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 1957 SEASON 
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Appointment of Coach (15/11/56)
The President Noble Guild said a special meeting of the committee had been called to try and finalise the appointment of coach for the 1957 season.
Jack Luhrs had travelled to Melbourne to interview several of the applicants, and he would ask him to give his views on the men interviewed.
Mr. Luhrs said on the trip to Melbourne he had encountered a lot of trouble in contacting his men but had an arranged to see and interview Tom Allen, J. Little and Brian Harvie but had been unable to visit J. Harrington.
Of the two men, Allen and Little, Allen had by far impressed him the better. His particulars as given on his application were obviously correct, he seems a very likely type and was very keen to come to Griffith.
Little on the other hand, he believed had incorrectly stated his age and was approximately four years over his stated of 30, and when spoken to had not greatly impressed him.
Of the two men he felt very strong by in favour of Allen getting the position of playing coach for next season.
Brian Harvie had impressed him, too, and he seemed to be of good character and was very keen to play football with Griffith, in fact he Harvie, had travelled back to Griffith with him.
After a long discussion it was moved Ernie Myott / Ted Withnell, "That Tom Allen be appointed coach and that he be advised that every effort would be made to get him a job in his trade as a carpenter with one of several building contractors in the town (Chester and Co)."
Dick Bitcon / Noble Guild, "That a motion of appreciation be recorded, thanking Jack Luhrs for undertaking the trip to Melbourne and for his efforts on behalf of the Club whilst there."

Brian Harvie (12/2/57)
Jack Luhrs reported that nothing further had been received from Brian Harvie and the position was still that Harvie expected the Club to find him a self-contained flat.
The Club had the offered of a house at West End for £4 per week but with the condition that the son of the owner would retain use of one room. K. Cullen was still prepared to give Harvie the job.  Ernie Myott said that he, too, had spoken to Cullen concerning the job for Harvie.
However, he felt that Mr. Cullen had been held up long enough and perhaps it would be better for all concerned if the whole matter of engaging Harvie as a second's coach was dropped. 
In a lengthy discussion several other speakers voiced the same opinion, the general feeling being that Harvie's lack of keenness to come to Griffith was not very encouraging.
Jack Luhrs / Ernie Myott, "That the previous motion engaging Harvie be rescinded and that the Club pursue the same idea and try and engage another footballer under the same terms."


First Aid Men (12/2/57) 
The question of First Aid men for the coming season was raised by the Secretary (Neil Griggs) who said he had been approached by last year's man Jack Slattery concerning the job this year.
Mr. Slattery was awaiting a call to the meeting to discuss the matter with the committee.
After a discussion in which all speakers were in favour of re-engaging Slattery - he was called into the meeting. 
In welcoming Mr. Slattery, the President asked him would he give his views on the matter to the committee and also any information he had concerning the chance of securing another man.
Slattery said he would be happy to again act as first aid man to the Griffith Club but owing to changed domestic circumstances he might not be able to accompany to all the away games.
He had prospects of getting one of Jack Miller, Athol Hillsley or Bob Purnow to assist him if the Club considered two men.
Mr. Guild thanked Mr. Slattery for his help and after Slattery had left the meeting it was moved Noble Guild / Vic Carroll, "That Slattery be engaged at fee of £2.10.0 per week and he be empowered to engage either Miller or Hillsley to assist him at a fee of £2 per week."

Interview with Conlan Brothers (22/3/57)
Nace Ryan reported that with Mr. Guild he had spoken to the Conlan boys regarding their intentions for the coming season.
John was not too keen to play but would like Frank to play with Griffith in a good class competition.
However, some travelling expenses would be incurred and suggested that the Club pay him £3 per week towards some.
Mr. Guild felt the amount was far too high and after a lot of discussion the interview ended with him personally offering five gallons of petrol each week to John Conlan towards the travelling entailed to play with Griffith.
John Conlan had promised to let Mr. Guild know his decision the next time he was in Griffith, but he knew that so far Mr. Guild had received no word.
Ernie Myott / Bill Simmons, "That Mr. Ryan be thanked for his efforts and for his generous offer of petrol," carried by acclamation.

Seconds Coach (2/4/56)
The President said that all now knew that Graeme Wootten had not arrived in Griffith on Saturday, 30th March.
Wootten had rang his home about 6.15 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and had told Mrs. Guild that he had had car trouble and would be unable to come to Griffith.
And in answer to a question from Mrs. Guild, he said he would not be coming up until suitable accommodation was found for him.
Mr. Guild said that Wootten's reference to accommodation evidently meant a home or flat.
Ernie Myott said that he had learnt that Wootten was not a really reliable type.
Len Polkinghorne said he felt the Club had dealt fairly with Wootten and following his failure to come to Griffith at the weekend, he felt no further negotiation should be carried on with Wootten.
Ernie Myott / John Cobden, "The Club make no further approach to Graeme Wootten regarding the second's coaching job."
Noble Guild / Len Polkinghorne, "That the matter of appointing a second's coach for the 1957 season be not proceeded with." 

Schoolboy Football (18.4.57)
The President said a meeting had been held and Mr. Denny O'Callaghan had been elected President and Terry Wood, Hon. Secretary of the Schoolboys Football committee.
A small committee had also been formed and it was hoped to add a few more interested people to it.
The draw for the competition had been made with Griffith playing the first games on Saturday 27th April at home.
Dick Bitcon said an early reply was expected from the V.F.L. regarding proposal to foster and support schoolboy football in this area by proving some funds to assist Clubs in their efforts to organise football amongst the juniors.  

Washing of Guernseys (18/4/57)
Tenders for the washing of guernseys had been received from Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Gosling and Mr. Jim Overs but before they were discussed, the Secretary Neil Griggs advised, up to date, the guernseys had been washed by Mesdames J. and F. Tyndall and he understood that they were prepared to carry on doing them voluntarily.
Mr. Joe Tyndall confirmed this, and it was decided to supply the ladies with any soap, etc., that they needed for the washing.
Roy Taysom / Dick Bitcon, "A vote of thanks be recorded to the Mesdames Tyndall for their valuable assistance." This motion was supported by President and carried.

Player Peisley (2/5/57)
Tom Allen asked for information concerning the position of Allan Peisley.
He understood the Club had something against Peisley, but Peisley was now training with the team, had signed registration and clearance forms and had told him that he was keen to play Australian Rules.
The President said that Peisley had treated the Club very badly last season and it had been decided by the committee that he be not excepted as a player in future years.
However, Mr. Guild said if the selectors or any committee man, that had spoken to Peisley could give some assurance as to his intentions this season, he would be prepared to have the matter re-opened.
Tom Allen and Ernie Myott both confirmed that Peisley had assured them that he was anxious to play Australian Rules.
Noble Guild / Len Polkinghorne, "That the motion debarring A. Peisley from playing with the Club be rescinded."


Publicity and Advertising (30/5/57)
The President said that with the Publicity Officer in attendance it might now be possible to clear up the matter relating to advertising and publicity. He would like the Publicity Officer, Jack Luhrs to express any views he held on to the matter.
Mr. Luhrs said he felt everyone knew his views on the matter and he did not quite understand what the President required from him.
Mr. Guild said some of the committee felt the Club was being forced into advertising in one particular paper and it did not seem as if the advertising was getting the Club any better publicity.
Len Polkinghorne said that committee had never decided to advertise home games and he would like to know who was responsible for inserting the advertisements.
Jack Luhrs replied that the Advocate frequently curtailed Australian Rules matter and when questioned, he replied that they received no income from Aust. Rules advertising and when space was short naturally favoured the Rugby news as that Club were regular advertisers.
He felt the paper had some grounds for complaint and in his capacity as Publicity Officer had inserted advertisements for home games of the Aust. Rules Club.
Ernie Myott / Terry Wood, "The action of the Publicity Officer in inserting the home game advertisements be endorsed and that he be asked to carry on and use his discretion regarding the advertising."
An amendment from Mr Polkinghorne, "That the Club insert no advertisements and give the Advocate no publicity matter," lapsed for want of a seconder.  


Clearance for Peisley (30/5/57)
The President reported that through an oversight on his part the telegram clearance from the Beelbangera Club for Allan Peisley had not been forwarded to the SWDFL in time to allow Peisley to play against Whitton.
He had explained to the President of the Whitton Club asking permission to play Peisley in the first-grade game but when the President had contacted his secretary and the team's coach, permission to play Peisley had been refused.
He had asked the Secretary to check on all members of the Whitton team and it was now known that a Whitton player in Bill Box had played in that particular game while he was ineligible.
He proposed with the consent of the Whitton Club deploring the action they had taken concerning Peisley when they knew quite well that they were playing an ineligible player in their own team. 
Ernie Myott / Bill Simmons, "The President's action concerning Peisley be endorsed and that he be supported in his letter to the Whiton President."

Balls for Training (30/5/57)
Coach Tom Allen said there had been a lot of comments regarding the poor kicking for goal of the Griffith team and he felt it was due to the old football's being used at practice. 

He asked that a new ball be made available for goal kicking practice. 

It was decided that a new ball be provided.

Crowding of Dressing Rooms (13/6/57)
Ernie Myott reported that far too many people were crowding into the dressing rooms and the coach, first aid man and players were being inconvenienced by the lack of space.
It was decided to make every effort to keep as many as possible out of the rooms for future games and on motion Hugh McLean / Len Polkinghorne, "That a doorkeeper be appointed, and it be left to his discretion as to whom he would allow into the dressing rooms." 
Noble Guild / Bill Simmons, "That Mac Holden be appointed to act as doorkeeper for the Leeton game."  

Missing Guernseys (27/6/57)
The President said four of the Second grade guernseys had disappeared at Leeton during the Schoolboys Carnival but there was little that could be done about it now.
Joe Tyndall said that he had been told at Wagga on Sunday that the four guernseys in Griffith colours were being used in training by Turvey Park players and two were numbered 10 and 12.
It was decided to check on numbers of guernseys and if No. 10 and 12 were missing the Turvey Park Club be written to and asked to try and recover the guernseys. 

Donation from Ex-Servicemen's Club 10/7/57)
The President said a cheque for £250 had been received from the Ex-Servicemen's Club and he would recommend that £150 in a Saving Bank account and kept until it was required for a specific purpose; for dressing room improvements and guernseys.
After some discussion it was moved Noble Guild / Len Polkinghorne, "That £150 be places in a Saving Bank account with the Bank of N.S.W. and the account be operated by any of two of President, Treasurer or Secretary."
Noble Guild / Bill Simmons, "That from the new account, £100 be used for purpose of improving existing dressing rooms and the balance be used as directed by the committee." 
Gammage Medal Winner (15/8/57)
Mr. Guild said that before getting on with the business of the meeting he would like to congratulate Vic Hathaway on winning this season's Gammage Medal.
The winning of this Medal, the SWDFL's top award was a very high honour to both the player and his Club, and he would like to express the sincere congratulations of all members of the Griffith Club.
Dick Bitcon, Roy Taysom, Len Polkinghorne, Tom Allen and Terry Wood also congratulated Vic, and on motion of Roy Taysom / Len Polkinghorne, "That a minute of appreciation and congratulations be recorded to Vic Hathaway for his winning of the Gammage Medal."  
Vic Hathaway thanked the President and members of the Committee for their congratulations and said that he had played because he liked to, and that the support and co-operation of his teammates had been of great help throughout the season.
The President said that in addition to being an outstanding player, Vic also took a keen interest in the Club activities and had done a wonderful job as leader of the Club's social committee, and he felt the Club most fortunate to have such a man in its team. 

Dinner and Social (5/9/57)
The President reported that he had spoken to members of the Ladies Auxiliary, and they were prepared to help the same as last year with the proposed Dinner and Social, and the C.W.A. Hall had been booked for Wednesday 25th September for the function. 
Vic Hathaway advised that the Social Committee co-operate with the Ladies Auxiliary in organising the Dinner.
It was decided that full arrangements for the Dinner and Social be left to the Club's subcommittee, the Ladies Auxiliary
and the Social committee.
Roy Taysom made a donation of £3 towards cost of Dinner while Joe Tyndall offered to supply fruit for the fruit salad.

Change of Colours 22/10/57) 
Dick Bitcon said that recently there had been a lot of discussion about changing the Club colours.
While he thought it was a distinctive colour it was agreed that the white guernsey became rather dingy with use and washing and he suggested colour be changed to blue on similar lines to Carlton.
Len Polkinghorne said he proposed to move at the annual meeting that the colours be changed to those of Carlton.

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