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 1988 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" August 7, 1988 - No. 17 

Our dismal run of outs continued at the Lions home ground last Sunday with losses all round except for one of the netball games which was a draw. The Seniors went down by 12 goals after being even early on at quarter time. We broke even in most positions on the ground but lost ascendancy as the game progressed. Dave Johnson was best big man on the ground by far. He played four quarters and was always a worry for the Lions. Ricky Burdett on the wing did well. Newcomer Mark O'Connor stood out in his first game and has a bright future while Ian Geddes, Mal Williams and 'Duck' O'Donnell battled hard all day.

The 2nds were outclassed by the home side in a match that failed to reach any great heights. Justin Barry won the pewter in one of his best displays for the year. Again, the terrible twins, Frankie Morgan and Roy Agresta were among the best players as were Warren Bellincanta and Justin Sanson. - the latter, however, lost a few points(!) on the bus trip home.

The Under 18's also went down in the early game but considering we had the same travelling problem of not enough players - 16 to be precise, the youngsters battled well. Darren Maddison won the best and fairest award, and he was ably supported by Tony Butcher, Robert Knox, Garry Lodding, Scott McCann and although both were injured, 'Moose' Irvin and 'Lonno' Lonergan did their best. Our appreciation to all these young kids who are mostly Under 16's and play both Saturday and Sundays, knows no bounds.

The Netballers had to play two games on Sunday to make up for their extra draw against Tigers who don't have a team. They drew the first but lost the second. The time off between the games had a detrimental effect. Paula Tyndo, J.D.  'I never go out' played well.

The Trivia Night last Friday night was a great success. Don't forget the night at Norma Jeans next Saturday - bring all your friends to Jimmy & The Bobcats.

 Notes No. 19 >>>

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