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President welcomes in New Season (15/3/55)
Len Polkinghorne opened meeting by welcoming all members, particularly the newcomers to the committee in Vic Carroll and Nace Ryan. He said a new season was commencing and he felt sure the Club was in for a good season.
He knew all members of the committee would do all they possibly could to make the season a happy and successful one.
Players Insurance (30/3/55)
Letters concerning players insurance were received from;
(a) Motor Traders Insurance Co.
(b) Royal Insurance Co.
(c) Empire Insurance Co.
After a close study of all proposals, it was decided on motion of Hugh McLean / Ern Myott, "That the Club take out an insurance cover with the Empire Insurance Co."
Hamper Competition (30/3/55)
Mr. Des O'Dwyer, invited to the meeting offered to conduct a competition for a hamper each home game.
Mr. O'Dwyer's offer was gratefully accepted.
Correspondence (14/4/55)
Hugh McLean / Ern Myott, "That correspondence as read be received and dealt with."
(1) Letter fro the "Evening News", of Wagga asking for details of games each week for publication.
Hugh McLean / George Kite, "That matter be left to Secretary (Neil Griggs) to arrange."
(2) Letter from "Aladdinads" given ideas concerning autographed football prepared for raffling.
Received on motion Bill Simmons / Mac Holden.
(3) Letter from SWDFL asking for nomination and affiliation for reserve grade competition and intimating that delegates pool fees were due.
Frank Ford / Terry Wood, "That Club affiliate in reserve grade competition and payment of fee £2.2.0 and delegates £5.5.0 be made."
Players to be Financial (14/4/55)
Mac Holden / Ern Myott, "That all players be advised they are required to be financial members of the Club at an early date."
Doorkeeper for Dressing Room (14/4/55)
The opinion was freely expressed that too many people were crowding into dressing rooms during games, and it was decided that Vic Carroll would act as doorkeeper to try and control admittance.
Deputation to Schools (5/5/55)
It was decided to try and make arrangements through Messrs., Ron Hathaway and Keith Savage, for deputation comprising Wally Price, Len Polkinghorne and Keith Savage, to visit schools and speak to pupils concerning the playing of Australian Rules.
Reserve Grade Forfeits (16/6/55)
The Secretary asked for instruction regarding action to be taken over forfeits received by team in reserve grade competition.
Vic Carroll / Ern Myott, "That forfeits fee be claimed in all cases of forfeits in reserve grade competitions."
Hamper and Filming of Game (16/6/55)
It was decided that a hamper would be disposed of at the Ganmain game with Frank Ford and Kevin O'Dwyer be in charge of effort.
Proceeds to go to Club and one on day of next home game (Narrandera) go to players for trip away fund with Frank Ford, Ern Myott and reserve grade players to sell tickets.
The President said arrangements had been made with Ex-Servicemen's Club and Mr. Lethaby to film game against Ganmain.
Financial Need (23/6/55)
After discussion regarding finances and accounts to be paid before the end of June it was decided that President approach executive of Ladies Auxiliary soliciting a loan of approximately £80 - £100.
Rep. Players Congratulated (23/6/55)
The President congratulated Wally Price and Terry Wood on representing SWDFL in game against Albury aand District League at Narrandera. He said he felt sure all would agree that the two Griffith players has acquitted themselves very well in the game.
Delegates Report (7/7/55)
Len Polkinghorne and Neil Griggs reported on happenings at SWDFL delegates meeting.
(a) Reserve Grade: New competition had been decided on with games to be played as curtain-raisers to senior games for second half round of home and away games.
Players after playing in four first grade games from the start of second round to be ineligible for reserve grade team but when players was selected as 19-20 for senior team it would not be counted as a game.
(b) Rep. Players: The presentation of SWDFL pockets to representative players was discussed and it was finally decided that pockets be forwarded to Clubs for presentation to players at a local Club function and that players be invited to attend annual dinner.
(c) Melbourne Umpires: Quite a few complaints were received from delegates regarding the falling off in standard of umpires coming from Melbourne.
A list of suitable and competent officials was compiled, and League Secretary was instructed to write to Melbourne Umpires League complaining of standard of umpires being supplied and asking for men on list or some up to their standard.
(d) Turvey Park Club: A representative of the Turvey Park Club (Wagga) was present at meeting and addressed delegates, saying that his Club was anxious to join SWDFL next season.
At the time most delegates seemed to favour inclusion of Turvey Park into SWDFL but the matter could not be dealt with until annual meetings of the SWDFL.
Reserve Grade Guernseys (7/7/55)
The Secretary reported that only five or six reserve grade guernseys were being returned each week and it was costing Club 25/- each week to have these washed.
Ern Myott / Frank Ford, "That reserve grade players be asked to retain guernseys and have them washed each week."
Appreciation McLean and Clarke (28/7/55)
Wally Price advised that Hugh McLean and Fred Clarke had carted a load of sand which had been used to fill in several muddy holes in yard of Club's house in Gunbar Street. It was decided to record a vote of appreciation to the two members for their generous assistance.
Pilfering (28/7/55)
The Secretary reported an epidemic of pilfering had been going on in the dressing sheds.
A close watch had been kept on rooms during training the last two or three afternoons.
It had not been successful, however, but thanks to one of the committeemen, Vic Carroll, the culprit had been caught and he had agreed to return 5 to M. Stephens and to keep away from the Club in future.
Coach (28/7/55)
Wally Price left the meeting and the question of coach for season 1956 was discussed and finally it was unanimously decided on motion Hugh McLean / Frank Ford, "That Club engage Wally Price for 1956 season at same remuneration as 1955."
Schoolboy Coach 1956 (11/8/55)
The idea of a schoolboy coach for 1956 season was discussed and on motion of Len Polkinghorne / Harry Pollard it was decided that the Secretary write to Tom Dungan asking if he would consider proposition and at what fee.
Tullibigeal K.0. Competition (1/9/55)
The Secretary reported that the Tullibigeal K.O. carnival had been postponed for a week and thus clashed with the Grand Final in Melbourne and it had been found impossible to send a team from Griffith.
Post Office Box (1/9/55)
Ern Myott advised that he had secured a private mailbox at the Post Office for the Club and his actions were endorsed on motion Vic Carroll / Harry Pollard
McCann Effort (1/9/55)
Treasurer Bill Simmons advised that Mr. McCann had handed in £25 to the Club as a result of a doll raffle conducted by him.
Moved Bill Simmons / Nace Ryan, "That an expression of the Club's gratitude and appreciation be conveyed to Mr. McCann for his wonderful effort.
Point Posts (1/9/55)
Len Polkinghorne reported that he had loaned the Club's point posts to the Beelbangera Club for use in the (Barellan League) semi-final at the Ex-Servicemen's Oval and on motion Ern Myott / Harry Pollard his action was approved.
Cricket Club (1/9/55)
Terry Wood reported than Aust. Rules Cricket team had been formed and entered in the Saturday competition of the Griffith District Cricket Association. The President said the team had the best wishes and all possible support of the Club. Unfortunately, finances would not permit much, if any, financial assistance but he felt sure the team would be able to carry on successfully and acquit itself well.