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 1978 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Sou'wester" June 25, 1978 - No. 9 

By Swan: Impossible conditions last Sunday did little for our cause, but we still had our chances and failed to capitalise at Gissing Oval. Those missed kicks from close in front of goals robbed us of a win in a game where the winners did nothing to convince, they are the rightful competition leaders.

None the less, they showed us how to win the wet ball and how to control proceedings from a winning centre line. Our best was John "Ducky" O'Donnell, Jeff Mitchell, Roy 'Rooster' Agresta and Dennis Schmetzer.

Our Second XVIII went down in their first defeat and were clearly outplayed by a much better side. Glenn Luhrs showed good form in his return to football as did Frank Valeri, Kevin Kirkpatrick and Terry Bennett.

The big feature of the close encounter in the Under 19's was the excellent umpiring display from a 14-year-old David Hill.  The senior VFL guy should have taken a look. We lost the match by a couple of points but both sides played well and our best came from Gerard Toscan, Chris Scobie and Maurie Wood.

Ariah Park today is possible our last chance to stay within sight of the leading four, so it is a tough game for us.  

Notes No. 10 >>>

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