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SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" June 20, 1965 - No. 9
Gissing Oval is certainly not our ground, and our first loss of the season made it seven defeats in a row on that hoodoo ground.
The only bright spot in the day was the impressive performance and good win of our 3rd XV111.
I guess those at Seymour were not the only worried ones last week. South West supporters, too, had there share of worry when, towards the end of the game they saw their team share in a somewhat lucky draw, thus giving both teams another chance. Best players on Saturday were Frank Hodgkin, Bill Thripp and Kevin Kirkpatrick.
It was a different story at Shepparton on Monday, however, when the South West players were much more determined and never looked like losing. It was an impressive team effort with Frank Hodgkin, Vic Hathaway, Noel Anderson and Noel Morrow most prominent, and most of the critics favour the South West to beat the Ovens and Murray League.
Congratulations to Frank Hodgkin for winning a best player trophy for both games - his was a mighty effort.
Our three playing representatives, Kevin Kirkpatrick, Len Sexton and Vic Hathaway, did very well, while Ian Crewes took all honours as an entertainer.