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Player Records R - Z

Robert RAMSAY*, (1961), 1 appearance, Ex. Beelbangera

Brian RAVA, (1990), 10 appearance - 7 goals

Scott RAWLE, (1999), 6 appearances - 9 goals, Ex. Juniors

Archie RAY, (2022, 24), 8 appearances, Ex Juniors

George REDDING*, (1938-40), Ex. Victoria

Paul REED, (1999), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Trevor REED, (1971-72, 74-76, 80- 81), 41 appearances - 17 goals, Ex. Juniors

Beau REES, (2016), 8 appearances, Ex. Northern Jets

Jamie REID, (1991-93, 95), 36 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Ken REID*, (1929, 31, 40, 45-46)

Michael REID, (1992, 94, 95-96), 27 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Juniors

Graeme RENNIE, (1969), 2 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

G. RHODES, (1988), 1 appearance - 1 goal

Nathan RICHARDS, (2015-16, 19, 21-24), 90 appearances - 32 goals, Ex. Juniors (Giants), GWS 2017, Canberra Demons 2018

Trevor RICHARDS, (2013-14), 25 appearances - 17 goals, Ex. Yenda Rugby League FC

George ROACH*, (1953), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Ralph ROBINS, (1966-71, 73-79, 86), 169 appearances - 350 goals, Ex Juniors, (Whitton 1972, 81-85)

Sid ROBINS*, (1963-80), 317 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Beelbangera-Yenda

Wayne ROBINS*, (1968-71, 73), 74 appearances - 18 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Whitton 1972)

Chris ROBINSON, (1988), 1 appearance, Ex, Waratah Warriors

Eric ROBINSON*, (1931-32)

Hector ROBINSON*, (1938-40, 45), Ex. Mooroopna

Jamie ROBINSON, (1983), 17 appearances - 4 goals, Ex, East Wagga-Kooringal

Sam ROBINSON, (2024), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Vic ROBINSON*, (1927) 
George RODGERS*, (1925)

Ronnie ROE, (1990), 14 appearances - 40 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors 

Harry ROFFE*, (1929, 31), Ex. Yenda, (Yenda 1930)

Les ROFFE*, (1929), Ex. Yenda

Vic ROFFE*, (1929, 31), Ex. Yenda, (Yenda 1930)

Andrew ROMAGNOLO, (1983-87, 89-91), 114 appearances - 83 goals, Ex. Juniors

Patrick ROSE, (2010), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Henry J. ROSENGREEN*, 1938-40

Mason ROSENGREEN (2022-24), 41 appearances - 10 goals, Ex Juniors

Tom ROULENT*, (1952-54), 49 appearances - 108 goals, Ex. Trentham

Les ROUSE*, 1935-36), Ex. Victoria

Paul ROVERE, (1993), 11 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Jack ROWAN*, (1946), Ex. Yenda 1941

Kevin ROWSTON*, (1959-61), 51 appearances - 77 goals, Ex. Barellan-Binya

Jack ROWSTON, (2016-19, 21-24), 90 appearances - 24 goals, Ex. Juniors

Phillip ROWSTON, (1994-96, 98-04, 07), 149 appearances - 111 goals, Ex. Sydney Swans, (Wodonga 1997),  (Barellan 2005-06)

Thomas RUDD*, (1914-15), Ex. Newtown (Wagga)

Beau RUNNALS, (2011), 16 appearances - 62 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Eric RUSHTON*, (1949)

Dan RUSSELL*, (1940-41)

Malcolm RUSSELL, (1966-67), 37 appearances - 109 goals, Ex. Springvale

Ron RUSSELL, (1971-72), 38 appearances - 103 goals, Ex. Sunshine

Shane RUSSELL, (1998-00), 40 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Ardlethan

Tom RUSSELL*, (1940), Ex. Geelong District

Kieran RUYG, (2013-16, 21, 23-24), 48 appearances - 18 goals, Ex. Juniors

Shane RUYG, (1991-95, 98-02), 133 appearances - 289 goals, Ex. Donald, (Queanbeyan 1996-97)

Damien RYAN, (1983-84), 34 appearances - 42 goals), Ex. Casterton

Jack RYAN, (2014), 1 appearance - 1 goal, Ex. Coolangatta Tweed

Jesse RYAN, (2010-12), 15 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Hillston Swans

"Ned" RYAN*, (1922)

Harry SANSON, (1972), 19 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Lake-Burgooney

Justin SANSON, (1988), 2 appearances

Laurie SAUNDERS, (1979), 3 appearances, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Bevan SAVAGE*, (1964), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Edwin W. "Ted" SAVAGE*, 1914-15, 21-22), Ex. Narrandera

Fred SAVAGE*, (1921-22), Ex. Narrandera

Fred J. SAVAGE*, (1934, 38-41, 45, 48), Ex. Narrandera

Kevin SAVAGE*, (1957-61), 37 appearances, Ex. Beelbangera

Michael SAVAGE*, (1922)

Paul SAVAGE, (1971), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Ralph SAVAGE*, (1963), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Rodney SAVAGE, (1996), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Joseph SCHIRRIPA, (2015), 1 appearance, Ex. Hanwood Soccer Club

George SCHLITZ*, (1965-66), 17 appearances - 7 goals, Ex. Leeton

Dean SCHMETZER, (2019), 5 appearances – 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

Dennis SCHMETZER, (1978-79), 20 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Ariah Park-Mirrool

Ernest SCHMETZER*, (1938), Ex. Stackpoole

John SCHMETZER*, (1963-64, 72, 74), 15 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Weethalle, (Weethalle 1965)

Ray SCHODDE, (1968), 7 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Murtoa

Chris SCOBIE, (1979-1980), 6 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Allan SCOTT*, (1921-22, 25-26)

Damien SCOTT, (1989-92, 96-06), 225 appearances - 53 goals, Ex. Girral-West Wyalong, (Coleambally 1993-95)

Jack SCOTT*, (1922)

John SCOTT*, (1967-69), 56 appearances - 107 goals, Ex. Morningside

Harry SEE*, (1951), 1 appearance

John SEIDEL, (1977-82), 54 appearances - 20 goals, Ex. Walla Walla

Steven SERAFIN, (1996), 8 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Juniors

Craig SETON, (2000), 1 appearance - 2 goals, Ex. Leeton-Whitton 

Len SEXTON, (1961-66), 108 appearances, 248 goals, Ex. Berrigan, (Umpiring, Barellan Utd 1970) 

Neil SEXTON, (1980-81), 26 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

Mark SHADBOLT, (1982), 1 appearance

Luke SHANNON, (2014, 17), 20 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Shepparton Bears 2016)

Tom SHANNON, (2013-14, 21), 19 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Juniors

Chris SHARPE, (1970-72, 11 appearances - 15 goals, Ex. Juniors

Hayden SHAW, (2009), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Ron SHAW*, (1937, 39, 45-46), Ex. Juniors

Keith SHEA*, (1950), 18 appearances - 25+ goals, Ex. North Albury

Jack SHRIVES*, (1947-54), Ex. Binya 

Tom SIEGERT, (1998), 6 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Matthew SIGNOR, (1988, 91, 98), 18 appearances, Ex. Juniors

David SIMMONS, (1971-72), 29 appearances - 7 goals, Ex. Juniors 

Rodney SIMPKIN, (1999, 2001, 03-05, 09), 55 appearances - 37 goals, Ex. Juniors

Dean SIMPSON, 2023), 17 appearances, 3 goals, Ex Queanbeyan

Jim SIMPSON*, (1931-33)

Marcus SIMPSON, (1997), 18 appearance - 14 goals, Ex. Tasmania

Balja SINGH, (2005), 1 appearance - 3goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Len SLATTERY*, (1947), Ex. Mirrool

Grant SMALLCOMBE, (1976), 1 appearance, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Garry SMART, (1977, 79), 24 appearances - 14 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors 

Alf SMITH*, (1932)

A. SMITH*, (1954), 1 appearance

Alan SMITH, (1960-63), 55 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Andrew SMITH, (1982, 85-87), 21 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Cecil V. SMITH*, (1936-37)

Claude SMITH, (1965), 10 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Tasmania

Glenn SMITH, (1996), 1 appearance, Ex. Goorambat

Grant SMITH, (1996), 1 appearance, Ex. Barellan United

James SMITH, (2007-09, 11), 53 appearances, Ex. Juniors

John Z. SMITH*, (1936-39, 48), Ex. Juniors

Laurie SMITH*, (1952), 11 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Leeton

Mick SMITH, (1996), 19 appearances - 26 goals, Ex. Barellan United

Phillip SMITH, (1965-67-75, 77), 145 appearances - 161 goals), Ex. Juniors

Ray "Brownlow" SMITH, (1965-70), 19 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Juniors

Richard "Dick" SMITH*, (1932-34)

R. SMITH *, (1922)

Rowan "Hedley" SMITH, (1982), 19 appearances - 15 goals, Ex. Essendon DFL

W. H. "Bill" SMITH*, (1936-39)

Robert SMYTHE, (1964), 1 appearance, Ex. Picola

Glen SNAIDERO, (2008, 11-14), 63 appearances - 22 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Rivcoll 2009-10, Barellan Utd 2015-18)

John SNAIDERO*, (1962-63), 10 appearances, Ex. Griffith Rugby League FC
Paul SPARKES, (1983-84), 30 appearances - 58 goals), Ex. Lake Boga

Dominic SPATARO, (1992), 10 appearances

Barry SPEARS, (1963), 1 appearance, Ex. Beelbangera-Yenda

Robert SPEARS*, (1957-61, 63, 65-68, 72), 153 appearances - 38 goals, Ex. Beelbangera, (Beel-Yenda 1962, Bar.-Binya 1964, 69-71)

Jesse SPENCER, (2017), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Broden SPENCER, (2022-24), 31 appearances - 3 goals, Ex Juniors 

Kahlan SPENCER, (2019, 21-24), 79 appearances – 84 goals, Ex. Juniors

Wayne SPENCER, (1987-88), 20 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Juniors

Simon SPIERS, (1999-2009), 121 appearances - 10 goals

Tom SPRY, (1999) 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Allan "Sandy" STACY*, (1954), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Dennis STAMP, (1974), 6 appearances

Brian STANISLAUS, (1996), 14 appearances - 30 goals, Ex. St Marys, NT

Alex STEVENSON*, (1945-46), Ex. Binya

Bruce STEVENSON*, (1945-46, 48-50), Ex. Binya 

Charlie STEVENSON*, (1925-27), Ex. Hanwood

Fred STEVENSON, (1963), 7 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Ian STEVENSON*, (1945, 48-49), Ex. Binya

Ken "Ripper" STEVENSON, (1961-62), 11 appearances, Ex. Leeton 

Quade STEVENSON, (2021), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Robert "Bob" STEVENSON*, (1925-27, 29-30, 34-35), Ex. Wilga

Robert STEVENSON*, (1946), (Charlie's son)

Syd STEVENSON*, (1939-41), Ex. Albury Rovers

Robert STEWART*, (1931)

Adrian STIBBARD, (1998), 2 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Coolamon

Leon STOW, (1991), 10 appearances - 3 goals

Randall STRONGMAN, (1980), 10 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Deniliquin

Jay SUMMERS, (2021-23), 43 appearances - 16 goals, Ex. Juniors 

Roger SUMMERS, (1993), 2 appearances

Greg SUPPLE, (1990), 1 appearance - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Alby SUTTON, (1961), 12 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Manuka, ACT

Mark SUTTON, (1987-88), 13 appearances - 1 goal

Benjamin TARR, (2013-17), 38 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Juniors

Robert TASKER*, (1937)

Aaron TAYLOR, (1998-99), 9 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

David TAYLOR, (1980-83, 85-87, 89), 86 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Juniors

Glenn TAYLOR, (2009), 1 appearance, Ex. Hay Lions

Jack TAYLOR*, (1947-53), 100 appearances - ? goals

James TAYLOR, (2013-16, 18-19), 69 appearances - 4 goals. Ex. Yoogali Soccer Club

Robert TAYLOR, (1970-71), 5 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Finley

Richard TELFER, (1994-95), 3 appearances

Peter TELFORD, (1985-86), 25 appearances - 14 goals, Ex. Broken Hill

Isaac TESTONI, (2021), 11 appearances - 5 goal, Ex. Juniors

Roger THOM, (1967-68, 72), 51 appearances - 54 goals, Ex. Lake Burgooney, (Lake Burgooney 1969-71)

Bruce THOMSON, (1981), 19 appearances - 52 goals, Ex. Newtown & Chilwell

Malcolm THOMSON*, (1953-54), 28 appearances - 1 goal

Robert J. THOMSON*, (1925)

E. THOMPSON*, (1941), 6 appearances

Greg THOMPSON, (1971-72), 21 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Keith THOMPSON*, (1948-54), 100 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Culcairn

Michael THOMPSON, (1982), 1 appearance

Neil THOMPSON, (1974-76, 78, 83), 47 appearances - 64 goals, Ex. Juniors

Steve THOMPSON, (1980), 7 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Walter H. THOMPSON *, (1935, 37-39), Ex. Victoria

Walter TILDEN*, (1921-22)

Sylvanis TIPILOURA, (1998), 9 appearances - 19 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Ralph TODD, (1973-74), 39 appearances - 85 goals, Ex. Deniliquin Rams

Chris TOOHEY, (2009), 8 appearances

Gerard TOSCAN, (1979-86, 90-94), 232 appearances - 312 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Coleambally 1987-88)

James TOSCAN, (2006-08, 11-19, 21-23), 231 appearances - 212 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Avonvale Heights 2009-10)

John TOSCAN, (1980, 82), 13 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

Michael TOTH, (1982), 14 appearances, Ex. Juniors

George TOWART*, (1925)

C. TRACK*, (1935)

Kevin TRAFFORD, (1985-86), 23 appearances - 73 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Shane TREACY, (1999), 1 appearance, Ex. Lake Cargelligo

Joseph TRENERRY*, (1932), Ex. Hanwood

Tom TREVASKIS, (2024), 2 appearance - 4 goals, Ex Manly-Warringal Wolves

James TREWEEKE, (2023), 1 appearance, Ex. Ainslie

Bert TUCKER*, (1936), Ex. Darlington Point

Walter TUDDENHAM*, (1936), Ex. Darlington Point

Andrew TROTTER, (2004), 1 appearance

Graham TULLY, (2024), 1 appearance, Ex. St Mary's GFC, Donore, Co. Meath, Ireland

Daniel TUOHEY, (1995-2000), 84 appearances, 5 goals

B. TURNER*, (1941), 2 appearances

Kelvin TURNER, (1976, 79-82), 58 appearances - 24 goals, Ex. Juniors

Max TURNER, (1979, 81-85), 52 appearances - 18 goals, Ex. Juniors

Richard TURNER, (1982, 85-87), 42 appearances - 26 goals, Ex. Juniors

Greg TYACK, (2004), 5 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Lake Cargellico

John "Bubba" TYE*, (1975), 17 appearances - 15 goals, Ex. Nightcliff

Anthony "Joe" TYNDALL*, (1940-41), Ex. Mirrool

Cecil TYNDALL*, (1941), Ex. Mirrool

Colin TYNDALL*, (1941), Ex. Mirrool

Denis TYNDALL, (1970, 73, 75), 10 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Joshua TYNDALL, (2012-13), 6 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Kevin P. TYNDALL*, (1941), 11 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Mirrool

Kevin J. TYNDALL*, (1945-50)

Mark TYNDALL, (1982-90), 86 appearances - 7 goals, Ex. Juniors

Michael TYNDALL, (2008-09, 11), 23 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Juniors

Noel TYNDALL*, (1947-57), 100 appearances - 33 goals, Ex. Juniors

Robert TYNDALL, (1954-64), 121 appearances - 38 goals, Ex. Juniors

Wayne TYNDALL, (1988), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors - Griffith Waratahs RLFC

William "Bill" TYNDALL*, (1955-63, 65-66, 68-70), 211 appearances - 158 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Barellan-Binya 1964, Yenda 1967-68)

Tom TYSON, (2024), 16 appearances - 14 goals, Ex. East Wagga-Kooringal 

Jack TYRELL, (2008-11, 13-14), 20 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors - (Barellan United 2016-18)

Glenn VACCARI, (1996-98, 2000, 06), 37 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Hillston Swans)

Jason VACCARI, (1995), 7 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Willem VAESSEN, (2023-24), 15 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Frank VALERI*, (1975-78), 12 appearances - 15 goals, Ex. Juniors

Theo VALERI, (2010-11, 18-19), 44 appearances - 22 goals, Ex. Juniors

Thomas VALERI, (2010, 17-19), 21 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Hillston Swans 2016)

Jason VANT, (2000, 03), 35 appearances - 77 goals, Ex. Leeton-Whitton, (Urana 2001-02) 

Kevin VAUGHAN, (1972), 7 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Victoria

Michael VAUGHAN, (1989), 4 appearances

William "Cocky" VAUGHAN*, (1931-35)

John VICKERY, (1977), 18 appearances - 65 goals, Ex. Kedron 

Peter VICKERY, (1977), 21 appearances - 31 goals, Ex. Kedron

Ashley VERHAGEN, (2017, 21), 18 appearances, Ex. Mooroopna

Dean VILLATA, (2014-16, 21), 15 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Jake VILLATA, (2018), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Ben VITUCCI, (2015), 2 appearances

Ben WADE, (2002-04), 46 appearances - 15 goals, Ex. Juniors

Claude WADE, (1945-47) - Beelbangera

Ernie WADE*, (1961, 63), 9 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

George WADE*, 1932-40, 45-47), Ex. Juniors

George T. WADE*, (1914-15)

Ian WADE, (1970-74, 76-79, 81-83), 180 appearances, Ex. Juniors, (Nuriootpa 1975, Coleambally 1980-81)

Justin WADE, (2009), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors, (Hillston Swans 2016-18)

Patrick WADE*, (1914-15)

Scott WADE, (1988, 94), 3 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors 

Tom G. WADE*, (1951-55), 58 appearances - 32 goals, Ex. Sandy Creek

William "Pouncer" WADE*, 1914, 15, 21-22, 26-27, 31), Ex. Ganmain 1912, (Wilga 1924-25, Stanbridge 1928) - Umpiring

Jason WADLEY, (1990, 94), 26 appearances - 12 goals, Ex. Juniors

Hal. WAIDE*, (1946), Ex. Barellan

Jack WAIDE, (1945-46, 49-50)

Matthew WAIDE, (1999-2000, 7 appearances - 9 goals, Ex. Juniors

Rex WAIDE*, (1945-46, 49-50)

Charlie WALES*, (1948), 2 appearances

W. G. WALKER*, (1935)

Lachlan WALLACE, (2022, 24), 32 appearances - 1 goal, Ex Juniors

A. WALL*, (1934)

Cyril WALL*, (1937)

Darren WALLETT, (1998), 1 appearance, Ex. Turvey Park

John WALSH, (1963-64), 32 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Turner, ACT

Josh WARD, (2005-07), 34 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Ungarie

Les WARDLE*, (1936, 38), Ex. Darlington Point

Gary WATERS, (1983-84, 86-89), 55 appearances - 59 goals, Ex. Echuca East, (Whitton 1985)

Roy WATTERSTON*, (1949), Ex. Newtown, NSW

Peter WATSON, (1986), 6 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Collingullie

Alex WATT*, (1934)

Ben WATTS, (2019), 4 appearances, Ex. Hillston Swans

Allan WAY, (1978), 18 appearances - 16 goals, Ex. Rainbow

Jeremy WAY, (2001, 08), 29 appearances - 7 goals, (Barellan United 2003-07)

Tom WEBB, (2011-14), 30 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Juniors

Gabriel WEETRA, (1995), 19 appearances - 37 goals, Ex. Southern Districts, NT

Sammy WELLER *, (1949)

Roy "Jack" WELLS*, (1941, 45-46), 6 appearances, Ex. Stackpoole

Jason WESCOTT, (1993), 16 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. St Arnaud

Ralph "Stan" WEST*, (1939, 51), Ex. Merriwagga

Tom WEST, (2012-14), 35 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

W. WESTON*, (1951), 2 appearances, Ex. South Aust.

Jim WHARTON, (1966), 2 appearances, Ex. Deniliquin

James WHELAN*, (1937)

Joe WHELAN*, (1930-31)

Josh WHELAN, (2010), 15 appearances - 16 goals, Ex. Deniliquin Rams 

Royce WHITE, (1961), 2 appearance, Ex. Darlington Point

Pat WHITTARD, (2010-11, 14), 7 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Jordan WHITWORTH, (2021-24), 46 appearances - 13 goals, Ex. Juniors 

Joe WHYTE*, (1965-70), 26 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Corowa, (Yenda 1968)

W. WILKINSON*, (1925)

Arch "Bill" WILKEY*, (1975), 15 appearances - 19 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

George WILLIAMS*, (1938)

Malcolm WILLIAMS, (1987-89), 37 appearances - 19 goals, Ex. Ungarie

Sid WILLIAMS, (1986), 12 appearances - 16 goals, Ex. Robinvale

Geoff "Sugar" WILLIS*, (1947-48), 33 appearance - 15 goals, Ex. North Melbourne

Ray WILLIS, (1997), 15 appearances - 17 goals, Ex. Wagga Tigers

Jarred WILSON, (2007), 3 appearances - 7 goals, Ex. Blighty 

Michael WILSON, (2005-06), 10 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Turvey Park

Robert WILSON, (1970, 72), 5 appearances, Ex. Yenda

Tim WILSON, (2006), 4 appearances - 1 goal

Victor WILSON, (1970-), 76 appearances - 87 goals, Ex. Yenda

Pat WITHERS*, (1945-47), Ex. Whitton 

Nick WITHERSPOON, (2018, 21), 17 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Juniors

Colin WOOD, (1972-74), 24 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Yenda

Edgar A. "Jack" WOOD*, (1921-22, 25-26), Ex. Kerang

Frank WOOD*, (1947-50), Ex. Juniors

Fred WOOD*, (1932-33), Ex. Juniors

Jordan WOOD, (2016), 1 appearance, Ex. Ungarie

Maurice WOOD, (1980), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Terry WOOD*, (1947-56), 140 appearances - 65 goals, Ex. Juniors

Peter WOODLAND, (1974), 3 appearance - 1 goal

Graeme WOODS, (1997), 15 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Hamilton

Bradley WOOLNER, (2009-10), 10 appearances, Ex. Barellan United

Robert WOOLNOUGH, (1964-65), 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Len YATES*, (1929-30)

Ted YATES*, (1929-30)

Bruce YOUNG*, (1957-59, 61- 62), 17 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Paul YOUNG*, (1988-93), 53 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Coolamon

Kevin ZUCCATO, (1985-86), 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

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