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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "Riverina Football Record" April 12, 1997 - No. 2 

A successful start to the season with all three football grades winning and the A Grade netball also enjoyed success. The Seniors started the season in fine fashion with a big win. The real downside to the day, however, was the serious injury sustained by Brett Davis. We all wish you the best of luck for a speedy recovery, Brett.
The incentive awards were this week sponsored by 'The Supporters Club' and they went something like this - $130 to Gary Argus, $70 to Jamie Bennett, $50 Greg Collins, $30 to Trevor Clarke and $20 to Dean Jamieson. The mug went to Gary Argus.
The Reserves grade kicked away after half time to record a comfortable win. The awards were $30 to Brent Harrison, $20 to Danny Tuohey and $10 to Adam Sara. The Players' Player Mug was won by Brendan Giason, and the Mugs' Mug by Danny Tuohey
The Under 18's had a good win and although I do not have the award winners, the best players were Paul Kite, David Dunn, Jake Kearney, Rodney Duncan and Mick Elliott.
The A Grade netball had a good win, whilst B Grade went down by 3 goals.
Do not forget that all players must play $25 football club membership at the front gate today.
This week we play our first home game for 1997. It is a must win situation so that we can get as many points as possible early in the year to set our season up.
Finally, everyone at the club would like to wish new player Matthew Hosking best wishes in his recovery from an ankle operation sustained as a result of our first practice match.

Notes No. 3 >>>

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