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SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" September 19, 1965 - No. 21
It was a sad day for Griffith at Ariah Park last Sunday, although to lose the two games - 3rds and 1sts - by six points to the good Ganmain teams, which was no mean effort, and leaves still with premiership hopes.
Whilst congratulating Ganmain on their win in the grand main game, we cannot condone the attention paid to some of our key players. It was unnecessary and unsporting, but perhaps the "softening-up" paid dividends.
We had our chances to win, but our forwards had their mobility restricted (good tactics by the Maroon defence), and could not get settled or organised.
Ron Dalla's Whitmont shirt, open to all players in the finals, went to Cliff Hawkins, who was prominent all day, but he must have just photo-finished two other stalwarts - Vic Hathaway and Bob Spears.
Our 3rd XVIII started off at a great rate and at half time seemed set for an easy win, but weakened badly in the third term and could not recover. It seems that this team includes quite a few Saturday nighters.
Our best were Max Eldridge, Garry Owen, Russ Tyndall, Ross Ward and Colin Phillis.
It's Gissing Oval today, but this time it will be no hoodoo ground for us, as we want another crack at Ganmain.