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 1978 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Sou'wester" August 20, 1978 - No. 16 

By Swan: The scoreboard looked good against Ganmain last Sunday, but we had little to enthuse about with our own play. We looked sluggish, the day gave us miserable weather and the match was a dull drab affair.
However, for the good of football, Ganmain played with a lot of spirit and no opposition should under rate them in the remaining games.
Glenn "Bulla" Harrison was clearly our best player with his strong marking, one of the games joys. However, we continue to make Neil Thompson earn his goal tally the hard way. Neil has given us 26 goals in four games, and we should be using him more fluently. 
Maybe it is no reason for too much praise with Ganmain fielding possibly their weakest Reserve Grade side in years, but our Seconds raced on top class stuff in their mammoth win. Darryl Collis showed a welcome return to the side after missing a couple of matches while we lost our other Darrell (Collins) before half time with an injury after he looked set to return us another big pile to consolidate his placing as leading goal kicker.
We know we face one of our biggest tests today on league headquarters but while we have a healthy respect for our opponents, we also know we have the players material to make it a real contest.
We also take great joy in revealing our Club raised $635.00 to the Johnny Panazollo appeal. We believe it is the biggest single amount provided by a sports club including any Rugby League Club and it shows how Australian football people feel for the unfortunate Johnny.  

Notes No. 17 >>>

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