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 1967 SEASON 
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 SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" May 7, 1967 - No. 5 

After a game that was close and interesting throughout, we just managed to outclass the Bulldogs last Sunday.

Sid Robins, once again, was our star, and his sparkling effort won him his second successive major vote in the Co-op- Ernest Hillier suit award.

Roger Thom, who played well all day, gained two points, and Mal Russell recieved one for his lively roving. Wayne Bromley played his best game to date and gave promise of better things to come.

Unable to match Turvey in the air our Seconds, after a good, game effort, went down by 18 points, with Darryl Collis, Terry O'Connor and Ray Smith going well.

The first game of the day, the Thirds, was close and exciting with Turvey under vociferous urging by their keen President, getting home by two points. Amongst our best in the game were Wayne Robins, Allan Hickey and David Forrester.

The after game refreshments provided by the Supporters Club were again much appreciated by all players.

Whilst agreeing with Turvey Tidbits scribe about Ivan Carroll's long kicking ability, quite a few Griffith supporters would have a modicum on Turvey coach Eric White in a long kicking contest.

Notes No. 6 >>>

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