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 1994 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" April 16, 1994 - No. 2 

Welcome to the 1994 footy season season - to the players, the committees and supporters. We hope all clubs in the RFL have a successful and injury free year.
We welcome Shane Fitzsimmons at his second attempt at coaching the Swans. Contractual hassles kept him from joining us a couple of years ago, but the past is gone, and he's rearing to go this season.
Good luck to the coaches: Shane Fitzsimmons (1sts), Mark O'Bryan (2nds) and Terry Bennett (3rds). Plenty of experience here.
A new season brings old faces (and bodies) saddling up for another tilt at the windmill, as well as new faces (and bodies) who come to the club - welcome, and good footy for the year.
Thanks to the Exies Club for your continued sponsorship.
Finally, this week's game against East Wagga Hawks sees a new concept to RFL football. Congratulations to the Natural Gas Company for their support of weekly Natural Gas Challenge match.  Carn The Swans!

  Notes No. 3 >>>

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