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 1983 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" August 14, 1983 - No. 17 

Our trip to Ardlethan paid off very well as we came home with three pleasing wins.
The First-grade team put together some splendid football to record a hard-earned win on a ground with more sand mining potential than Fraser Island. Mark Buchanan and Gary "Muddy" Waters won the Irrigana and Record Centre awards and were more prominent that the new change rooms at the ground. Darrell Collins, who was more elusive than a Jika Jika Prisoner. Gerard Toscan, Robbie Owen and Robert Prest played their usual above average games. Congratulations must go to young Simon Hicks who made his first-grade debut to be in the side with his brothers Drew and Tony. A fine morale boosting win which we hope will end the debate we had of being relegated.
The Second-grade win resembled an expecting mother, it was long, overdue and no-one could pinpoint the date it was to happen. Ian Wade, who has had as much luck as Sydney Swans in Melbourne led the charges superbly, but it was Max (a million) Turner who turned in a great game to win the Fred Holt Memorial Trophy. Drew Luhrs played a fine game as well but was a little disheartened as the conditions didn't suit his "lying down Luhrs marks".
The Under 19's struggled desperately to luckily come away with the points. The numbers of errors in the game overshadowed the number of royal commissions being currently conducted. The winner of the Bill Bock award was Jamie Alpen who had more contact with the ball than ASIO has had with Mr. Combe's phone. Graham Lyons, Peter Prince, Anthony Blackshaw and "tape it up" Mick Agnew played good games although the team played worse than Essendon in an elimination final.  This week Leeton, so another trifecta - Up the Swans.

Notes No. 18 >>>

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