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Delegates Report (20/3/56)
In the absent of Dick Bitcon his co-delegate Len Polkinghorne was invited to the meeting and gave a very comprehensive report on the happenings at the annual delegate meeting of the SWDFL.
The chief items outlined by Mr. Polkinghorne were;
Competition to start on 8th April with no breaks.
Turvey Park (Wagga) were admitted to SWDFL.
The Albury & District League had declined to participate in the annual inter-league game, and this would result in a loss of over £100 to each League.
Reserve grade would be played on Sunday's and games would now be known as Second Eighteen competition games.
Melbourne League Umpires would again have charge of all senior games. They had cost the League about £1900 but despite this the League's finances had increased by £300.
Clubs were to nominate two or three capable men to act as umpires for 2nd eighteen games and these men could be registered for sum of 2/6 each.
A Melbourne League competition game would be played in the League area this season and the Griffith delegates had tried hard to get the game played at Griffith but had been narrowly lost to Narrandera.
A motion had been passed whereby the final and grand final had been allotted to Narrandera but it was likely this would be challenged by a notice of motion from some clubs.
The President (Noble Guild) thanked Mr. Polkinghorne for his detailed report and Mr. Polkinghorne left the meeting.
Broadcasting of Games (20/3/56)
Jack Luhrs reported that he had been in contact with the manager of the radio station 2RG (Ray Gamble) and if the committee was agreeable it was very likely that arrangements could be made to have some games broadcast.
The Australian Rules broadcasts would alternate with those of the Rugby games and the cost of each broadcast would be £20 each which could be met by providing ten sponsors at £2 each.
Mr. Gamble had stated that he would be able to provide approximately four sponsors so it would be necessary for Club to find another six.
Announcers to describe the game would have to be nominated by the Club and he (Jack Luhrs) had arranged for himself and Dick Bitcon to do the first game against Whitton on April 7th.
Mr. Gamble had also offered the Club 15 minutes of the sports programme time on Saturday evenings 7.30-8.00 p.m.
The President (Noble Guild) thanked Mr. Luhrs for his good work, and it was moved Neil Griggs / Vic Carroll, "That the offer from 2RG to broadcast some games be accepted and that Jack Luhrs act as the club's liaison officer with 2RG."
It was also decided that the SWDFL be asked to sanction broadcasts and if any game away from Griffith was considered fit to be broadcast the club involved also be asked for their consent.
Lack of Publicity (5/4/56)
As publicity officer, Jack Luhrs complained of lack of co-operation by the "Advocate" in not publishing comments written by him for opening competition game.
He felt it most important that the Club get publicity especially for this first game.
Dick Bitcon said it was a pretty poor show when the first Australian Rules game of the season received not one word of publicity while a practice game of Rugby was given a big write up.
The Club was now giving the Advocate a lot of advertising and printing and he felt something should be done about the matter.
Dick Bitcon / Hugh McLean, "That the President be asked to interview the management of the Advocate and voice very strong disapproval of their lack of co-operation."
Mr. Guild agreed to act for the Club and said he would see Mr. McCudden on the next day.
Lack of Publicity "Response" (19/4/56)
Mr. Guild said that he had spoken to Mr. McCudden on the matter and Mr. McCudden had apologised, offered a lot of excuses and promised to co-operate with publicity in the future.
Programmes (5/4/56
Jack Luhrs said he was attempting to arrange to have programmes containing newsy pars etc., printed and had obtained quotes for 500 from both local papers.
The Area News quote was £4/10/0 plus 12 half % sales tax; while the Advocate had given an approximate quote of £6, which would probably be reduced as the season progressed.
Mr. McCudden of the Advocate had offered to donate a suitable block for the heading of the programme.
After discussion it was moved Neil Griggs / Hugh McLean, "That an attempt to bring out a trial programme for the next home game, that against Narrandera."
Programme "Response" (19/4/56)
Jack Luhrs reported that he had been unable to arrange for extra advertising in the suggested new style programme.
After some discussion, during which Luhrs said he felt sure a programme could be prepared it was decided on motion Roy Taysom / Hugh McLean, "That a trial programme be printed for the Narrandera game. 500 programmes to be printed by the Area News."
Defaulting Player - Part 1 (19/4/56)
The President referred to a certain player, one A. Peisley who had trained and practised with team and had given every indication that he would be available to play Australian Rules this season.
However, although selected he did not appear at the first competition game and had given no reason to anyone for his nonappearance.
It was known he played Rugby on that day.
Wally Price said apparently Peisley, after using Club facilities to get into condition, did not have the decency to inform selectors or anyone connected with the Club that he was going back to play Rugby.
Vic Carroll said that he had spoken to Peisley on the matter, but he would give no reason for his action except say, "that a man can please himself."
Waterwheel Festival Float (3/5/56)
The President reported that the scheduled meeting to make arrangements for work on the float for the Waterwheel Festival Float had been held.
There had been a good roll up of workers on Tuesday night at George Kite's and a lot of work had been done to prepare the float.
Unfortunately, the procession had been postponed on Wednesday, but it felt it would be still possible to have the float finished and entered into the procession on Saturday (new date) providing a sufficient number of workers turned up on Friday night and early Saturday morning.
The following volunteered to work on the float - Friday night: Bill Simmons, Ernie Myott, Noble Guild, Jack Luhrs, Wally Price. Saturday: Mac Holden, Hugh McLean.
Chas. O'Brien also undertook to endeavour to have players that were to be on the float present at 9 a.m. to help with final preparation.
Protest by Narrandera (3/5/56)
The President reported that as everyone was now aware the Narrandera Club had lodged a protest against Griffith on Sunday 22nd April for playing John & Frank Conlan whose clearances had not been finalised.
On investigation he had found that the clearances for five Beelbangera players had not been received back from the SWDFL.
He had done a lot of ringing up and had found the players concerned had been cleared by their clubs, but the Barellan League had promised to inform the Secretary (Roach) of the SWDFL by telegram that all clearances had been approved by his League which according to Mr. Roach would make the players eligible to play against Grong Grong-Matong.
The telegram had been sent and received by the SWDFL secretary on Saturday afternoon prior to the hearing of the protest.
Dick Bitcon, Len Polkinghorne and himself had gone to Narrandera on Saturday night to the meeting of the Judiciary committee and he felt a good case had been presented on behalf of Griffith, but the Judiciary had found against them and further had disqualified John and Frank Conlan until their clearances had been received by the SWDFL.
He felt the Judiciary ruling had been harsh, that the Judiciary had not functioned satisfactory and that the Griffith Club had been unduly penalised by being debarred from playing John & Frank Conlan against Grong Grong-Matong despite telegraphic evidence as to their clearances being granted which was a regular practice within the SWDFL and it had been decided by the delegates to lodge an appeal to the District Council Appeals Board.
He had taken it on himself to contact the Club's Hon. Solicitor Mr. Charlie Olliffe and get his advice and help in formulating the appeal which had been posted to the Secretary of the SWDFL together with a cheque for the required deposit of £5/5/0.
Mac Holden and Jack Luhrs spoke in appreciation of the work done by Messrs. Guild, Bitcon and Polkinghorne in this protest hearing and in lodging of the appeal and a motion of appreciation and thanks to the three delegates was recorded.
Schoolboys Football (3/5/56)
Wally Price reported that a meeting of people interested in Schoolboy football had been held at his house on Tuesday 24th April.
Mr Ron Hathaway had been elected President, Fred Hicks Secretary-Treasurer, and Father Carroll, Gerry Smith, Claude Chapman, Wally Price, Eric Rushton and Neil Griggs to the committee.
More committeemen were needed to form a strong and workable committee.
It was decided to hold a trial game at Beelbangera on Saturday 11th May before the senior game and cars would be needed to transport players to Beelbangera.
It had also decided to write to High School, Primary School and St. Brendan's College seeking permission for a deputation to speak to boys regarding Australian Rules.
Mr. Rushton had agreed to take charge of boys and be more or less responsible for their behaviour and conduct.
Social Committee (5/6/56)
The President reported that a well-attended meeting had formed a social committee.
Mr. Bill O'Brien was president and Wally Price and Mrs. Mary Collins were joint secretaries and a committee of three had been elected, and it was hoped that this social committee would be able to organise all social activities within the Club.
Wally Price said that the social committee were present conducting a raffle - a social and film evening had been arranged for Tuesday 12th June and the Ball was to be conducted on 27th July.
It was probable too that another Sunday night social would be held on the night of the Ariah Park game.
Mr. Guild thanked Wally Price for his report and said that it appeared as if the social committee were well on the job.
Boundary Umpires Payments (3/7/56)
The President said he had delayed speaking to players regarding acting as boundary umpires owing to the small attendances at training but had approached the reserve grade players after their game on Sunday July 1st.
Three or four of the players had volunteered to act and he was hopeful that those players would be available for future games.
Ernie Myott said he was vitally interested in this question and had given it a whole lot of thought. He felt the solution to the problem was to pay boundary umpires.
Ernie Myott / Hugh McLean, That the Club pay two boundary umpires at 10/- per game.
Dick Bitcon said he felt it would be a good idea to pay boundary umpires but felt the matter could be left until next season.
Mac Holden said boundary umpires should be done voluntarily and felt it wold be a false step to offer payment.
Jack Muir also favoured nonpayment saying he felt the Club spirit was very poor indeed if volunteers were not forthcoming.
The President said he felt reserve grade players would co-operate and help with the job for the remainder of the season.
Dick Bitcon said the Club should make some gesture of appreciation to George Coggan for his voluntary efforts on the boundary throughout the season.
The motion with consent of seconder was withdrawn and it was decided to try and co-opt the reserve grade players for the job for the remainder of the season.
Apathy of Players (3/7/56)
Ted Withnell said he was disappointed at the late arrival of the Griffith team on the ground at each of the last three home games and suggested that a definite effort be made to get players on the ground on time in future games.
Wally Price said the players had been instructed to be in the dressing room at least 30 minutes before start of game but he had found it impossible to get their co-operation. He suggested that the Club give a ruling that the players must be in the dressing room before 2.15 p.m.
The President and Wattie McNamara spoke of the apparent indifference and lack of will to win of the first-grade players, both saying this attitude of the players was losing support for the Club.
Chas. O'Brien said it was a well-known fact that only a winning team got much support.
Wally Price said the reserve grade players were much keener and more co-operative than the senior players. He considered that the first-grade team had lost several games by their refusal to fight back when challenged.
The President said he felt the matter could be taken up with the players by the coach and the players representative on the committee.
Defaulting Player - Part 2 (3/7/56)
The President spoke of the matter of A. Peisley, a player suspended by the Club. He found out that Peisley had been informed of everything that had transpired at the meeting (19th April) which discussed his defaulting and had been informed that Peisley's informant had been a member of the committee.
He made no attempt to find out the identity of the committee man as he had no wish to know it, but he was very definite that it was an act of poor principle if any committee man had given Peisley the information and details.
Empire Insurance Ltd (31/7/56)
Some discussion took place regarding the Club's business with the Insurance Company, and the Secretary Neil Griggs reported that the Empire Insurances were regular and prompt in settling claims under the players insurance cover.
However, some of the players were tardy in reporting injuries.
One such case of Mick Newman who although injured on April 29th had only just a few days previously reported that he had been receiving regular attention from Dr. Gordon Oxenham for his knee injury and would shortly be going to Sydney to have an operation for the removal of a cartilage.
After some discussion it was decided that the Secretary write and give full details of Newman's position to the Insurance Company with the object of getting some compensation for him.
Coach Wally Price (31/7/56)
The President reported that Wally Price had advised him that he would not be seeking re-appointment as coach for next season.
He considered that the Club had been very fortunate to have such a man with so many admirable qualities to lead the team for the last two years.
Griffith had a young team and if the players had absorbed any of their coach's gentlemanly qualities, they indeed would be most fortunate.
Ern Myott, Vic Carroll and Hugh McLean supported Mr. Guild's remarks, all saying Wally had given the Club good and true service, had been an ideal coach and had been well liked by the players.
Wally Price replying said he had enjoyed his two years in Griffith and had made a lot of friends.
He had left Perth with the idea of seeing some of Australia and felt that two years with a team was sufficient for a coach.
Mallee Roots (27/8/56)
The President said he had collected payment for the mallee roots delivered to the Ex-Servicemen's Club who had generously paid at the rate of £4 per tonne.
He apologised to Mr. Aub Davis that the Club had been unable to full fill its full quota of mallee roots as the supply had been restricted by the very bad weather.
He had also asked about next winter and had been told by Mr. Davis that the Ex-Servicemen's Club would again take a quota of roots for next winter.
It was likely that they would take more if the Australian Rules Club could supply them and it would be necessary to get on to the job early if were to be a successful venture.