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 1964 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" July 26, 1964 - No. 13 

By Neil Griggs: It was good to be winners once again at Ariah Park and it was a timely win, too, with strong challenges coming thick and fast.

The road down wasn't the best, but only "Silent Joe" Tyndall slid into the table drain and had to be helped back onto the roadway.

The ground, too, as seems usual when we visit the Park, was very wet, but the near-gale dried things up fairly well.

Our re-positioned team went well, with Len Sexton best afield. He is in grand form at present and a worthy leader in the T.V. award.

Peter Morris was always opening up the play and was well assisted by Bill Biron, Vic Hathaway, Ray Davies and Gordon Browne.

"All I want for Christmas is my four front teeth" is the song now lisped by Bob Carroll, thanks to the heroic spectator who "clobbered" him while he was being held after a bit of skirmish near the boundary. The K.O. merchant was discreet enough to be missing after the game ended.

Only comment on 2nd XVIII - how can a team go so bad.

We welcome Ganmain today for the game of the year.

Notes No. 14 >>>

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