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 1991 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" July 14, 1991 - No. 13 

I woke up this morning there were no tears in my bed. They’d suspended a man we’d come to love. They’d may have well shot him in the head. Oh yeah, they’d cut Les Parish down. Sometimes I think this League is one big prison yard and some of us are prisoners and some of us are guards.

Coolamon provided a tough encounter with a hard bruising game resulting in a good reward on the scoreboard. James ‘Kellie’s brother’ Bennett received the top award after sizzling performance. A gourmet effort from chef extraordinary ‘Stowie’ earned a second place. Tosco, Panch and Mark ‘Okanelie’ O’Connor also played well.

The Seconds game saw Mr. Parr’s lads off to a slow start but finished on very strong and it was Simon Henderson’s turn to take the money award this week to help him, and Christine celebrate the arrival of their new baby. Now Parrie has only 36 players to go.

Paul Rovere did a Tony Lockett and finish with six goals in a one-sided affair. Butchie Boy, Jason ‘Stewie Lowe’ Vaccari, ‘Birthday Boy’ Fat Cat Hathaway and 'Dippa Dude' Reed all put in fine games.

Who was the well-known footballer who went to sleep lying in a bed of stubbies and woke up lying in a bed of shaving cream having ‘defiled’ overnight?​

Notes No. 14 >>>

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