ganmain 46 d Ariah Park 29. Gate: 100/-/-.
SWDFL Round 6 - Sunday June 18, 1939 at Kindra Park
Coolamon .... 3.2 .. 4.11 .. 4.13 .. 4.18 (42)
Griffith ........... 1.2 .. 1.5 .. 4.10 ..6.12 (48)
Goals: Coolamon: Albert Williamson, Ted Smith, E Davis, Jack Green
Griffith: Arthur Inman 2, Jim Parker, Hector Robinson, Reg Hutchins, Len Hustler
Coolamon: Errol Barker, Eddie Manglesdolf, Merv Hurst, Dudley Barker, Alf Black, Tom Maloney, P Day, Neil Griggs, Jack Green, Merv Priest, Ted Smith, Albert Williamson, E Davis, Roy Johnson, W Leary, Hector Eyles, B Smith, Allan Moller
Griffith: Fred Savage, Eddie Forrestal, Jim Parker, Syd Stevenson, Jack Gladman, Len Hustler (c-c), Hector Robinson, Bob Hutchins, Athol Charlesworth, George Wade, Bruce Dawes, Stan Green, Reg Hutchins, Arthur Inman, George Redding, Roy Besley, Stan West, Jack Hutchins
Other matches - Ganmain 9.14 (68) def Grong Grong 4.9 (33), Matong 8.12 (60) def by Narrandera 9.7 (61), Leeton bye
Match report: Sunday's match against Coolamon provided fast, open and exciting football. It was easily the best match that Griffith has played this year, evenly contested against a high-class team. The Coolamon oval was surprisingly small, and this gave the home team an advantage over the visitors who had to kick shorter than they were used to in finding their position men. In addition, the ground was slipped, providing spills for the players and thrills for the spectators. A definite find for the Griffith team is Len Hustler. Keeping before it the ultimate aim for this season premiership of the S.W.D.F.L, the Griffith Club has taken the first essential step towards the attainment of that goal. This has been the appointment of a playing coach. The choice fell of Len Hustler, fresh from the Collingwood Seconds. It has been obvious since the beginning of the season that the material in the Griffith team is probably the best along the line, but that suitable coaching has been seriously lacking. Len Hustler's job is to weld that group of individualists into a co-ordinate whole which should be equal to the best that the South West has seen.
SWDFL Round 7 - Sunday June 25, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ...... 1.5 .. 2.6 .. 4.10 .. 5.12 (42)
Leeton ...... 0.0 .. 4.2 .. 4.3 .. 9.5 (59)
Griffith: Len Hustler (c-c), Eddie Forrestal, Jim Parker, Syd Stevenson, WH Thompson, Jack Hutchins, Hector Robinson, Bob Hutchins, Athol Charlesworth, George Wade, Bruce Dawes, Stan Green, Arthur Inman, Jack Gladman, Fred Savage, George Redding, Roy Besley, Stan West; W.H. Smith
Leeton: Cec Hopley (capt.), Eddie Luhrs, Vic Woolnough, Ron Luhrs, Les Denham, J Jennings, Cliff Brown, Joe Browne, Jack Curtis, Ritchie Younger, Alan Mitchell, Les Dare, Jack Geltch, Albert Wiseman, Alan McCormack, Len Byrnes, E. 'Pat' Wilson, Alf McDonald, Harold Lonnie
Umpire: W Murphy (Wagga). Gate: £11/9/-
Other matches - Matong 29 def by Ganmain 91, Narrandera 46 def Grong Grong 44, Coolamon bye
Match report: Leeton were the visitors in the last game of the first round against Griffith on Sunday last. A fine morning inspired hopes for an ideal day of football, but unluckily a strong northerly breeze blew up at mid-day, bringing clouds and a slight dash of rain. In spite of this, a fair crowd witnessed the match, and a good game was played. The Cycle Club combined with the Football Club to promote a mile and ½ mile handicap at half and three-quarter times, giving the crowd something different in entertainment from the usual run of football matches. Another new feature was tried as an experiment, and that was a commentary by amplifier as to who was on the field. This was arranged with a view to adding that extra interest which comes from knowing the players' names.
Theodore Cup - Sunday July 2, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith .... 4.2 .. 5.4 .. 9.9 .. 12.12 (84)
Binya ....... 0.1 .. 4.3 .. 4.3 .. 9.8 (62)
Best players: Griffith: Eddie Forrestal, Syd Stevenson, Fred Savage, WH Thompson, George Wade
Binya: Ron Matheson, Stevenson, J Langtry, Fred Clarke
Gate: £3/8/-.
Match report: In a match for the Theodore Cup, played at Griffith Showground on Sunday afternoon, Griffith Australian Rules team accounted for Binya (last year's Barellan D.F.A. premiers). Griffith generally was in control of the game, although Binya, in the second quarter, improved its position materially. Griffith fielded a team which included several new players and the home combination's success because of this, was the more meritorious. The new men included vacancies caused by the absence of Bob Hutchins, Jack Gladman, Reg Hutchins and Len Hustler. The match was favoured by delightful weather conditions.
SWDFL Round 8 - Sunday July 9, 1939
Griffith bye
Other matches - Coolamon 13.9 (87) def Leeton 12.11 (83), Ganmain 17.9 (111) def Narrandera 9.10 (64), Matong 90 def Grong Grong 37.
Friendly - Sunday July 9, 1939 at Hay Park
Hay ...........1.0 .. 3.3 .. 6.5 .. 9.9 (63)
Griffith .... 3.1 .. 5.7 .. 8.10 .. 10.14 (74)
Best players: Hay: L Stanmore, Fayle brothers, J and W Croft, J Curtis, Radcliffe, L Parr
Griffith: Fred Savage, Athol Charlesworth, Henry Rosengreen, Syd Stevenson, Bob Hutchins, Laurie and Stan Green
Match report: Having the (Round 8) bye in the South Western District football competition on Sunday, Griffith team visited Hay. It was not the club's strongest team but was a fairly representative combination. The men came across by means of Mr. Spry's transport service and reached Hay shortly after mid-day. Owing to the funeral of Mr. Lionel Bell, for many years a prominent local footballer, taking place at 3 o'clock, the match against Hay was not started till 3.30. The Hay players took the field wearing mourning rosettes out of respect to an old comrade. As it was the Hay team's first serious match of the season, and the men were lacking match practice, it was not expected that they would hold their opponents, who have been playing competition games for the two months past. Nevertheless, the Hay boys entered into the struggle with great vigor and enthusiasm, and never let up till the final bell went. The former Hay player Fred Savage was the outstanding performer in the visitors ranks, his marking and ground play being a treat to watch. Mr. Leslie Hayes as central umpire did a difficult job well. The attendance of the public was probably the biggest seen at a football match in Hay for many years. The visitors were entertained at tea at Donohue's cafe by the local Association.
SWDFL Round 9 - Sunday July 16, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ........ 3.3 .. 10.4 .. 12.10 ..16.14 (110)
Matong ...... 1.0 .. 1.2 .. 4.4 .. 4.5 (29)
Gate: £7/3/-
Other matches - Leeton 9.17 (71) def Ganmain 6.12 (48), Narrandera 11.11 (77) def by Coolamon 10.22 (82), Grong Grong bye
Match report: Playing clean, fast football against Matong on Sunday the local team scored a victory that has put it in good fettle for the game against Ganmain next week. With the Griffith team showing the form it did against Matong, great hopes are held for the meeting on the Ganmain ground.
SWDFL Round 10 - Sunday July 23, 1939 at Ganmain Sportsground
Ganmain ..... 0.4 .. 3.9 .. 6.13 ..9.16 (70)
Griffith ........ 1.2 .. 2.6 .. 5.7 .. 6.10 (46)
Goals: Ganmain: Clon Heath 5, Bill McPherson 2, Ron Sims, Arthur Crozier
Griffith: Fred Savage 2, George Wade, Arthur Inman, Len Hustler, WH Thompson
Best players: Ganmain: Clon Heath
Griffith: Roy Besley
Ganmain: R Sims (capt.), R Symes, G Logan, C Heath, F Crozier, D Allamby, F Carroll, B Slavin, E Coleman, A Bean, J Crozier, L Crozier, R McPherson, W McPherson, J Buchanan, K Cox, J Murphy, A Crozier; J Kelly
Griffith: R Besley, J Hutchins, J Smith; A Charlesworth, H J. Rosengren, J Parker; B Hutchins, W.H. Thompson, S Green; G Redding, F Savage, S Stevenson; G Wade, L Hustler (c-c), B Dawes; H Robinson, J Gladman, E Forrestal; A Inman
Umpire: P Slade (Wagga)
Other matches - Coolamon 110 def Grong Grong 40, Matong 10.6 (66) def by Leeton 14.15 (99), Narrandera, bye.
Reports: Umpire Poddy Slade, who had charge of the Ganmain-Griffith match on Sunday last, has reported Len Hustler, of Griffith, for the alleged kicking of Roy McPherson, of Ganmain, and knocking him out. The report was dealt with by the Judiciary Committee which resulted in Hustler being suspended for 12 months.
Match report: Although Ganmain was successful in its Australian Rules match against Griffith at Ganmain on Sunday, there is still every possibility that these two teams will meet in the finals. It is quite apparent that Griffith was not at the top of its form and that high marking champions were mishandling the ball; whereas observers were confident that Ganmain was fully extended and playing far better football than Leeton the week before. Those observations indicate that Griffith should topple Leeton, at their next meeting, and providing it strikes form, should obtain a victory over Ganmain.
The attendance at the match was very satisfactory, boosted as it was by a considerable passenger list on the train from Griffith. Weather conditions were perfect for football, with no sun and very little breeze. The crowd left the ground feeling that they had seen a good afternoon's football, fast, keen and exciting.
SWDFL Round 11 - Sunday July 30, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ............ 2.3 .. 6.8 .. 8.10 .. 8.17 (65)
Narrandera ... 2.5 .. 3.5 .. 3.5 .. 7.9 (51)
Goals: Griffith: George Wade 2, Bill Barry 2, Arthur Inman 2, WH Thompson, Jim Parker
Narrandera: Kevin Anderson 2, Bill Longmore 2, Warwick Lyons 2, Audley Hunt
Umpire: E Towell (Wagga). Gate: £11/6/3
Other matches - Leeton 16.16 (112) def Grong Grong 6.8 (44), Matong 49 def by Coolamon 64, Ganmain bye.
Match report: In a fast open game, the Griffith Australian Rules team disposed of Narrandera at the Griffith Showground on Sunday afternoon. A victory for Narrandera would have made the two teams equal on points in the South-Western competition. Having beaten Griffith at Narrandera in June, the visiting team was fully confident of success, but Griffith, fielding a first-class team, did not fear defeat. While a good day of football, no Rugby opposition, and prospects of a good game, the fixture attracted a fair crowd. The match was kept well under control by umpire Ted Towzell, of Wagga and provided a good exhibition of fair, but fast football.
SWDFL Round 12 - Sunday August 6, 1939 at Grong Grong Oval
Grong Grong .... 0.4 .. 1.5 .. 5.5 .. 5.8 (38)
Griffith .............. 1.1 .. 6.3 .. 8.3 .. 13.8 (86)
Goals: Griffith: Bill Barry 4, Jim Parker 2, Eddie Forrestal 2, Syd Stevenson 2, WH Thompson, Fred Savage, Colin Kelleher
Best players: Griffith: WH Thompson, Bob Hutchins, Eddie Forrestal, George Redding, Jim Parker
Other matches - Coolamon 12.9 (81) def Ganmain 11.11 (77)., Narrandera 3.7 (25) v Leeton 8.20 (68), Matong bye.
Match report: Griffith fielded a weak team. Several players were unable to get to town, because of the state of the roads, and there was difficulty at the last moment to muster a team. Consequent reshuffling was reflected in the play of some of the Griffith players, who were out of position. Snowy Thompson, Bob Hutchins and Eddie Forrestal were outstanding for Griffith.
SWDFL Round 13 - Sunday August 13, 1939 at Griffith Showground
Griffith .......... 2.3 .. 4.6 .. 4.8 .. 9.11 (65)
Coolamon .... 2.3 .. 3.7 .. 6.10 .. 6.10 (46)
Goals: Griffith: Bill Barry 5, WH Thompson, Jim Parker, Athol Charlesworth, George Wade
Best players: Griffith: Fred Savage, Roy Besley, Jim Parker, George Wade, Bill Barry and the Hutchins Bros.
Umpire: Gate: £9/9/9
Other matches - Narrandera 10.20 (80) def Matong 6.7 (43), Grong Grong 5.6 (36) def by Ganmain 14.15 (99), Leeton bye
Match report: Taking control in all parts of the field during a last quarter burst, Griffith Australian Rules team proved too strong for Coolamon at the weekend. Fred Savage with his long kicking and high marking was a treat to watch. He was well supported by Besley, Parker, Wade, Barry and the Hutchins boys.
Ariah Park Knock-Out Carnival Saturday August 19, 1939
First Round: Ganmain 8.10 d Kamarah 1.2, Junee 4.8 d Temora A 1.3, Ariah Park 10.8 d Temora B 3.4
Second Round: Ganmain 8.6 d Kikoira 1.1, Junee 7.11 d Westmilby 4.1, Ariah Park 10.4 d Binya 3.6, Mirrool 4.3 d Leeton 3.7
Semi-finals: Ganmain 5.6 d Junee 1.3, Ariah Park 6.8 d Mirrool 3.4
Final: Ganmain 10.8 (68) d Ariah Park 2.9 (21)
Prize money: $45 first, $15 second, $5 each for semifinalists. Gate: $120.
SWDFL Round 14 - Sunday August 20, 1939 at Leeton Showground
Leeton ...... 4.0 .. 6.1 .. 9.4 .. 9.7 (61)
Griffith ...... 0.2 .. 1.6 .. 3.10 .. 4.10 (36)
Goals: Leeton: Pat Wilson, Eddie Luhrs 3, Jack Geltch, Cec Hopley
Griffith: Bill Barry 3, Jim Parker
Best players: Leeton: J Jennings, Eddie Luhrs, Vic Woolnough, Cliff Brown, Alan McCormack, Pat Wilson
Griffith: Jack Gladman, George Wade, Fred Savage, Jim Parker, Bruce Dawes, Hutchins Bros
Leeton: Cec Hopley (capt.), Alf McDonald, Jack Geltch, Ron Luhrs, Ripper Stevenson, Harold Lonnie, Vic Woolnough, Alan McCormack, Cliff Brown, Albert Wiseman, J Jennings, Les Dare, Eddie Luhrs, E. 'Pat' Wilson, Richie Younger, Joe Browne, Alan Mitchell; Jack Curtis
Griffith: Fred Savage (capt.), Eddie Forrestal, Jim Parker, Syd Stevenson, W.H. Thompson, Bob Hutchins, Hector Robinson, Reg Hutchins, Athol Charlesworth, George Wade, Bruce Dawes, Stan Green, Arthur Inman, John Smith, Bill Barry, George Redding, Roy Besley, Jack Gladman; Colin Kelleher
Umpire Mr W Marney, of Wagga. The gate takings were £17.
Other matches - Ganmain 9.17 (71) def Matong 2.5 (17), Grong Grong 9.21 (75) def Narrandera 8.6 (54), Coolamon bye
Match report: A shower of of rain prior to and during the match increased the difficulties of the players, but the locals Magpies adapted themselves to the slippery foothold and kept a grip of the greasy ball by marking on their chests. The wet conditions certainly handicapped the visitors who were not able to play with their usual speedy movements and when it came to bumping, the heavier Magpies generally came off the better. Throughout the match there were grand splashes of the Aussie Rules code at its best. Spectacular high marks by players on both sides brought forth rounds of applause. Teamwork, shepherding, handballing etc., showed that these teams have a keen knowledge of the finer points of the game. There was one sensational kick by Eddie Luhrs, who found the main opening from an angle shot from the boundary. The visitors line of attack was to force the ball to the wings, where the Hutchins brothers, playing with nice understanding were able to creep the ball into their opponent's territory. A fairly stiff westerly breeze had a tendency, however, of driving the ball out of bounds. The team's captain, Fred Savage, played a strenuous game in the half-back position. His marking was very fine. He was strongly supported by Jim Parker. Amongst the visitors' forwards, George Wade was best. Jack Gladman, the well-known ex-Fivebough player, was seen, with the opponents on his old home ground. "Jack" was in great form and was the most prominent player of his side. In the rugged football he was well supported by Bruce Dawes, and they found a hefty opponent in Jack Geltch.
SWDFL Best and Fairest - Kiesling Cup
5 (best on ground votes) - Ray Davis (Matong) and Ken Brill (Grong Grong), 3 - Stan Day (Narrandera), 2 - Clon Heath (Ganmain), Roy McPherson (Ganmain), R. McCrae (Coolamon), Merv Priest (Coolamon), 1 - Merv Hurst (Coolamon), W. Leary (Coolamon), Jack Crozier (Ganmain), Frank Crozier (Ganmain), Roy Besley (Griffith), Jack Gladman (Griffith), Bob Hutchins (Griffith), Jim Parker (Griffith), Fred Savage (Griffith), W.H 'Snowy' Thompson (Griffith), Ernie Reynolds (Grong Grong), Cliff Brown (Leeton), Joe Browne (Leeton), Jack Geltch (Leeton), J. Jennings (Leeton), Alan McCormack (Leeton), Des Donkin (Matong), Kevin Anderson (Narrandera), Jim Cumming (Narrandera), Warwick Lyons (Narrandera), A. 'Hopper' Walton (Narrandera).
Merriwagga District FA Second Semi Final - Saturday August 26, 1939 at Stackpoole
Goolgowi .................. 8.13 (61)
Rankins Springs .... 4.13 (35)
The captain Schmetzer was outstanding for Rankin Springs, while Little excelled for Goolgowi
LDFA Semi Final - Sunday August 20, 1939 at Whitton Recreation Ground
Whitton vs Darlington Point
Darlington Point forfeited to Whitton because the roads were untrafficable through wet weather.
LDFA Preliminary Final - Sunday August 27, 1939 at Leeton Showground
Fivebough .............. 14.12 (96)
Darlington Point ... 8.15 (63)
Goals: Fivebough: O'Callaghan 6, W Bell 2, R Taylor 2, W O'Brien, J Geltch, W Fuller, J V Hargraves
Darlington Point: W Causon 2, T Fuller, H Glass, S Curphy, J McGlynn, W Cook, H Byron
Best players: Fivebough: A Geltch, O'Callaghan, W O'Brien, Mangelsdolf Bros., E Gordon
Darlington Point: N Spears, E King, G Charles, H Glass
Fivebough: R Fuller (capt.), W O'Brien, O O'Callaghan, J Breed, J Collins, D Deaton, R Taylor, W Fuller, J O'Callaghan, J & S Mangelsdolf, R J Taylor, E Gordon, W Bell, T Renouf, A Geltch, L Cartwright, J V Hargraves
Darlington Point: W Tuddenham (capt.), C Tucker, W Causon, J Fuller, R Kennedy, M Davis, N Spears, S Curphy, W Cook, H Glass, J McGlynn, H Byron, G Charles, T Fuller, E King, J Taylor, W Walton, D Turner; W Woolnough
Umpire: Bert Roberts (Leeton)
SWDFL First Semi Final - Sunday August 27, 1939 at Narrandera Sportsground
Coolamon .... 3.6 .. 6.7 .. 7.15 .. 10.17 (77)
Griffith .......... 2.1 .. 2.6 .. 3.6 .. 6.10 (46)
Goals: Coolamon: Charlie Davis 4, Jack Green 3, G Day, W Leary, Vic Manglesdolf
Griffith: Bill Barry 5, John Smith
Best players: Coolamon: Errol & Dudley Barker, Eddie Manglesdolf, Roy Johnson, Jack Green, Merv Priest, R McCrea
Griffith: Bob & Reg Hutchins, Jim Parker, Syd Stevenson, Athol Charlesworth, Bill Barry, Bill Smith, George Wade, John Smith
Umpire: Ted Towzell (Wagga). Gate: £40/-/- (programmes sales).
Match report: Griffith were severely handicapped by the absence of their 'crack' forward Snowy Thompson who was unable to play owing to injuries. His absence weakened the forward line. Another absentee was Jack Hutchins, who in the match the previous weekend had the misfortune to splinter a bone in his ankle.
LDFA (Kinlock Cup) Grand Final - Sunday September 3, 1939 at Leeton Showground
Whitton ........ 2.0 .. 6.5 .. 10.8 .. 10.8 (68)
Fivebough ... 0.4 .. 1.5 .. 2.8 .. 3.13 (31)
Best players: Whitton: Ted, Lew & Doug Thompson
Fivebough: Jack Geltch, Roy Fuller
Whitton: Jack P. Joyce (capt.), Lew, Les, Doug & Ted Thompson, J McIntyre, E Farrant, C Collins, Bill & John Painting, Ray McGrath, F.G. 'Willard' & Ossie DeMamiel, Walter 'Speewar' DeMamiel, Danny Rhodes, Vic Wallett, Perc 'Ike' Weaven, Les Boeck; Jim Rhodes
Fivebough: Roy Fuller (capt.), W O'Brien, O O'Callaghan, Jack Breed, J Collins, Dick Deaton, Dick Taylor, Wattie Fuller, Jim O'Callaghan, J & S Mangelsdolf, E Gordon, Wilbur Bell, Tom Renouf, Alf Geltch, L Cartwright, J V Hargraves, R J Taylor
Umpire: Edward White (VFL).
Merriwagga District FA Grand Final - Saturday September 9, 1939 at Rankins Springs
Goolgowi ....... 4.6 (30)
Stackpoole ... 4.14 (38)
Best players: Goolgowi: Little Bros., R Brown, Harrison, Simmons, West, Nash
Stackpoole: Graham Bros., Wells Bros., Black, Hunt, Donnelly, Tosh
Umpire: F. Holt.
Having won the premiership and the Martin Gillies Cup for three years in succession, Stackpoole becomes the outright winners of this trophy.
SWDFL Second Semi Final - Sunday September 10, 1939 at Kindra Park
Ganmain ... 0.2 .. 2.6 .. 5.8 .. 9.10 (64)
Leeton ...... 1.6 .. 4.9 .. 7.11 .. 9.18 (72)
Best players: Ganmain: Clon Heath Jack Crozier, Doug Allamby, McPherson
Leeton: Cliff Brown, J Jennings, Eddie Luhrs, Pat Wilson
Umpire: W Marney (Wagga). Gate: £60/10/-
SWDFL Preliminary Final - Sunday September 17, 1939 at Matong Sportsground
Ganmain ...... 0.2 .. 5.3 .. 6.4 .. 9.4 (58)
Coolamon ... 7.3 .. 7.4 .. 11.9 .. 12.10 (82)
Gate: £61/10/-
SWDFL Grand Final - Sunday September 24, 1939 at Narrandera Sportsground
Leeton ......... 4.5 .. 8.7 .. 10.7 .. 16.13 (109)
Coolamon ... 1.4 .. 3.6 .. 7.14 .. 7.15 (57)
Goals: Leeton: E Luhrs 5, E Wilson 3, J Colman 2, J Jennings 2, R Luhrs, J Geltch, C Hopley, H Lonnie
Coolamon: G Day 3, E Manglesdolf 2, D Barker, H Eyles
Leeton: Cec 'Scroggs' Hopley (capt.), Alf McDonald, Jack Geltch, Ron Luhrs, Jack Curtis, Harold Lonnie, Vic Woolnough, Alan McCormack, Cliff Brown, Albert Wiseman, Len Byrnes, J Jennings, Les Dare, Eddie Luhrs, E. 'Pat' Wilson, Ritchie Younger, Joe Browne, Jack Colman; L Denham
Coolamon: C Mann (capt.), Errol 'Chic' Barker, Merv Hurst, Dudley Barker, Alf Black, Eddie Manglesdolf, R McCrea, Jack Green, Tom Maloney, G Day, Allan Moller, Merv Priest, Ted Smith, Charlie Davis, Roy Johnson, W Leary, Hector Eyles, Vic Manglesdolf; Albert Williamson
Umpire: W Marney (Wagga). Gate: £122/14/-
Bill Barry, Athol Charlesworth, Pat Cummins, Bruce Dawes, Jim C. Flattley, Eddie Forrestal, Ernie Gladman, Jack Gladman, Martin Graham, Roy Graham, Laurie Green, Stanley Green, Arthur Holt, Len Hustler, Jack Hutchins, Reg Hutchins, Robert Hutchins, Arthur Inman, Colin Kelleher, Cecil Little, Charlie McAuliffe, A. McNeil, Jim Parker, Edwin 'Nugget' Peters, George Redding, Hector Robinson, Henry J. Rosengreen, Fred J. Savage, Ron Shaw, John Smith, W. H. Smith, Syd Stevenson, W. H. Thompson, George Wade, Ralph 'Stan' West.
Debuts: Ernie Gladman, Jack Gladman, Martin Graham, Roy Graham, Arthur Holt, Len Hustler, Colin Kelleher, Cecil Little, Charlie McAuliffe, A. McNeil, Syd Stevenson, Ralph 'Stan' West.
Final Games: Jack Gladman, Arthur Holt, Len Hustler, Jack Hutchins, Cecil Little, Charlie McAuliffe, A. McNeil, Edwin 'Nugget' Peters, Henry J. Rosengreen.