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 1964 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" September 27, 1964 - No. 22 

Today is the day we have been waiting for and we feel confident it will be "Griffith's Day".

We are not under-estimating Ganmain, however, especially as they gave an improved performance at Ardlethan and the game promises to be a thriller and should be right up to grand final expectations.

Our players have trained solidly and well over the past two weeks. They will be fit and ready for the big game.

Peter Morris has certainly realised our hopes as coach and player. He is an inspiring leader and will, by example, keep the players at their top today.

Ian Crewes was off colour at Whitton but we expect him to get amongst the goals and give the squads something to cheer about. Jim Eley says he is doing a "Bluey Adams" and going out of the game with a premiership win. We all hope he is right.

This is the last Aussie Ruler for the year and we would like to commend all clubs for their sporting football during the year and extend to them best wishes for a happy and successful 1965.

Congratulations also to the editor and staff for another good job with the popular "Ruler".

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