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 1986 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" August 3, 1986 - No. 16 

More spectacular than the Royal Wedding, more exciting than the Commonwealth Games, no, not London or Edinburgh but Gumly Oval where we silenced critics and won against the odds including the taunting remarks of Simon Hicks to our captain-coach! The thrilling victory had many highlights including 'Hot Dog' Harry's (Harrington) 50 metre goal seconds from the final siren to clinch the match. While at the other end of the ground our own Randy Andy (Romagnolo) was busy restricting the King of Country Football, the legendary Trevor Sutton, to only six goals, an effort which won him the man of the match award (who was the player asking if there was a Wagga paper printed on Sunday). His efforts were ahead of the Royal performances by Ian Geddes, Gary Waters, David Alpen and Robbie Harrington.

Then the long trek to a distant hotel which many found to be a longer trip back to Griffith. A Mexican affair was added to the night before retiring to the Leagues Club and although Psycho's 'Git Me A Date' service was overbooked a certain player reportedly scored better in the after-hours than during the game.

In the 2nds, congratulations go to Mr. Tim Gooden on his 100th goal for the season. On our side of the ledger, not so good with players absent due to work, it was a gallant effort, especially from Craig Brand and Shane 'Bat' Best. Others to fire up in the game were James Stillman, Mick Thompson and Andrew 'Race Horse' Smith.

The Under 19's had to field a depleted side and also went down. As a noted scribe reported last week it was time someone decided on either Saturday or Sunday games as it has a devastating effect on a club such as ours, and on Romo who rarely awakens before 12 middays on Saturdays.

This week let's exterminate the Grasshoppers. Go The Swannies!  

Notes No. 17 >>> 

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