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 1978 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Sou'wester" July 23, 1978 - No. 12 

By Swan: Alterations at three quarter time with Allan Way to centre half forward and Neil Thompson to full forward made all the difference to our performance against Grong Grong in the last round.
With Phil McGarry thumping the ball out of the ruck and with Glenn "Bulla" Harrison kicking goals from all angles, plus a mighty big lift from Robbie Owen and John "Ducky" O'Donnell, we went to record one of our best fight backs with eight goals kicked after the Magpies appeared to have the game parceled up. 
Allan Way was clearly the best player afield, particularly for the first three quarters when he held us up after we appeared to be dropping.
Whilst we had reason to be happy with our Seniors, our Reserves Grade did nothing to excite us. Clearly it would number among our lack lustre games for the year and some of our boys are simply not doing enough to make us deserving competition leaders. Darrell Collins with his eight goals was the only reason for joy in a game where most of the work was left to the other fellow.
Our next 200 Club meeting is on Friday August 4, and we want your support. Also, Pam McKenzie and her Social Committee has a dinner dance coming up following on the Housie Night last Friday.
We need the Social Committee, but they cannot function without your support - it is your responsibility to see you do not let them or the club down.  

Notes No. 13 >>

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