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Saturday, October 6, 2012 at Griffith Ex-Servicemen's Club
Major Sponsors: Griffith Ex-Servicemen's Club & Owen Toyota
First grade

Best & Fairest: Michael Duncan
Runner-up: Che Jenkins
Most Consistent: Matthew Noonan
Most Improved: Dean Crack
Most Goals Kicked: Jethro Calma-Holt
Best Utility (Fergie King Memorial): Toby Blissett
Coach’s Award: John Evans
Reserve grade
Best & Fairest: Jack Tyrell
Runner-up: Cameron Harrison
Most Consistent: Joshua Tyndall
Most Improved: Marc Tucker
Best Utility: Matthew Griffin
Most Goals Kicked: Casey Moore
Most Conscientious Player (Neville Gardiner Memorial Shield): Matthew Hogan
Best Finals Player: Glenn Taylor
Coach’s Award: Ben McRae
Under 17s
Best & Fairest: Alex Blissett
Runner-up: Ben Tarr
Most Consistent: Tom Shannon
Most Improved: Drew Cassidy
Best Utility: Luke Peruzzi
Most Goals Kicked (Brian Files Memorial): Nick Witherspoon
Most Promising Player (Ronnie Williams Memorial): Daniel Peruzzi
Encouragement Award (Fred Owen Memorial Shield): Patrick McMahon
Best Finals Player: Alex Blissett 
Coach’s Award: Daniel Richens

A grade
Best & Fairest: Emma Groat
Players’ Player: Peta Larkin
Coach’s Award: Laura Vardanega
B grade
Best & Fairest: Kayleen Ward
Players’ Player: Lani Houston
Coach’s Award: Kayleen Ward
C grade
Best & Fairest: Reagan Dunlop & Hannah Toscan
Players’ Player: Monique Cusack
C2 grade
Best & Fairest: Laura Favero
Players’ Player: Melanie Bortolazzo
Coach’s Award: Whitney Harrington
Best & Fairest: Maddie Aird & Nicola Robinson
Players’ Player: Maddie Aird
Coach’s Award: Julia McAlister
Most Improved: Macushia Josling
Special awards
Most Conscientious Player/Clubperson (Netball - Bob & Brenda Spears): Hannah Toscan
Most Conscientious Player/Clubperson (Football - Joan Hicks Memorial): Todd Sjollema
Club Person of the Year (Bill Simmons Memorial): Bob & Brenda Spears
200 senior games milestone: Michael Duncan
Life Membership: Michael Duncan, George Duncan & Donna Duncan.


Nearly 200 people turned out to help the Griffith Swans celebrate their presentation night earlier this month. While many awards were handed out over the night, none was more deserved that Michael Duncan, who was presented with his sixth Vic Hathaway medal for the club best and fairest. Duncan, who played his 200th game for the club this season, was also made a life member of the Griffith Swans.

Long-time club volunteer Bob Spears presented Duncan with his life membership badge and Duncan’s parents, George and Donna, were also made life members to acknowledge their volunteer work with the club over the years. A further surprise for George and Donna was the presentation of individual merit certificates and a plaque for 26 years service to the sport of Australian rules.

Special mention on the night was also made to Alex Blissett and Melanie Bortalazzo for their respective under 17s and C2 grade Riverina Football Netball League runners-up awards.

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