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SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" June 26, 1966 - No. 10
With Len Sexton and John Foley absentees and Bob Little off after five minutes of play, things didn't look too bright for us at Ariah Park, but will-to-win carried the team to victory after a tough game.
The Big Three - Bill Biron, Bob Spears and Mal Brauman - set the pace and the rest responded well.
John Higgins, who came on for Bob Little, turned in his best game to date and obviously has benefited from earlier experience. Bob, incidentally, suffering from a split finger from a kick, the injury requiring a stitch or two, but will be OK for today's game.
The second and third 18's games were also close and hard fought and we had to struggle all day to register the hat trick of wins.
The seconds just scrambled home, with Terry O'Connor, John Mitchell and John Crump playing a big part in the 4-point win.
Paddy O'Connell did an excellent job of umpiring this game, but one out of three for the day was a poor average.
The goal umpires were not over-worked in the thirds game, Griffith winning 4-7 to 2-4. Our best were Phillip Smith, Les Hodson and Terry Overs.