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Repairs to Dressing Sheds (18/3/58)
The President (Noble Guild) said Dick Bitcon had approached the President and Secretary of the Show Society regarding the suggested renovations to the dressing sheds, seeking permission to widen the sheds by five feet.
The Show Society Officials had agreed to this providing a sufficient width of roadway still remained and they also intimated that the Show Society would share the costs of the improvements to a maximum of £100.
Continuing, Mr. Guild said he had discussed the matter of materials needed and had made an approach to the manager of Area Builders regarding some discount for the Club. Tom Allen advised that he estimated the material would cost about £150.
Ernie Myott / Ron Charles, "Work on dressing sheds be commenced at earliest possible date and that working bee be held on March 29-30 under instruction from Tom Allen."
First Aid Man (18/3/58)
On behalf of the sub-committee appointed to investigate this matter, Ron Charles advised that he had approached Terry Wood on the matter but he definitely was not available.
Ernie Myott said he had approached Mr. Bill Hardy who although interested would not be available for several weeks.
However, he had asked Mr. Hardy to attend the meeting.
The President greeted Mr. Hardy and explained the position regarding first aid men and trainers in the Club.
They were required to be at training sessions and also on match days and the fee offered was £2 per week.
The Club would like some information regarding training experience.
Mr. Hardy said he had no first aid experience but was interested in sport and had done a lot of massaging on football players in England.
He felt confident he could meet the needs of the Club.
In answer to question's from Ron Charles and Ernie Myott, Mr. Hardy said he would not be available for four weeks owing to extra seasonal work in his employment.
After the he would be back at regular work hours and would be able to undertake the job.
Mr. Hardy then left the meeting.
After discussion it was moved Dick Bitcon / Ron Charles, "That Mr. Hardy be employed as a trainer as soon as he was available at a fee of £2 per week."
Mr. Hardy was recalled and advised of the decision, the President advising him he would be required to work under Jack Slattery, the senior trainer and that he could start as soon as he was available.
Mr. Hardy thanked the meeting and again retired.
Programmes (18/3/58)
Bill Fielder / Fred Diggelmann, "Rules Review style of programme be continued this season."
Neil Griggs said that the account for printing the rugby "Goal Post" was settled with each issue and the printer of the Rules Review would appreciate the same arrangement.
Some accounts from last season had not yet been settled and this was not very satisfactory.
Bill Blair offered to collect from advertisers for each issue of the programme.
His offer was accepted with thanks.
Insurance Fund (1/5//58)
The Secretary reported that all players had been covered by A. M. Insurance Co.
On player, however, Les Borland had played at Ardlethan while not insured and had been injured and it seemed likely that the Club would have to meet costs of two visits to the doctors.
Players Representative (17/5/58)
Jim Fielder reported from a players meeting.
(a) Weekly insurance payments: The players had voted against the 2/- weekly insurance payment but had collected about 17 tonne of mallee roots as their contribution to the payments.
(b) Doorkeeper: The players recommended that there be no doorkeeper and the dressing rooms be open to anyone.
(c) Players Committee: The players had elected a committee of eight to organise efforts to build up a trip away fund.
(d) Pie night: The players appreciated Committee's action in putting on pie night.
The Chairman (Dick Bitcon) said it was pleasing that the players were interested in the workings of the club.
However, he felt that the players were expected to help with mallee root every year but nevertheless their effort was appreciated.
Neil Griggs / Ron Charles, "The motion asking players to contribute 2/- per week for insurance payment be rescinded."
Joe Tyndall / Neil Griggs, "The recommendation from players regarding the doorkeeper be adopted."
Roy Taysom said the President and the doorkeeper Mr. Holden, had acted solely for the benefit of the players and at the request of the players.
Jim Fielder said the players appreciated the idea and trouble taken by Messrs. Guild and Holden to carry it out but they felt an empty room was lacking in atmosphere.
Roy Taysom / Fred Diggelmann, "Permission be given to players to form a committee to organise a trip away fund.
The Chairman said the players should bare in mind that any committee within the Club was directly responsible to the Club which could call on its funds at any time. Tom Allen said the players were fully aware of this.
Reported Player W. Tyndall (17/5/58)
Neil Griggs said Bill Tyndall reported at Coolamon (May 11) had been requested to appear before the SWDFL Judiciary on the previous night.
Owing to the Catholic Ball being on that night he had been unable to attend but an advocate had attended to present his case and after considering the evidence, the Judiciary had issued a severe censure.
Delegates Report (19/6/58)
Dick Bitcon reported that he and Neil Griggs had attended the delegates meeting of the SWDFL held recently.
Chief points from the meeting were.
(a) Judiciary Committee: Despite some complaints the general meeting generally had expressed confidence and satisfaction in the present judiciary committee.
However, it had been decided that if possible future meetings would be held away from hotels.
(b) Boundary and goal umpires: A move to remove the reporting powers of boundary and goal umpires was overwhelmingly defeated.
(c) The League requested that all Clubs endeavour to keep dressing rooms as free as possible of spectators to expedite the inspection of the players by the umpires.
(d) The League also asked that wherever possible sirens be installed at all grounds.
(e) A Centenary Celebration game between Riverina District team and an Ovens & Murray League would be played at Leeton on July 6, and the round of games for that date had been transferred to the end of the home and away games and would be played on August 17.
(f) Lanham Trophy: Mr. Lanham of Leeton had presented a trophy for the best and fairest in the Second eighteen competition.
Voting, which would commence at the second half round - be on the first, second and third basis.
(g) Umpires: If Melbourne umpire suffered injury during a game or could not officiate at the last minute, the home team had to supply the umpire.
If possible and time permitted an outside registered umpire would be engaged and the Griffith delegate had recommended that R. Condron of Turvey Park be considered.
(h) Riverina Team: Each club was required to furnish the names of six players and their positions for consideration by the selectors of the Riverina team.
(i) Match Permits: The major league match permits were not viewed very favourably by delegates.
However, they could not be prevented but a domestic rule had been created which greatly curtailed their use.
Under the domestic ruled the permits could not be used after the first half round.
The President thanked the delegates and Dick Bitcon for his full report.
Injured Player R. Spears (19/6/58)
Ernie Myott suggested the Club make some special effort to help Bob Spears while he was injured and off work.
The President said he endorsed the sentiments of Mr. Myott, any such action was likely to involve the Club in unknown contingencies and would create a presadent for future cases.
Neil Griggs / Dick Bitcon, "The matter be referred to the players committee for any appropriate action."
Resignation of President (19/6/58)
Mr. Guild said everyone now knew he would be leaving Griffith shortly and as he had much to do he would like before he left he would like to tender his resignation that night.
He had always tried to do his best by the Club and the players even if at times his criticisms had been severe.
He did consider it an honour to be President of such a Club and he wished the Club the very best of fortune for this season and future years.
Dick Bitcon said that on behalf of the committee he would like to say how grateful they all were to Mr. Guild for his leadership.
The Club progressed a great deal since he took over. He had devoted a lot of time, thought and hard work to the affairs of the Club and everyone regretted he was leaving but were happy concerning his well deserved promotion.
The Club extended to him, his wife and family all good wishes for the future.
After Game Gathering (10/7/58)
The Secretary Neil Griggs reported that the dressing rooms were being left in a very untidy condition after the gatherings after home games.
Joe Tyndall said a lot of complaints had been made about the noise, language and too much drink.
He had informed the President of the Players committee that he would provide only six dozen bottles of beer after the Coolamon game and be asked the committee's approval.
Mac Holden / Joe Tyndall, "The President of the Players committee be informed that the committee requested that no more than 6 doz beer be dispensed after any future home game."
After Game Get Together (24/7/58)
Joe Tyndall said the players committee had requested a few more refreshments for their gathering after the home games.
With the Secretary he had agreed to provide extra bottles on the understanding that the gathering ended at 7pm.
Schoolboys (7/8/58)
The President (Dick Bitcon) said they all knew the Griffith Schoolboys teams had been both disqualified by the executive of the Leeton Zone committee for incorrect registrations and for playing over age players.
It was felt the registrations had been correct and the disqualification prior to the finals was far too harsh a penalty for playing two over age players.
Consequently an appeal had been made and he had represented the Club as advocate before the Riverina District Council Appeals Board.
The appeal had been upheld and the teams could now participate in the finals.
One player in each team Charlie Head (under 16) and Brian Peisley (under 13) had been disqualified and the Club had been fined £5.
The President said a meeting of the Leeton Zone team delegates had been called for on Monday night August 4th and had been attended by Ken Scammell and Claude Chapman, as delegates of the Griffith Club.
Ken Scammell said he and Claude Chapman had gone to the meeting believing it was for the purpose of allocating semi-finals and finals but the meeting had been a disorderly affair and consisted mainly of abusive discussion of the Appeals Board ruling.
Two clubs had intimated that if the Griffith teams remained in the competition for the finals their team would be withdrawn and most of the other delegates were antagonistic towards the Griffith Club.
After discussion it was unanimously agreed on the motion Ernie Myott / Mac Holden, "That the Griffith Club had no option or desire but to abide with the decision of the District Council Appeals Board."
Wild Ducks (7/8/58)
Ernie Myott said a young lad from Murrami had donated over 30 wild ducks for the supper at the Annual Club Ball.
The lad was very keen on football and would undoubtedly appreciate the gift of an old ball.
Ernie Myott / Hugh McLean, 'A letter of thanks be written to Ian Dahlenburg and a football be sent with it."