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SWANS CLUB NOTES: The Aussie Ruler July 30, 1961 - No 15.
Enthusiasm again was at a high level on Sunday night after our two wins over Grong Grong-Matong, and the players enjoyed quite a few free middies.
The game was a thriller, and the "Magpies" didn't lose many feathers by their defeat, in fact they might have been a little unlucky, if the countless sighs of relief at the siren can be taken as any criterion.
Len Sexton showed how goals should be scored, with a little wind assistance, with several long range goals - one from half-way, with the defence well up-field, was a gem of quick thinking and opportunism.
The anticipated keen struggle between our Second XVIII and the conquerors of Narrandera did not eventuate, as Griffith, with Fred Gambell, Jack Kloot, Alby Sutton and John Forbes playing brilliantly, were far too good for the United side.
Our ground, despite more than an inch of rain, probably provided the best surface of the day, and all players handled well, with some brilliant marking by Peter Box and John Anderson especially, and some neat handball and good kicking to entertain the spectators with a grand game of football.
Winger John Bortolazzo turned in a tigerish display. Always trying, he was seldom beaten for the ball and, in one particular dash, left Peter Box and another opponent spreadeagled on the turf when they tried to impede his progress.
It could be the Griffith players will be in the chips soon for, after their win on Sunday, two good supporters came good with three Opera House and four Special Lottery tickets.