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 1988 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" May 8, 1988 - No. 4 

Sunday last saw Griffith take on the silver tails from Turvey. The strength and brilliance of the Turvey Park boys in all three grades showed up and we copped three losses.

The Under 18's really tried hard but were just outclassed. All day the boys pushed for 100 minutes and will soon start winning again.

The Seconds went down but had some performers! Tony 'Tangalooma' Pianca was sensational, Lou 'Too Tall' Testoni was a great ruckman, while Roy 'Rooster' Agresta and Mike 'Chalkie' Thompson gave their all.

The Seniors scoreboard didn't really tell the story. The Griffith boys pressured, chased and harassed all day, but the Turvey boys were just too classy. Coach O'Donnell had a million touches, Brendan 'Tricks' Guthrie was always involved, and Craig Maher did well at halfback. The 'grand poobah' of ruckman Dave Johnson won the mug for the millionth time this year for a top non-stop effort.

The netballers remained undefeated with an absolutely awesome display. Paula 'Put me in the write-up' Tyson was great, Jackie Cudmore was a strong focal point at goal shooter and 'Legs' Leonie Gannon did Hicksy (Drew) proud. Special mention: Rachel Agnew who bribed me!

Let's rip into Ariah Park with three wins! Ducky's boys are just about to start an undefeated run to a date in September, believe your trusted scribe!  

Notes No. 5 >>>

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