Team Photo
Australian Rules Coach Coming Tomorrow
Mr. Roy Watterston the new coach of the Griffith Australian Rules team will arrive from Sydney to-morrow.
Hayden Bunton, the famous Victorian League football made arrangements for Roy Watterston to play with Subiaco (WA), but the arrangement fell through when Roy enlisted with the A.I.F. After the war he settled in Sydney and played with the Newtown Club, of which he was captain last season. Newtown won its fourth consecutive premiership last season.
Roy has represented N.S.W. in all Carnivals and State games since 1946 and has won trophies for the best and fairest for the Newtown Club for the past three seasons. He is 25 years old, weighs 13st. 10lbs and is 6' 2" in height.
The Griffith Club was lucky to secure the services of such a grand footballer, as three Melbourne clubs were after him to coach them, but the Griffith Club got Mr. Jack Condon to go to Sydney and sign him up as coach for 1949. (Area News - Friday 8 April, 1949)
Aussie Rules Club to Play on Sunday
The Griffith Australian Rules Football Club will play their first game amongst themselves at the Diggers Oval on Sunday. On Sunday week, the club will travel to Leeton and play Leeton in a trial game.
In the discussion about the games at a meeting on Tuesday night, the new Griffith coach, Roy Watterston said that the team needed a bit more training before it could play even a trial game.
He said it would be better to have a game against Leeton on the following Sunday, April 24. His suggestion was agreed with.
Delegates Report - Mr. Ben Clarke, district delegate for Griffith reported on the S.W.D.F.L. conference at Leeton last Tuesday. It was decided at the meeting to admit Ganmain and Marrar into the South Western District competition. (Area News - Friday 15 April, 1949)
Australian Rules Training Commences
Players and supporters turned up in strength at the golf club cricket ground on Sunday for the opening trial for the 1949 season of the Griffith Australian Rules Club. While the turf wicket at the Showground is growing, the Aussie Rules footballers are temporarily without a home ground. 'New coach, Roy Watterson and the club selectors had plenty of material to choose from and after an hour of hard play saw just what the players could do. Many new players were present, and some showed promise.
The Waide brothers, Stevensons and Cecil Polkinghorne were among the newcomers to the game in Griffith and they all looked likely players for the team. John Norton and young Dave McRae of the juniors, although a coltish and awkward yet, with a little training may easily become an asset to the senior team.
Among the old hands at the game, Lionel Crump, Fred Clarke, Jack Taylor and Keith Thompson were very lively and eager for the run. Roy Watterston took command with sureness and confidence which augers well for the future success of the season. After a few minutes of play it was quite apparent to the supporters and players that in appointing him as coach they had not only acquired a good coach but a top line player. Arrangements have been made to play Leeton at Leeton on Sunday. All attending players will be required to attend training this week. (Area News - Friday 22 April, 1949)
Leeton Beaten in Aust. Rules Trial Game
The Griffith Australian Rules team won its first trial match for the season against Leeton last Sunday by 10 goals 10 behinds (70 points) to 5 goals 4 behinds (34 points).
Although engaging in their first match for the season, and with only one week training, the Griffith team displayed almost mid-season form. The game was of surprisingly fast and interesting nature and Griffith scored a rather comfortable win.
From the commencement of play, the game was bright and entertaining Griffith showing the more dash and initiative. Their spirited, fast-moving methods and splendid co-operation so early in the season must have been very gratifying to newly appointed coach, Roy Watterston and their many supporters. With the absence this year of such stalwarts as Geoff Willis, Jim Parker, Jack Kloot, Leo Charles, Fred Savage and Roy Geddes has left the Griffith eighteen, sadly depleted. But with the good form shown by new men, particularly Roy Watterston, Jack and Rex Waide, Bruce and Ian Stevenson, Claude Clarke and others it appears certain that the local side will again be a force to be reckoned with.
(Area News - Tuesday 26 April 1949)
Coal Shortage Defers Start of Competition
As no special steam trains could be made available this weekend because of the coal shortage the start of the S.W.D.F.L. competition has been postponed for one week.
S.WD.F.L. officials have made representations to the Local State member Mr. A.G. Enticknapp, M.L.A. and are confident that there will be no further difficulty in obtaining trains when the S.W.D.F.L. season starts on Sunday, May 8.
The Griffith (reserve grade) team have drawn last year's premiers Yanco away in the opening round matches of the L.D.F.L. competition commencing this Saturday, May 1.
Zone 1: Matong v Grong Grong, Ganmain v Coolamon; Zone 2. Darlington Point v Leeton, Yanco v Griffith.
(Area News - Friday 29 April, 1949)
Reserves LDFL (Kinlock Cup) Round 1 - Saturday April 30, 1949 at Yanco Sportsground
Yanco 6.10 (46) def by Griffith 11.16 (76)
Best players: Griffith: Brian Higgins, Dave McRae, Jack Collins, Frank Wood, Kevin Tyndall, Noel Tyndall
SWDFL Round 1 - Sunday May 8, 1949 at Matong Sportsground
Matong ..... 2.7 (19)
Griffith ..... 9.19 (73)
Goals: Griffith: Fred Clarke 3, Bill Black 2, Rex Waide 2, Sam Weller, Brian Higgins
Best players: Matong: Ken Johnston, Bill Walsh, Gordon Jones, Mervyn Pieper
Griffith: Team effort
Griffith: Roy Watterston (c-c)*, Keith Thompson, Brian Higgins, Rex Waide, Bruce Stevenson, Vic Carroll, Terry Wood, Kevin Tyndall, Bill Black*, Sammy Weller, Dave McRae*, Noel Tyndall, Bernell Parslow, Jack Taylor, Jack Waide, Fred Clarke, Lionel Crump; Des O'Dwyer*, Jack Collins
Other matches - Coolamon 74 def Whitton 17, Ganmain 10.20 (80) def Leeton 5.10 (40), Marrar 48 def Narrandera 63; Junee, bye
Reserves LDFL R2 (Sat): Griffith 6.12 (46) d Darlington Point 1.5 (11)
Best players: Griffith: Jack Collins, Jack Shrives, John O'Dwyer, John Norton, John O'Keefe
SWDFL Round 2 - Sunday May 15, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ......... 9.13 (67)
Ganmain ..... 8.4 (52)
Goals: Griffith: Rex Waide 2, Bob Hutchins, Brian Higgins, Bernell Parslow, Martin Graham, Vic Carroll, Roy Watterston, Fred Clarke
Best players: Griffith: Fred Clarke, Jack Waide, Rex Waide, Terry Wood, Keith Thompson, Bob Hutchins
Other matches - Leeton 8.12 (60) def Coolamon 10.11 (71), Narrandera 7.13 (55) def Junee 3.10 (28), Whitton 9.13 (67) def Matong 8.15 (63); Marrar, bye.
Reserves LDFL R3 (Sat): Griffith 92 d Leeton 44
SWDFL Round 3 - Sunday May 22, 1949 at Junee
Junee lost to Griffith narrowly
Other matches - Ganmain 82 def Narrandera 72, Marrar 12.15 (85) def (57) Whitton 9.3, Matong 9.9 (63) def by Leeton 8.16 (64); Coolamon, bye.
Reserves LDFL R4 (Sat): Griffith 64 d Yanco 26
SWDFL Round 4 - Sunday May 29, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith .............. 1.2 .. 2.7 .. 3.10 .. 6.11 (47)
Narrandera .... 3.2 .. 4.2 .. 8.6 .. 11.7 (73)
Goals: Griffith: Clive Lane 3, Brian Higgins, Lionel Crump, Bob Hutchins
Narrandera: Leo Foley 5, Norm Thompson 3, Ross Jones, Don Sams, Jim Kenny
Best players: Griffith: Keith Thompson, Clive Clarke, Terry Wood, Lionel Crump, Fred Clarke, Ben Clarke
Narrandera: Kevin Kallady, Les Longmore, Henry 'Blue' Turner, Leo Foley
Umpire: Bert Roberts (Leeton)
Other matches - Coolamon def Junee, Matong def Marrar by 28 points, Whitton 3.10 (28) def Leeton 6.7 (43) on protest; Ganmain, bye.
Reserves LDFL R5 (Sat): Darlington Point def by Griffith by 2 points.
SWDFL Round 5 - Sunday June 5, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ..... 14.19 (94)
Marrar ..... 10.11 (71)
Goals: Griffith: Clive Lane 4, Frank Wood 3, Lionel Crump 2, Brian Higgins 2, Bob Hutchins, Terry Wood, Bernell Parslow
Best players: Griffith: Lionel Crump, Keith Thompson, Clive Lane, Bob Hutchins, Jack Taylor, Terry Wood
Other matches - Coolamon def Matong by 38 points, Ganmain 16.11 (107) def Whitton 9.6 (60), Leeton 12.12 (84) def Junee 7.5 (47); Narrandera, bye.
Reserves LDFL R6 (Sat): Leeton 3.8 (26) lost to Griffith 5.10 (40)
SWDFL Round 6 - Sunday June 12, 1949 at Whitton Recreation Ground
Whitton ..... 5.8 (38)
Griffith ..... 12.17 (89)
Goals: Whitton: Ted Thompson 4, Jack Tucker
Griffith: Bob Hutchins 3, Clive Lane 2, Lionel Crump 2, Roy Watterston, Terry Wood, Fred Clarke, Ted Feltwell, Rex Waide
Best players: Whitton: Bill Painting, Ted Thompson, Les Thompson, Jack Tucker, Mick McAliece
Griffith: Lionel Crump, Bruce Stevenson, Jack Taylor, Kevin O'Connor, Bob Hutchins, Roy Watterston
Other matches - Junee def by Ganmain, Marrar 14.22 (106) def Leeton 3.8 (26), Narrandera drew Coolamon; Matong, bye.
Reserves LDFL R7 (Sat): Yanco 14. 7 (91) d Griffith 4.8 (32)
Challenge Match - Monday June 13, 1949 at Narrandera Sportsground
SWDFL ........ 6.2 .. 8.2 .. 13.6 .. 18. 8 (116)
St George ... 2.1 .. 3.2 .. 6.4 .. 8.8 (56)
Goals: SWDFL: Laurie Taylor 10, Leo Foley 3, Les McPherson 2, Merv Pieper 2, Ted Thompson
Best players: SWDFL: Laurie Taylor, Jack Corcoran, Dudley Smith, Fred Clarke, Leo Foley, Merv Pieper, Ted Thompson
St George: J Frost, E Freake, R Elliott, V Sands
Umpire: H Towzell (Wagga)
SWDFL Round 7 - Sunday June 19, 1949 at Leeton Showground
Leeton ...... 2.9 (21)
Griffith ..... 6.10 (46)
Goals: Leeton: Graham Padgen, Don Drew
Griffith: Clive Lane 4, Bob Hutchins 2
Other matches - Coolamon d Ganmain 12 points, Junee 4.5 (29) def by Marrar 4.13 (37), Matong 10.11 (71) def Narrandera 12.7 (79); Whitton, bye.
Match report: Conditions were ideal when the teams took the field, but right from the start play was scrambly and congested, very few players handling the ball cleanly or safely, and the umpire lagging too far behind. For Griffith, Kevin O'Connor was outstanding, and he now beginning to reveal some of the form that won him State representation for Queensland. Jack Luhrs, who was playing his first game, also shaped well, and should be a decided acquisition to the Griffith team. Ben Clarke, although overweight, is beginning to reach top form, and with Eric Geddes and Marty Graham formed a solid and capable defence. Terry Wood gave his usual consistent display, while Clive Lane and Bob Hutchins were the most effective forwards. For Leeton, Eddie Luhrs was a stalwart. His safe marking and beautiful long kicking were a feature of the day. Others to show out were Des Lynch, Ossie Grose, Maurie Harrison and Don Drew
Reserves LDFL R8 (Sat): Griffith lost to Darlington Point by 11 points.
Schoolboys: South Griffith 17.10 (112) d West Griffith 8.8 (56)
SWDFL Round 8 - Sunday June 26, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith .......... 13.13 (85)
Coolamon ..... 11.4 (70)
Goals: Griffith: Bob Hutchins 5, Lionel Crump 2, Brian Higgins 2, Clive Lane, Martin Graham, Ted Feltwell
Coolamon: John Butler 6, Laurie Taylor 3, Les Gould, Peter Curtis
Best players: Griffith: Team effort
Coolamon: Frank Williamson, Les Gould, Dudley Smith, Jim O'Brien, John Butler
Umpire: Ritchie Younger (Leeton)
Other matches - Ganmain 13.7 (85) def Marrar 8.14 (68), Matong 9.17 (71) def Junee 8.7 (55), Narrandera 11.12 (78) def Whitton 5.9 (39); Leeton, bye.
Schoolboys: Darlington Point 7.8 (50) d West Griffith 3.2 (20)
Best players: West Griffith: Byron Jones, L Robinson, Jim Ford
Darlington Point: L Finley, Tom DeMamiel, Lionel Bloomfield
Reserves LDFL R9 (Sat): Griffith 13.15 (93) d Leeton 4.5 (29)
Schoolboys at Whitton: Whitton 0.3 (3) def by South Griffith 13.21 (99)
Goals: South Griffith: Vic Hathaway 6, Pat Withers 4, Vic Budd 2, Kelvin Williams
Best players: Whitton: Pat Dunn, Bill Box, DeMamiel
South Griffith: Vic Hathaway, Clive Polkinghorne, Pat Withers, Vic Budd, Brian Devery
SWDFL Round 9 - Sunday July 3, 1949
Griffith bye
Other matches - Ganmain def Matong, Junee 10.9 (69) def Whitton 10.5 (65), Leeton 9.12 (66) def Narrandera 7.7 (49), Marrar 9.12 (66) def by Coolamon 11.17(83)
Reserves LDFL R10 (Sat): Griffith 6.8 (44) d Yanco 5.13 (43)
Schoolboys: Darlington Point 8.8 d South Griffith 6.7, West Griffith 7.3 d Whitton 0.3
SWDFL Round 10 - Sunday July 10, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ....... 8.15 (63)
Matong ...... 7.5 (47)
Umpire: C Cedelland
Reported: Jack Luhrs, Ted Feltwell (Griffith); J Turner, Kevin Kallady, Merv Pieper, Ken Johnston, Harry Netting (Matong)
Other matches - Leeton 2.11 (23) def by Ganmain 14.20 (104), Narrandera 12.7 (79) def Marrar 6.12 (48), Whitton 6.10 (46) def by Coolamon 9.11 (65); Junee, bye.
Schoolboys: West Griffith 38 d South Griffith 6
Reserves LDFL R11 (Sat): Darlington Point 7.5 (47) d Griffith 10.15 (75) on protest.
Best players: Griffith: Jack Collins, Jack Shrives, John O'Dwyer, John Norton, John O'Keefe
Note: A protest lodged by Darlington Point against Griffith for playing an unregistered player, Keith Thompson was upheld. The match was recorded as a win for Darlington Point.
SWDFL Round 11 - Sunday July 17, 1949 at Ganmain Sportsground
Ganmain ..... 8.6 (54)
Griffith ......... 4.3 (27)
Goals; Ganmain: Keith Gumbleton 4, Bill Carroll 2, Athur Crozier 2
Griffith: Clive Lane 2, Sam Weller, Lionel Crump
Best players: Ganmain: Les McPherson, Jim Talbot, Arthur Crozier, Les Meek
Griffith: Sam Weller, Vic Carroll, Keith Thompson, Jack Waide
Other matches - Coolamon 12.4 (76) def Leeton 2.11 (23), Junee def Narrandera, Matong def by Whitton; Marrar, bye.
Reserves LDFL R12 (Sat): Leeton 5.9 (39) lost to Griffith 6.16 (52)
Schoolboys: Darlington Point 93 d Griffith 8
SWDFL Round 12 - Sunday July 24, 1949 at Narrandera Sportsground
Narrandera .... 4.2 .. 4.3 .. 4.5 .. 4.10 (34)
Griffith ............. 0.2 .. 4.5 .. 8.8 .. 14.11 (95)
Goals: Narrandera: Ross Jones 2, Leo Foley, Fred Maxwell
Griffith: Clive Lane 4, Lionel Crump 3, Bob Hutchins 2, Ted Feltwell, Martin Graham, Jack Taylor, Jack Waide
Best players: Narrandera: Leo Foley, Ross Jones, Fred Aliendi, Les Longmore, Henry 'Blue' Turner, Jim Durnan
Griffith: Kevin O'Connor, Martin Graham, Jack Waide, Keith Thompson, Clive Lane, Ben Clarke, Bob Hutchins
Other matches - Junee 8.11 (59) def Coolamon 4.12(36), Leeton 5.7 (37) def by Whitton 6.9 (45), Marrar 6.15 (51) def by Matong 7.12 (54); Ganmain, bye.
Reserves LDFL R13 (Sat): Griffith 7.8 (50) lost to Yanco 10.13 (73)
SWDFL Round 13 - Sunday July 31, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ... 2.1 .. 5.4 .. 6.8 .. 10.17 (77)
Junee .... 2.2 .. 4.3 .. 5.3 .. 5.4 (34)
Other matches - Leeton 28 def by Matong 48, Narrandera 15.6 (96) def Ganmain 12.15 (87), Whitton 8.7 (55) def Marrar 4.12 (36); Coolamon, bye.
Schoolboys: Griffith (Zone 2) 45 d Leeton (Zone 1) 22
Reserves LDFL R14 (Sat): Griffith def Darlington Point on forfeit.
Schoolboy Inter zone: Griffith 22 lost to Darlington Point 45
SWDFL Round 14 - Sunday August 7, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith ..... 16.13 (109)
Whitton ..... 6.3 (39)
Goals: Griffith: Bob Hutchins 4, Fred Clarke 4, Rex Waide 2, Kevin O'Connor 2, Ted Feltwell 2, Vic Carroll, Roy Watterston
Other matches - Coolamon 89 def Narrandera 60, Ganmain def Junee, Leeton 6.6 (42) def by Marrar 13.6 (84); Matong, bye.
Reserves LDFL R15 (Sat): Griffith def Leeton.
LDFL (Zone 1) Ladder: Grong Grong 60, Narrandera 44, Coolamon 36, Ganmain 28, Matong 12.
LDFL (Zone 2) Ladder: Yanco 44, Griffith 44, Darlington Point 20, Leeton 4.
Reserves LDFL (Kinlock Cup) First Semi Final - Saturday August 13, 1949 at Yanco Sportsground
Griffith ............ 3.5 .. 6.9 .. 8.14 .. 11.16 (82)
Narrandera .... 0.6 .. 1.9 .. 1.14 .. 2.17 (29)
Best players: Griffith: Cecil Polkinghorne, Bernell Parslow, Sam Weller, Rex Waide
Narrandera: A Tunbridge, F Welsh, Henry Mathieson, R Woolnough
Umpire: J Honor (Wagga UL)
Match report: Under ideal weather conditions Griffith (82 points) defeated Narrandera (29 pts.) In the first semi-final of the Leeton District Football League's Competition, played on Saturday last at Yanco. Considering the semi-final was played on a neutral ground and no trains on account of rail restrictions, the attendance of 200 was quite satisfactory. In the opening stages the play reached a high standard but deteriorated after the second quarter, other than some nice individual marking and kicking. Griffith, however, held too many guns for Narrandera, as can be seen by the quarter scores.
SWDFL Round 15 - Sunday August 14, 1949 at Langtry Oval
Marrar .... 11.7 (73)
Griffith .... 11.16 (82)
Goals: Marrar: D Langtry 3, W Turner 2, K Campbell 2, J Brewster 2, Jim McCallum, Bernie Pattison
Griffith: Rex Waide 4, Bob Hutchins 3, Jack Waide, Lionel Crump, Sam Weller, Fred Clarke
Best players: Marrar: Don Irvine, W Turner, Bernie Pattison, Jim McCallum, Jack Buchanan
Griffith: Lionel Crump, Ben Clarke, Bruce Stevenson, Jack Waide, Keith Thompson
Other matches - Junee def Leeton on forfeit, Matong def Coolamon, Whitton def by Ganmain; Narrandera, bye.
Reserves LDFL (Kinlock Cup) Second Semi Final - Saturday August 20, 1949 at Narrandera Sportsground
Grong Grong ... 2.1 .. 5.6 .. 7.8 .. 15.11 (101)
Yanco ................ 3.2 .. 3.2 .. 3.3 .. 3.5 (23)
Match report: In the second semi-final of the Leeton District Football League Competition for the Kinloch Cup, played at Narrandera on Saturday last, Grong Grong scored an easy win over the strong Yanco team, before a very good attendance. The strong wind and unpleasant weather conditions marred the match. Although Yanco were soundly beaten, this team has played far better football than they were able to show on Saturday last, and it is anticipated that they will put up a better display at Darlington Point on Saturday next when they meet Griffith In the final Mr. G. Honor, of South Wagga Umpires League, gave a very good standard of umpiring.
SWDFL Round 16 - Sunday August 21, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith def Leeton on forfeit
Other matches - Ganmain 17.19 (121) def Coolamon 8.9 (57), Marrar 12.12 (84) def Junee 7.8 (50), Narrandera 91 def Matong 19; Whitton, bye.
Match report: On Sunday, the Leeton Australian Rules team was to have visited Griffith but could not muster enough players and decided to forfeit. The decision was made rather late, and it was not until almost 2 p.m. that the news was received at the showgrounds, where quite a number of spectators were already in attendance to witness the final of the schoolboy's competition. The forfeit was rather unfortunate for Griffith which needed match practice with the finals approaching. Two teams of thirteen played a practice game. Jack Collins shaped particularly well and should be assured of a place in the line-up for the final game.
Schoolboys Preliminary Final: Griffith South 8.10 (58) d Darlington Point 3.8 (26)
Reserves LDFL (Kinlock Cup) Preliminary Final - Saturday August 27, 1949 at Darlington Point Oval
Yanco ....... 4.6 .. 5.9 .. 6.13 .. 8.17 (65)
Griffith ..... 2.1 .. 5.5 .. 5.7 .. 7.10 (52)
Best players: Yanco: C Dunne, R Myers, K O'Connell
Griffith: Claude Wade, Jack Collins, Vern Evans
Griffith: Vic Ledwidge, Kevin and Noel Tyndall, Cecil Polkinghorne, Des O'Dwyer, Brian Higgins, Jack Collins, Pat Armour, Gerry Smith, John Norton, Bruce Bowden, Dave McRae, Terry Crump, Frank Wood, Vern Evans, Bernell Parslow, Kevin and John O'Dwyer, Bill Black, Hugh McLean, Claude Wade, Stan West
Match report: In the Kinloch Cup Competition final, Yanco defeated Griffith at Darlington Point on Saturday last. Although the game was hard and fast it was anyone's game till the final bell. From the bounce of the ball, Griffith rucks knocked to their ever-ready rover, who sent to J. Collins, who sent to Higgins who registered a 'sixer.' Griffith repeated the performance when another goal was scored, making - Griffith 12 points when only three minutes of play had gone. Yanco sensed the position and began a strong attack, when O'Connell sent to Grace to Dunn, to Colman, who found the main uprights. Yanco were again on the move when Allan Russell had a shot from a difficult angle and scored a goal. Yanco were on top in this quarter scoring 4 — 6 to 2 — 1. The second quarter saw Griffith making full use of the breeze that got up, scoring 3 — 1 to Yanco 1—3. The third quarter was all Yanco who scored 2 — 4 to 2 behinds. Griffith had a big task to overtake Yanco in the last quarter. Yanco attacked and scored 1 — 1 to Griffith 2 — 2, making the final scores Yanco 8—17 to Griffith 7—9. Charlie Dunn was easily the best player on the ground, whilst Schier, Hamilton, Sullivan, O'Connell and Colman served Yanco well, whilst Griffith best were Collins, Evans and O'Dwyer. The executive of the L.D.F.L. wish to thank the following for the valuable assistance rendered them on Saturday last: L. Wardle, M. Hogarth, J. James, J. W. Kelly, T. King, J. Heath, K. Curphey, D. Potts, M. Hardy and K. Hogarth.
SWDFL Round 17 - Sunday August 28, 1949 at Kindra Park
Coolamon ..... 10.12 (72)
Griffith .......... 12.14 (86)
Goals: Coolamon: Laurie Taylor 3, Bert Williamson 2, John Butler 2, Frank Williamson 2, Jim O'Brien
Griffith: Clive Lane 6, Lionel Crump 2, Fred Clarke, Bruce Stevenson, Rex Waide, Ted Feltwell
Best players: Coolamon: Mervyn Iverach, Jim O'Brien, Laurie Taylor, Hector Eyles, Dudley Smith
Griffith: Kevin O'Connor, Keith Thompson, Terry Wood, Clive Lane, Ted Feltwell
Other matches - Junee def Matong, Marrar 12.9 (81) def by Ganmain 14.9 (93), Whitton 8.4 (52) def Narrandera 8.14 (62); Leeton, bye.
M.I.A Schoolboy Grand Final - Sunday August 28, 1949 at Leeton Showground
Barellan 19.15 (129) d Griffith 5.3 (33)
Report: Barellan led throughout and at no part of the game did Griffith look like getting in front. Best players for Barellan were the Lyons brothers, and for Griffith, Vic Budd, Vic Hathaway, Clive Polkinghorne, Pat Withers and Brian Casey. The Letona Cup was donated by Mr. H.J. Williams.
Barellan: Owen Lyons, Arthur Allen, Mark Taig, Jack Trembath, Joe Mickelson, Des Lyons, Keith Cronin, Graham Ellis, Keith Whitford, Jim Douglas, Frank Maher, Bruce Smith, Owen Tubb, Bruce Brambley, Noel Brambley, Don Jamieson, Peter Findlay, Tom Howe, Hugh Manning
Griffith: Pat Withers, Clive Polkinghorne, Vic Budd, Vic Hathaway, Jackie Williams, Colin 'Peter' Campbell, Trevor Campbell, Brian Devery, John Thomas, Don Dwyer, Vince O'Dwyer, L. Robinson, George Roach, Les McDermott, Brian Casey, John Casserly, Les Collis, Brian Devery, Allan Blows, Kelvin Williams, Elwin Withers, Trevor Williams
Reserves LDFA (Kinlock Cup) Grand Final - Saturday September 3, 1949 at Narrandera Sportsground
Grong Grong .... 2.2 .. 6.6 .. 6.7 .. 7.9 (51)
Yanco ................. 3.0 .. 4.0 .. 7.4 .. 7.7 (49)
Goals: Grong Grong: McMicking 3, Kevin Cox, Evans, Cecil Blackett, Russell
Yanco: C Dunne 3, C Hopley 2, K Quinlivan, O'Connell, J Coleman
Best players: Grong Grong: Russell Bros., Cyril Absolum, Bill Limbrick, Smith, McMicking
Yanco: C Dunne, J Cleman, A Russell, C Gunn, O'Connell Bros.
Match report: The grand final of the Leeton District Football League's Competition for the Kinloch Cup, played in Narrandera on Saturday last, proved a most exciting match, with football of a high standard. Grong Grong beat Yanco by the narrow margin of two points. Mr. W. Kinloch, on behalf of Kinloch Bros., donors of the cup, handed the trophy to the premiers and congratulated both teams on the excellence of their football. The game was capably umpired by Mr. Towzell of the South Wagga League. The L.D.F.L. once again desires to congratulate the Narrandera Club for the efficient way they carried out the ground arrangements.
SWDFL Round 18 - Sunday September 4, 1949
Griffith bye
Other matches - Coolamon 6.11 (47) def by Marrar 8.9 (57), Matong def by Ganmain, Narrandera 18.14 (122) def Leeton 4.8 (32), Whitton def Junee.
Challenge Match - Sunday September 4, 1949 at Griffith Showground
Griffith 17.10 (112) def Ariah Park 8.5 (53)
Goals: Griffith: Bob Hutchins 6, Ted Feltwell 4, Clive Lane 4, Rex Waide 2, Keith Thompson
Curtain Raiser: Hay Rovers 52 d Griffith Reserves 47
SWDFL First Semi Final - Sunday September 11, 1949 at Ganmain Sportsground
Narrandera .... 3.5 .. 8.10 .. 13.14 .. 20.20 (140)
Coolamon ....... 3.1 .. 5.2 .. 5.5 .. 9.6 (60)
Goals: Narrandera: Don Durnan 10, J Frost 3, F Maxwell 2, R Jones 2, N Thompson 2, Jack Durnan
Coolamon: Jim O'Brien 3, A Williamson 2, M Curtis, J Butler, D Smith, J Scates
Narrandera: Jack Frost (capt.), 'Hopper' Walton, Rupert O'Meara, Fred Maxwell, Les Longmore, Ross Jones, Cliff Hazelman, Fred Aliendi, Fred Kenny, Mac Morrison, Jim Durnan, Don Durnan, R. Tunbridge, Henry 'Blue' Turner, Bruce McLay, Jack McNamee, George Hornby, Norm Thompson, Jack Sargent, Les Nielsen, Pat Durnan, Jack Durnan, Leo Foley
Coolamon: Laurie Taylor (capt.), Jim Bredin, Vic Smith, Tom Moloney, Bernie Bartholomew, Jim O'Brien, Les Gould, Albert Williamson, Bernie Curtis, Hector Eyles, Mick Curtis, John Skates, Merv Iverach, Frank Mohr, Keith Crocker, E Gould, Dudley Smith, Peter Curtis, John Butler, B Smith
Umpire: Dennis Frickler (VFL)
Match report: In the first semi-final of the SWDFL played at Ganmain on Sunday, Narrandera completely outclassed Coolamon and won by 80 points. A large crowd watched the game as Narrandera established a lead in the first quarter and remained it to the end. Don Durnan kicked 10 goals for Narrandera
SWDFL Second Semi Final - Sunday September 18, 1949 at Narrandera Sportsground
Griffith ........ 3.1 .. 8.7 .. 10.9 .. 14.10 (94)
Ganmain .... 5.5 .. 7.7 .. 11.11 .. 16.13 (109)
Goals: Griffith: Ted Feltwell 3, Bob Hutchins 2, Roy Watterston , Lionel Crump, Fred Clarke, Keith Thompson, Clive Lane, Brian Higgins, Jack Taylor, Jack Luhrs
Ganmain: Keith Gumbleton 4, Clon Heath 4, Arthur Roy 3, Arthur Crozier 2, Les Meek, Barry McPherson, Bill McPherson
Best players: Griffith: Roy Watterston, Jack Waide, Jack Luhrs, Jack Taylor, Lionel Crump, Eric Geddes, Jack Collins, Terry Wood
Ganmain: Joe Carroll, Keith Gumbleton, Len Brill, Bill and Mick Carroll, Arthur Roy, Vic Woolnough
Umpire: H Burrows (VFL). Gate: £264
Match report: In a hard, open game, which was in doubt till the end, Ganmain defeated Griffith at Narrandera on Sunday by 15 points in the second semi-final. Over 2,00 witnessed the game and the gate was over £260. The special train from Griffith was almost full before it started and left little room for passengers along the line.
The game was keenly contested from the very start, and it could have been anyone's till the last quarter. With the breeze in the first quarter, Ganmain grabbed the lead 35-19, but with the changeover Griffith forged ahead to lead at half-time by 55-49. Play was fast all the time and the Griffith rucks, led by Roy Watterston, definitely were on top.
The position was reversed in the third quarter when Ganmain added 28 points against Griffith's 14 points. In the final quarter the ball went from end to end, but Ganmain held its lead and gradually increased to win by 15 points. Griffith appeared to tire about a quarter of an hour before the final bell.
SWDFL Preliminary Final - Sunday September 25, 1949 at Kindra Park
Griffith ............ 1.5 .. 4.5 .. 5.8 .. 6.12 (48)
Narrandera .... 2.2 .. 7.5 .. 10.7 .. 11.8 (74)
Goals: Griffith: Rex Waide 5, Jack Waide
Narrandera: Leo Foley 6, Jack Frost 3, Norm Thompson 2
Best players: Griffith: Roy Watterston, Ben Clarke, Eric Geddes, Keith Thompson, Lionel Crump, Rex Waide
Narrandera: Les Longmore, Fred Aliendi, Jack Sargent, Cliff Hazelman, Leo Foley, Norm Thompson
Umpire: E Michael (VFL)
SWDFL Grand Final - Sunday October 2, 1949 at Leeton Showground
Ganmain ......... 3.2 .. 6.5 .. 13.11 .. 13.11 (89)
Narrandera .... 2.2 .. 3.5 .. 4.7 .. 10.10 (70)
Goals: Ganmain: Keith Gumbleton 4, J D Carroll 3, Bill McPherson 2, Clon Heath, Barry McPherson, Jim Talbot, Arthur Crozier
Narrandera: Leo Foley 5, Jack Frost 2, A. 'Hopper' Walton, Fred Maxwell, Jack Durnan
Best players: Ganmain: Les Meek, Mick Carroll, Bill Carroll, Jim Talbot, Len Brill, Clon Heath, Keith Gumbleton
Narrandera: Jack Durnan, Leo Foley, Mac Morrison, A 'Hopper' Walton, Les Longmore
Ganmain: Les Meek (capt.), Vic Woolnough, Keith Gumbleton, Bill McPherson, Clon Heath, Jack Dedini, Len Brill, Joe B. Carroll, Jack McPherson, Barry McPherson, Jim Talbot, Bill Carroll, Brian 'Mick' Carroll, Les McPherson, Arthur Crozier, Artie Roy, Jack Buchanan, Roy Eisenhauer, John D. Carroll, Roy McPherson
Narrandera: Jack Frost (capt.), Leo Foley, Les Longmore, Fred Aliendi, Mac Morrison, Jim Durnan, Henry 'Blue' Turner, Jack McNamee, Cliff Hazelman, Jack Sargent, Bruce McLay, 'Hopper' Walton, Don Durnan, Norm Thompson, Jack Durnan, Pat Durnan, Les Nielsen, Fred Maxwell; Rupert O'Meara, A Tunbridge, George Hornby, Ron Hazelman
Umpire: Dennis Fricker (VFL). Gate: £358/-/-. Crowd: 3000
Curtain Raiser: Leeton Juniors 30 d Barellan 21
Bill Black, Vic Carroll, Ben Clarke, Claude Clarke, Fred Clarke, Jack Collins, Lionel Crump, Ted Feltwell, Eric Geddes, Martin Graham, Brian Higgins, Robert Hutchins, Clive Lane, Jack Luhrs, Dave McRae, Kevin O'Connor, Desmond O'Dwyer, Bernell Parslow, Eric Rushton, Jack Shrives, Bruce Stevenson, Ian Stevenson, Jack Taylor, Keith Thompson, Kevin J. Tyndall, Noel Tyndall, Jack Waide, Rex Waide, Roy Watterston, Sammy Weller, Frank Wood, Terry Wood.
Debuts: Bill Black, Claude Clarke, Jack Luhrs, Dave McRae, Kevin O'Connor, Desmond O'Dwyer, Eric Rushton, Roy Watterston, Sammy Weller.
Final Games: Bill Black, Vic Carroll, Claude Clarke, Clive Lane, Eric Rushton, Ian Stevenson, Roy Watterston, Sammy Weller.
Reserves: Pat Armour, Bruce Bowden, Terry Crump, Vern Evans, Gus Forrestal, Neil Griggs, Jack Kelleher, George Kite, Vic Ledwidge, Hugh McLean, John Norton, Chas. O'Brien, Jack O'Brien, John, Kevin & Maurie O'Dwyer, John O'Keefe, Cecil Polkinghorne, John Sidlow, Gerry Smith, John Turnell, Claude Wade, Marty Wells, Reg Wells, Stan West.